Figure 15: Graph of Tracking GCoM Position While the
Robot Dancing and Doing One Leg Lifting Motion.
From the second condition, it can be inferred that
carrying out one leg lifting motion will also cause the
robot's body to be unstable. Although the GCoM error
of the robot reaches 34 mm, it doesn’t cause the robot
fall. However, this situation make the robot easier to
fall if there is any other disturbance.
Figure 16: Graph of Tracking GCoM Position While the
Robot Dancing and Walking on Obstacle.
Figure 16 shows that walking on the obstacle will
cause the robot to fall backwards with a GCoM error
around -40 mm. In other word, if the error value
reaches approximately ± 40 mm, the robot no longer
maintain its stability.
This study reveals one method to analyze the stability
of a humanoid robot, which is by computing the
position of the Center of Mass projected directly to
the ground using a Five-links model. Calculating
GCoM has more advantage than only using the angle
value obtained from the IMU sensor, because it does
not only consider the tilt of the robot's posture, but
also the movements performed. Based on the
experiments, the ERISA robot began to fall when the
GCoM error reached the range of ± 40 mm. For future
works, it is possible to apply this analysis as feedback
for balance control.
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