Table 2: Servo Motor Position Testing. (cont.)
9 40
Towards the Container 1
Based on the test results in Table 2, conclude that
the appropriate servo position so that the goods can go
every receptacle prepared without any obstructions are
position 40 degree for the first container, position 110
degree for the second container and position 180
degree for the third container.
3.3 Test Sort Items by Color
Table 3 showt test sort items by color. There are errors
in the red color sorting twice and the green color 2
times while the blue color is 100% running well.
Table 3: Testing of Color Sorting Results.
No Red Green Blue
Yes No Yes No Yes No
1 √ √ √
2 √ √ √
3 √ √ √
4 √ √ √
5 √ √ √
6 √ √ √
7 √ √ √
8 √ √ √
9 √ √ √
10 √ √ √
The results of this study found that the delivery of
goods using a line follower robot still has interference
from the interference of changes in light intensity.
The use of a line follower robot should only be done
in a room with a fixed light intensity. The winding
road can also slow down the time for the line follower
robot to deliver goods. In the delivery goods the
fastest time obtained is 14.20 seconds. In the sorting
goods the system can work well, the goods that are
sorted can be placed accordingly.
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