promote the modernization of government
governance capacity.
Second, update and transform the current
government management service concept. To
achieve such a change, on the one hand, the
government should take meeting public demand as
the starting point for designing smart government
service systems and providing more convenient and
accurate government affairs services; on the other
hand, the construction of smart government affairs
services should be tested by the convenience of
public use.
Third, establish a new responsibility and
incentive mechanism. There are three main points:
First, in response to the new background of smart
government, new division of responsibilities for
government departments and their staff should be
added to supplement and improve the existing
functions. Second, to change the existing
performance-oriented phenomenon of smart
government, provincial governments should set up
evaluation criteria based on the development goals
of local government, and promote the construction
of smart government by establishing a performance
evaluation mechanism that integrates construction,
evaluation, and improvement. Third, on the basis of
the assessment to establish a corresponding
incentive mechanism, according to the assessment of
the construction of smart government and the
situation to determine the direction, strength and
structure of the investment of funds to stimulate the
enthusiasm of government departments at all levels
to continuously improve their own construction.
6.2 Strengthen The E-Government
Regulatory System and
Information Security Construction
The Internet is not a place outside the law. At
present, the Chinese government is lagging behind
in the laws and regulations related to data sharing
and business collaboration, and there is an urgent
need to build a legal protection system suitable for
the construction of smart government in China. In
the context of "management and service", we should
improve the legal system and system of smart
government from three aspects.
First, we should pay close attention to the trend
of information security of smart government affairs,
combine the practical application of China's smart
government affairs, clarify the concept of
information security of government, establish the
corresponding principles of protecting information
security of smart government affairs, and start the
legislative work to clarify the protection object,
protection scope, protection mode, emergency
measures, relief ways and accountability mechanism
of information security. Joint universities, research
institutes and other research institutions to establish
a legal framework for information security of smart
government affairs services, including pre, during
and post response strategies.
Secondly, promote the revision of relevant laws,
change the focus to the direction of information
security management of smart government affairs
services establish the concept of whole process
management of government information, the whole
process of leaving traces, electronic signature
authorization, etc., and modify or repeal the original
corresponding provisions. For the collection of
government information, the scope of archiving,
authority, duration, destruction, etc. should be
redefined and standardized, and on this basis, fully
assess the risk of information security and clarify the
emergency measures for adverse consequences. By
clarifying the basis of punishment, penalty standards
and other contents, the implementation of
information protection should be strengthened in
order to guarantee the absolute security of
government information to the maximum extent.
Third, improve the legal system and rule of law
the information security prevention and control. The
legal status of information security should be
improved, and the introduction of administrative
regulations on information security should be
accelerated. In addition, the legal gaps of
information security of government affairs, such as
the emerging concept of information security of
smart government affairs affairs, constitutive
elements, regulatory procedures and conditions,
legal responsibilities and penalties, etc. should be
supplemented and improved. Finally, the
construction path of "current law revision + future
special chapter legislation" will be formed to
promote the establishment of information security
legal system in a gradual and hierarchical manner
and realize the rule of law of information security
(Gai 2021, Niu 2021).
6.3 Pay Attention to The Introduction
and Training of Digital Talents
Whether it is developing 5G technology or building
a digital nation, excellent digital talent is the basic
guarantee for its continuity. Digital talent is the
foundation for building smart cities and digital
government. Cultivating digital talents is a
systematic process: