organizations (Liu, Wang, 2013; Liu, Zhang, 2013)
and have not investigated the cross-regional network
relationships of charitable organizations. Through the
construction of urban agglomerations based on econ-
omies of scale, it can both break through the admin-
istrative boundaries of a single city and improve the
comprehensive carrying capacity of the urban ag-
glomeration to realize the integrated development of
the regional economy (Yan, 2021).
With the progress of transportation facilities, the
time distance between cities is greatly reduced, so that
the elements between cities can flow freely, and then
the optimal state of resource allocation can be
achieved (Li, 2018). The rise of urban agglomeration
further promotes the rapid improvement of enterprise
competitiveness and even the regional economic level
through various spillover effects such as agglomera-
tion (Liu, 2021). It can be seen that the spatial corre-
lation effect plays an important role in understanding
the geographic distance between different cities in the
process of contemporary globalization (Ke, 2010).
The characteristics above require researchers to
fully consider the spatial effects of urban agglomera-
tion construction when examining the factors that af-
fect the quality of information disclosure by charita-
ble organizations and adhere to the research idea of
combining territorial characteristics and regional
linkages in the process of researching information
disclosure by charitable organizations, thereby en-
hancing the robustness of the analysis results. Neo-
classical growth theory emphasizes the impact of fac-
tor input on economic growth (Solow, 1957). How-
ever, based on the defects of the factor input-driven
growth model, new growth theory and new economic
geography theory began to pay more attention to the
impact of industrial agglomeration and its externali-
ties and knowledge spillovers on enterprise growth
(Krugman, 1991). Therefore, this paper proposes the
following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: The higher the information disclo-
sure quality of the Red Cross in the central city, the
higher the information disclosure quality of the Red
Cross in non-central city charitable organizations in
the same urban agglomeration.
At present, urban agglomerations in China have
become an extension of local public affairs manage-
ment (Suo, 2021), and intergovernmental collabora-
tion has expanded the function of urban agglomera-
tion construction. Mumford pointed out that, if eco-
nomic development wants to do better, it is necessary
to establish a regional authority with legal qualifica-
tions, planning, and investment power. The local gov-
ernments in the city group that maintain good com-
munication and coordination actually act as the re-
gional coordinating authority mentioned above. From
the perspective of public management, the more co-
operation among local governments in urban agglom-
erations, the more they can learn and exchange public
affairs management experience and learn from each
other's strengths. Therefore, this paper proposes the
following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2: The more inter-governmental col-
laboration and interaction, the more significant the
spatial spillover effect of the quality of information
disclosure of the Red Cross in central cities.
3.1 Sample Data Sources and Variable
3.1.1 Explained Variable: The Quality of In-
formation Disclosure by The Red Cross
of The Non-Central Cities
We use four measurement methods to evaluate the
quality characteristics of information disclosure of
anti-epidemic funds and materials by the Red Cross
of non-central cities. (1) Timeliness of daily disclo-
sure (Daily_Disclosure_Non-central), it takes 1 for
daily disclosure, otherwise 0. (2) Relevance of re-
ceived donation information (Detailed_Re-
ceive_Non-central), it takes 1 if receiving information
of donated materials is specific to the date, the names
of the donors and the amount of donations, otherwise
0. (3) Relevance of the use of donations (De-
tailed_Dispatch_Non-central), it takes 1 if usage in-
formation of donated materials is specific to the date,
the names of the donees and the amount of donations,
otherwise 0. (4) Intelligibility of the information (Lit-
eral_Interpretation_Non-central), it takes 1 if the title
of the disclosure clearly indicates "Fund Raising for
Fighting COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Con-
trol", otherwise 0.
3.1.2 Explanatory Variables: The Quality of
Information Disclosure by The Red
Cross in The Central Cities.
We use four similar measurement methods to evalu-
ate the quality characteristics of information disclo-
sure of anti-epidemic funds and materials by the Red
Cross of the central cities. Refer to the above.