D-criterion does not change significantly, on the con-
trary, the sample num under U-criterion changes sig-
nificantly, especially the num of point (1, 1) decreases
with the increase of the value of 𝛼. The results show
that U-criterion has a more obvious influence on the
value change.
3.2 Model to Evaluate
The coefficients specified are taken from previous ex-
perimental results; therefore, ALT protocol with as-
sumed model coefficients needs to be evaluated. The
previous scheme assumes that the real value of stress
coefficient is not more than ±20% away from the set
value. In this paper, Monte Carlo technology is used
to analyze the uncertainty of the model coefficient,
calculate the fluctuation range of the error, and verify
the robustness in reverse.
The Monte Carlo technique uses repeated random
sampling method to obtain numerical results, which
is beneficial to the processing of complex tests. First,
specify the right censored data type, input the sample
size, expectation matrix, linear predictor coefficient
and other relevant variables; Secondly, the GLM was
fitted to obtain the values in the model matrix. Fi-
nally, Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the
intercept term, temperature coefficient 𝑥
, humidity
coefficient 𝑥
, and interaction coefficient 𝑥
the linear predictor given the values of the running
matrix and the statistical model fitted to the data. The
expected test result is (0, 0, 0, 0). The actual test re-
sults are as follows: the intercept term change rate is
19.65%, 𝑥
is 19.27%, 𝑥
is 19.95%, 𝑥
19.17%. The test results show that the change rate of
each coefficient is less than 20%, thus, the error rate
of the test scheme is acceptable. The coefficients in
the linear predictor vary within the range, which will
not affect the operation of the test scheme, and the
scheme is still robust.
In this paper, we discuss the ALT scheme based on
optimal criteria in the framework of GLM with right
censored data. However, the method of parameter es-
timation is based on determining the failure data dis-
tribution, and the parameters are fixed. In fact, in
many cases, the failure data are limited or non-exist-
ent, which makes it difficult to determine the data dis-
tribution. In this case, the Bayesian method is an op-
tion. In the following research, when the failure data
are interval censored, Bayesian method is used to ob-
tain the posterior distribution according to the prior
estimation of parameters, so as to reduce the depend-
ence of model parameters.
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