5.6 The Confirmation of Costing
Objectives and Costing Period
5.6.1 Costing Objectives
The product costs of software enterprises can be
mainly divided into the costs before and after the
project establishment. Without project establishment
in the development of software products, there will
be great uncertainty and no specific object for cost
accounting, which is then uniformly grouped into
the R&D cost. After the software products are estab-
lished, the analysis of production costs will be car-
ried out according to the product batch dominated
by the production of a single piece and a small
batch. In this way, the object of costing is the prod-
uct batch.
5.6.2 Costing Period
The production of software enterprises, given the
development size, can be concluded as small pro-
jects and large projects. While for small projects
with production cycles not too long, the costs in-
curred can be carried forward in the month. For
large projects with inter-year production cycles, the
costs should be calculated according to the percent-
age of completion.
5.7 The Arrangement of Costing
5.7.1 The Arrangement of General Accounts
In order to meet the cost accounting needs of soft-
ware enterprises, "technology development cost,"
"technical service cost," and several "activity cost"
general accounts are set. The "technology develop-
ment cost" account is used to collect the costs of
technology development projects, the "technology
service cost" account to collect the costs of technol-
ogy service projects, and the "activity cost" account
to collect the costs incurred for the activity.
5.7.2 The Arrangement of Subsidiary
The subsidiary accounts of software enterprises are
determined by the general accounts, and the specific
settings are as follows.
The arrangement of "technology development
cost" and "technology service cost" subsidiary ac-
counts: to set up secondary subsidiary accounts ac-
cording to each division, establish columns accord-
ing to cost items, and generally set up tertiary sub-
sidiary accounts given R&D projects, the specific
items of which include labor cost, depreciation fee,
travel expense, information service cost, water
charge, electricity, property management fee, net-
work service fee and other costs.
The arrangement of "activity cost" subsidiary
accounts: to set up secondary subsidiary accounts
according to each division under the general account
of "activity cost," establish columns according to
cost items, and generally set up tertiary subsidiary
accounts given each activity, the specific items of
which include labor cost, depreciation fee, travel
expense, information service cost, water charge,
electricity, property management fee, network ser-
vice fee and other costs.
In the era of big data, it remains an urgent problem
for software enterprises to scientifically conduct cost
accounting, improve cost control and make accurate
decisions. However, most software enterprises cur-
rently suffer from problems such as simple account-
ing, too simplex standards for indirect cost alloca-
tion, and inaccurate cost accounting. Therefore, it is
especially important to design a scientific and rea-
sonable cost accounting system for software enter-
prises against the background of big data analysis.
This paper applies the accounting principle of activ-
ity-based costing to design a set of activity-based
cost accounting systems for software enterprises in
terms of identifying activities and activity centers,
confirming resource costs, selecting resource drivers
and activity drivers, determining costing objects and
costing periods, and setting accounts, which aims to
improve the costing accuracy, upgrade the level of
cost management, and boost the development of
software enterprises.
This paper belongs to one of the periodical results of
the research project Research on the Design of Ac-
tivity-based Costing Accounting System for Software
Industry (NGY2018-171), funded by Ningxia High-
er Education Scientific and Technological Research.