Along with the rapid development of technology,
many studies have been carried out to develop student
service systems. There are various technologies and
methods used to optimize the student service system.
Among them is the collaboration between chatbots
and digital signage to assist students in obtaining
information related to lecture schedules, seminars,
and alerts that can be obtained through digital boards
and chatbots. While the proposed methods in
optimizing student service systems include the K-
Nearest Neighbor method with the dataset used is
FAQ data which allows the system to find answers to
questions asked by users via chatbots. The method
that has also been proposed in previous research is
context recognition implemented on chatbot with the
dataset used is new student admissions data, thus
enabling the system to provide answers to questions
related to new student admissions submitted via chat.
The objective of this research that will be carried
out is to implement named entity recognition method
on chatbot system to provide student services related
to schedule information, attendance recap, grades,
and academic regulations. The major contribution of
this research is to model the chatbot system to help
student get the academic information based on
proposed named entity recognition method.
Student services is one of the important sectors in the
implementation of education. Student can found out
the information related to their study through such as
schedules, lectures, and grades through student
services. Many researchers have conducted research
to improve student services system. Rio Junardi et al
discussed Chatbot Messenger and digital signage
providing academic information services. On digital
signage, information will be displayed such as lecture
schedules, result seminar schedules, and a
comprehension test schedule. In addition, profiles of
universities are also displayed as well as several
pictures of documentation of activities that have been
carried out by these universities. While the chatbot
system can be used to request academic information
services according to requests by users. Users can
type keywords according to the requested data such
as location, lecturer, or study program. The chatbot
will then provide data according to the keywords
provided by the user.
Kristian Adi Nugraha et al from Duta Wacana
sChristian University discuss how to build a chatbot
to process academic services using the K-Nearest
Neighbor method. The chatbot application was built
to overcome the problem of decreasing customer
service performance due to the limited number of
employees or staffs serving. In addition, it also
overcame problems related to FAQs that were
previously implemented to reduce the customer
service workload but made it difficult for users to find
the list of FAQs needed. Through this chatbot, users
can send questions via chat applications using free
language and without a certain format. This chatbot
uses the K-Nearest Neighbor method which has been
widely implemented to solve problems related to text
classification. From this method, answers are taken
from the database based on similar questions asked.
Marwan Noor Fauzy et al from Amikom
University Yogyakarta propose the academic
information service chatbot by using the fuzzy string
matching method. The chatbot system in this research
is web based and built by using PHP and MySQL
database. To ask a question, the user can first access
the web then a conversation form and login form will
appear. Users are required to login first before asking
questions. After the user sends a question, the system
will recognize it as input data. Then from the data, the
keywords will be searched in it. If the keyword has
been found, it will be matched with the data
dictionary that has been previously defined using
Fuzzy String Matching. Through this method,
answers will be obtained based on keywords found
from user input.
Rico Arisandy Wijaya build a web service chatbot
system by using context recognition and binary
cosine similarity methods. The source of data used as
a knowledge base in this study is information related
to PMB PENS and a list of several questions that may
be asked by users related to PMB PENS. In the
system built, questions from ussers will be processed
by using text mining. Then from the input sentence,
only a few keywords will be taken according to what
is needed through the context recognition process.
This process can speed up the calculation process to
find answers using cosine similarity.
In this article there are several informations or
uniqueness compared to the related researches
mentioned above. This research implement named
entity recognition method to provide student services
using chatbot technology which allow students of
Electronic Engineering Polyechnic Institute of
Surabaya to ask several information about academic
regulations, recap attendances, schedules, and grades.
This research was conducted to develop a chatbot