restoration status, which leads to the choice of
indicators like “Green coverage rate in built-up
areas (%)” and “The total quantity of marine fishery
products per year (tons)”. Concentrating on
demonstrating urban characteristics, the indicator
systems in the study can help improve Xiamen’s
distinctiveness, which prevents Xiamen from
developing homogeneously. In brief, this superiority
promotes the assessment and the development of
urban sustainability in Xiamen.
3) Superiority in applying the SDGs. In
addition, the indicator systems in the study are more
effective in exploiting the advantages of SDGs to
the full than older studies. The study uses two
approaches to achieve that. First, the study utilizes
the practicable and advanced indicators SDGs
framework brought about. For example, scholars
tend to use traditional indicators like “Urban area
per capita (m2)”. However, this study uses
SDG11.3.1 “The ratio of land consumption rate to
the population growth rate (%)”. SDG11.3.1, which
demonstrates sustainable urbanization and capacity
for participatory, is more advanced and precise than
traditional indicators. Second, this study uses part of
the SDGs rather than all SDGs. While the SDGs
interact with each other (
Pradhan, et al. 2017
using all SDGs may make the assessment results
ambiguous and confusing. In the study, only SDG3,
6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15 are used in building indicator
systems, making the indicator systems clear and
comprehensive. In short, applying SDGs provides
Xiamen with more advanced indicators. As a result,
it has advantages in helping Xiamen realize the
international urban sustainability standards.
In conclusion, contrary to the older indicator
systems, the indicator systems in this study are more
applicable to Xiamen and are better at measuring
urban sustainability. Therefore, the indicator
systems in the study can promote sustainable urban
development in Xiamen.
3.4 Interpretation
As discussed above, the indicator systems in the
study can be applied to various circumstances to
improve the sustainable urban development of
Xiamen. Research institutes can use the framework
and indicator systems to produce objective
assessment reports. An official report may be
confusing in China as the report states that the
development is sustainable and positive. At the
same time, the phenomena observed in the city
suggest it is not the case. This is because the
government prefers to choose indicators that can
highlight development achievements, neglecting the
potential problems that occurred during
development. A report from research institutes can
reduce issues like these, expose the problems
Xiamen has, and objectively reflect urban
sustainability status.
Consequently, the framework and indicator
systems can provide accurate data for the city
managers, which has significance for promoting the
urban sustainability of Xiamen. With these data, city
managers can manage urban resources effectively,
formulate better urban planning, and guide the
upgrading of Xiamen’s urban construction (
Ma, Zhao 2014
). Furthermore, the assessment
produced by the framework in the study let the
public know the urban sustainability status of
Xiamen. In general, China has a low public
engagement of participating the sustainability
supervision (
Shen, Zhou 2014
), result from the
asymmetric information between the public and the
government. The assessment report based on the
framework in the study can compensate for the
information gap, enhance public participation, and
provide favorable suggestions for the realization of
urban sustainability from the perspective of urban
planning, construction, and management.
This paper promoted urban sustainability assessment
in China by structuring an adaptive assessing
framework and the following indicator systems. In
summary, the study used the cosmos model and the
coupling coordination model to redevelop an
assessment framework and indicator systems of
urbanization and the environment for Xiamen. The
assessing framework and indicator systems
compensate for the withdraws of the old ones –
inadequate indicator number and deficiency in
evaluating the two goals of urban sustainability.
Compared with the older ones, the framework and
indicators proposed in the paper promote the urban
sustainability of Xiamen in three ways, namely
improving the capability of detecting problems,
embodying urban characteristics, and utilizing the
advantages of SDGs. Furthermore, by improving
urban sustainability assessment, the study urges
Xiamen to develop sustainably. It is because these
findings are practicable for research institutes to
provide assessment reports and urban sustainability
data. These data are crucial for urban managers and
the public to enhance urban sustainability, because
they use the data as the reference to improve urban