The Analysis of Tensile Strength of High-Density Polyethylene for
I Putu Arta Wibawa, Kharis Abdullah
, Sumardiono, Abdul Gafur,
Eriek Wahyu Restu Widodo
and Zaini Aris Musthofa
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: HDPE, Ship, Tensile Strength.
Abstract: Since years ago, ships have been made using various types of materials. The materials that be used, such as
wood, steel, aluminium, and others. However, some of materials still have disadvantages, such as easily
weathered, unrecyclable, and expensive. There is still a need for alternative materials that are cheap and
environmentally friendly. HDPE can be used as an alternative because it has the above characteristics. It is
necessary to analyse its mechanical properties first before applicated because of related to the strength of the
material. One of its mechanical properties is tensile strength. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyse
the mechanical properties of HDPE by testing. This research was conducted to determine the mechanical
properties of tensile testing for the three brands of HDPE which were applied as the basic material for
shipbuilding by referring to the Turk Loydu acceptability standard. The HDPE material was processed into
test specimens and tested for tensile strength. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the highest
mechanical properties of HDPE material were obtained, ultimate tensile strength and yield strengths of 32.7
and 26.89 MPa (Local HDPE), respectively. Fracture tensile strength and maximum strain of 29.60 MPa and
46.92% (HDPE ROCHLING), respectively. While the strain at yielding point was 2.39% (HDPE AGRU).
Based on the acceptance standards of Turk Lyodu, HDPE ROCHLING could be used as a basic material for
shipbuilding in terms of the acceptability of mechanical properties after tensile testing.
Along with the development of technology, various
types of materials have been used as basic materials
for shipbuilding. The materials that have been used
are wood, steel, aluminium, and fiberglass. Some of
the above materials still have weaknesses, such as
wood that is easily weathered, steel and aluminium
which are expensive, or fiberglass which
unrecyclable. Meanwhile, currently the use of
materials that are durable, environmentally friendly,
and has an economical price is a new concern for ship
owners. Thus, from these problems, other alternative
materials are still needed that can be applied as basic
materials for shipbuilding.
HDPE (high density polyethylene) can be an
alternative base material for shipbuilding. Currently,
more than 70% of the plastics produced or used by the
community are Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene
(PP), Polystyrene (PS), and Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) so that many or even most of the current
studies and research must relate to these four the type
of polymer (Praputri et al, 2016). HDPE has
characteristics which is durable against aging and
corrosion, and recyclable (Siswandi, 2016). Before
applied as a ship structural material, it was necessary
to know in advance about the physical and
mechanical properties of HDPE. Mechanical
properties describe the characteristics of the material
when it is subjected to loading.
Knowing the mechanical properties of HDPE
were certainly related to the strength of the material.
The strength of a material is needed to determine the
level of resistance of the material to deformation that
occurs due to loading. As for one of the mechanical
properties that need to be known, namely tensile
strength (tensile strength). Tensile strength can be
generated through a series of tensile tests (tensile