The cradle is designed with ASTM 36 Steel material
with 6 different models, where in the analysis results
the six models are in the conditions allowed by
regulation. of the six models, model 3 has a relatively
lower stress value than all models with a value of
0.098 N/mm
and also has a relatively lower
displacement value than all models with a value of
0.005 mm. So that model 3 has a tendency to be used
as a reference model in making the cradle because it
has a higher strength than all the models made.
The 3rd concept cradle is made in the form of a
girder I shape. This concept shoes sled is given a
reinforcement construction with a square box pattern
made of 12 mm thick plate and for the middle
reinforcement made of 10mm thick plate, both of
which have been adjusted to the position of the welder
during welding.
The author is grateful to the lecturers colleague of the
Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya for all
the knowledge sharing, especially in the design and
analysis of finite elements to carry out this research
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