based computer games in promoting students'
motivation to learn (Herumurti, Kuswardayan,
Khotimah, Yunanto, & Yusuf, 2019). Digital game-
based learning has been considered as a very potential
issue among various approaches in the development
of learning technology (Herumurti, Yuniarti,
Rimawan, & Yunanto, 2019 ). In addition, the games
being developed today also apply modern
technologies such as artificial intelligence,
computational intelligence, text processing, virtual
reality, and game simulation (Kuswadayan, et al.,
Since the era of globalization that has engulfed the
world because of the importance of English as an
international language, interactions between
countries have become more open and freer. For this
reason, the ability of foreign languages such as
English is one of the skills that must be possessed by
everyone, especially college graduates. However,
based on existing surveys, the English language skills
possessed by most students are still very minimal and
lacking. This can be seen from the results of the
TOEFL test that has been followed by students where
the scores obtained tend to be below the standard. For
example, a survey of new students who took the
TOEFL test tended to score below the 477 marks by
more than 70%. Not only that, not a few final year
students also find it very difficult to complete the
graduation requirements because of the failure of the
TOEFL test. So that most students fail to graduate for
this reason. This is a very basic problem and must be
resolved in Indonesia (Yunanto, Herumurti,
Rochimah, & Kuswardayan, 2019).
From the description above, it shows that
currently an effective and efficient learning approach
is needed to teach English education to students in
order to face the era of globalization. Therefore, this
study builds a game-based learning approach.
Because according to the survey, the TOEFL score in
the grammar section is the least compared to reading
or listening. So this research focuses on developing
game-based English grammar learning applications.
The research aims to improve the user's ability to
master English grammar in a more enjoyable way.
This research is also useful for students in helping to
do the TOEFL test, especially for grammar material.
From the introduction that has been presented
previously, it can be concluded that the problem
domain raised in this study is the lack of students'
ability in English, especially TOEFL grammar and
the number of English learning applications that are
still monotonous.
Based on the problems that have been described,
it can be seen that Indonesia needs to improve its
English language skills. Therefore, an English
learning application will be developed using a
gamification and UX Design approach. The concept
of gamification is expected to increase students'
motivation and commitment in continuing to hone
their ability to learn English, especially TOEFL
grammar. This research is to combine educational
elements and game elements in an application.
Furthermore, the hope of this research is that an
approach like this can help develop learning
applications, especially English so that they become
more attractive to use by users.
2.1 Related Research
2.1.1 Development of Game-Based English
Grammar Learning Applications
(Yunanto, Herumurti, Kuswadayan, &
Rochimah, 2018)
This research builds a game-based learning approach.
This research focuses on developing game-based
English grammar learning applications. The research
aims to improve the user's ability to master English
grammar in a more enjoyable way. This research is
also useful for students in helping to do the TOEFL
test, especially for grammar material.
2.1.2 Application of Game Elements in
the Development of English
Learning Applications (Yunanto,
Herumurti, Rochimah, &
Kuswardayan, 2019)
This research proposes an approach, namely the
application of game elements in learning applications.
Some of the elements that are applied are the value or
score, level, level of difficulty, main character, enemy
character, feedback results, and so on. All of these
elements are expected to form a fun element so that it
can increase user interest. And this research still
focuses on one case study, namely learning English
Grammar. So the main thing to do in this research is
to combine educational elements and game elements
in an application. Furthermore, the hope of this
research is that an approach like this can help develop
learning applications, especially English so that they
become more attractive to use by users.