Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using
Gamification Method and UX Design
Andhik Ampuh Yunanto
, Irwan Sumarsono
and Sylvi Indryana Safira
Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Informatics and Computer Engineering Department, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: TOEFL Grammar Application, Game Based Application, Gamification, UX Design.
Abstract: Currently, an effective and efficient learning approach is needed to teach English education to students in
order to face the era of globalization. Especially in Indonesia, this ability has been taught to students,
especially students since they were at the elementary school level. However, based on the facts, most students'
English skills are still below the standard. Therefore, this study builds a game-based learning approach.
According to the survey, the TOEFL score in the grammar section is the lowest compared to reading or
listening. Learning applications are still monotonous, such as there are only a collection of questions and
several other supporting elements. In addition, currently learning applications are also less interactive with
users, therefore I use the gamification method and UX Design approach to develop a website-based
application that can help users interact with the application so that it can motivate them to learn grammar.
Some of the elements that are applied are grades or scores, levels, difficulty levels, etc. Not only that this
application is also implemented and tested on users. From the test results, users provide positive feedback on
the development of this application. So that the development of this game-based application can increase user
interest in learning English grammar in the future.
The rapid and significant development of technology
has made humans inseparable from technology.
Technology has helped humans to ease their work and
busyness. For example, the use of television
technology that helps in obtaining information,
transportation technology to help users move places,
and one of the technologies that affect humans in
facilitating their work is information technology.
Information technology has now been used by all
circles of society, for example in the form of using
applications on computer and mobile devices
(Yunanto, Herumurti, & Kuswardayan, 2018).
In connection with this information technology,
there are many applications that are available in
various sources such as on the marketplace. Various
applications have also been developed by developers
such as and Some of
these existing applications have their own purposes,
for example for entertainment (Yunanto, Herumurti,
Kuswadayan, Hariadi, & Rochimah, 2019), health
and education or learning (Andhik Ampuh Yunanto,
2021). One of the important roles of technology in
education is to create media. Information technology
also supports individual learning, collaborative,
content management, activity management, formal,
informal, and work (Yunanto, Herumurti,
Kuswadayan, & Rochimah, 2018). One of the most
common educational systems supported by
information technology is E-learning.
However, the increasing number of learning
applications or e-learning systems that are currently
rampant tend to have monotonous content. Based on
observations on the Google Playstore, educational
themed applications have a lower number of
downloads compared to other themed applications.
One application that is very popular with young
people today is a game-based application (Yunanto &
Rochimah, 2017).
Because of this, many game developers and
researchers use games for certain purposes other than
as a medium of entertainment. One of the popular
topics among researchers is about utilizing the latest
technology, games, and education. Many recent
studies have reported the benefits of educational-
Yunanto, A., Sumarsono, I. and Safira, S.
Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using Gamification Method and UX Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0011818100003575
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2022), pages 518-525
ISBN: 978-989-758-619-4; ISSN: 2975-8246
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
based computer games in promoting students'
motivation to learn (Herumurti, Kuswardayan,
Khotimah, Yunanto, & Yusuf, 2019). Digital game-
based learning has been considered as a very potential
issue among various approaches in the development
of learning technology (Herumurti, Yuniarti,
Rimawan, & Yunanto, 2019 ). In addition, the games
being developed today also apply modern
technologies such as artificial intelligence,
computational intelligence, text processing, virtual
reality, and game simulation (Kuswadayan, et al.,
Since the era of globalization that has engulfed the
world because of the importance of English as an
international language, interactions between
countries have become more open and freer. For this
reason, the ability of foreign languages such as
English is one of the skills that must be possessed by
everyone, especially college graduates. However,
based on existing surveys, the English language skills
possessed by most students are still very minimal and
lacking. This can be seen from the results of the
TOEFL test that has been followed by students where
the scores obtained tend to be below the standard. For
example, a survey of new students who took the
TOEFL test tended to score below the 477 marks by
more than 70%. Not only that, not a few final year
students also find it very difficult to complete the
graduation requirements because of the failure of the
TOEFL test. So that most students fail to graduate for
this reason. This is a very basic problem and must be
resolved in Indonesia (Yunanto, Herumurti,
Rochimah, & Kuswardayan, 2019).
From the description above, it shows that
currently an effective and efficient learning approach
is needed to teach English education to students in
order to face the era of globalization. Therefore, this
study builds a game-based learning approach.
Because according to the survey, the TOEFL score in
the grammar section is the least compared to reading
or listening. So this research focuses on developing
game-based English grammar learning applications.
The research aims to improve the user's ability to
master English grammar in a more enjoyable way.
This research is also useful for students in helping to
do the TOEFL test, especially for grammar material.
From the introduction that has been presented
previously, it can be concluded that the problem
domain raised in this study is the lack of students'
ability in English, especially TOEFL grammar and
the number of English learning applications that are
still monotonous.
Based on the problems that have been described,
it can be seen that Indonesia needs to improve its
English language skills. Therefore, an English
learning application will be developed using a
gamification and UX Design approach. The concept
of gamification is expected to increase students'
motivation and commitment in continuing to hone
their ability to learn English, especially TOEFL
grammar. This research is to combine educational
elements and game elements in an application.
Furthermore, the hope of this research is that an
approach like this can help develop learning
applications, especially English so that they become
more attractive to use by users.
2.1 Related Research
2.1.1 Development of Game-Based English
Grammar Learning Applications
(Yunanto, Herumurti, Kuswadayan, &
Rochimah, 2018)
This research builds a game-based learning approach.
This research focuses on developing game-based
English grammar learning applications. The research
aims to improve the user's ability to master English
grammar in a more enjoyable way. This research is
also useful for students in helping to do the TOEFL
test, especially for grammar material.
2.1.2 Application of Game Elements in
the Development of English
Learning Applications (Yunanto,
Herumurti, Rochimah, &
Kuswardayan, 2019)
This research proposes an approach, namely the
application of game elements in learning applications.
Some of the elements that are applied are the value or
score, level, level of difficulty, main character, enemy
character, feedback results, and so on. All of these
elements are expected to form a fun element so that it
can increase user interest. And this research still
focuses on one case study, namely learning English
Grammar. So the main thing to do in this research is
to combine educational elements and game elements
in an application. Furthermore, the hope of this
research is that an approach like this can help develop
learning applications, especially English so that they
become more attractive to use by users.
Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using Gamification Method and UX Design
2.1.3 Development of an English Learning
System Using a Gamification
Approach (Pambudi, Bachtiar, &
Pradana, 2019)
This study discusses the development of a Java
programming learning system. This research applies
the concept of gamification as an effort to increase
students' interest in learning Java programming. The
concept of gamification is applied to the Java
programming learning system to increase student
motivation in learning and continuing to practice.
Subsequent research that becomes a reference in
this study discusses the analysis of checking
vocabulary and spelling in case studies of Indonesian
texts. This study examines the development of a
system that is useful for checking grammar and spell
errors in writing Indonesian texts.
Application of Gamification Concept in
Web-Based English Tenses Learning
(Kariko & Ayuningtyas, 2021)
Researchers want to develop learning English tenses
with the concept of gamification where learning is as if
playing a game so that it feels fun and not boring. A
learning that uses internet electronic technology so that
anyone who needs it can access it from wherever he is.
Henry thinks that e-learning is bad and boring, even
though the content is good and we admit that the
knowledge in it is useful. The practical answer is that
the majority of e-learning is currently unable to attract
the attention, interest, or full involvement of its partici-
pants. Therefore, researchers will apply gamification in
English tenses learning websites so that electronic
learning (e-learning) is no longer bad and boring.
3.1 UX Design
User Experience Design or what is commonly called
UX Design is the process of increasing user
satisfaction (application users, website visitors) in
increasing the usability and enjoyment provided in
interactions between users and products (Hiererra,
Meyliana, Ramadhan, & Purnomo, 2022).
In creating a User Experience (UX) project,
process steps must be carried out in order to produce
a tested and reliable result. The process used and the
resulting document may vary from project/company
to one another. Companies may follow different
design and development methodologies. The
discussion in this article will explain the stages of the
User Experience (UX) Design Process in general. The
process stages in the UX Design Process in general
are as shown in the chart below:
Figure 1: UX Design Process.
3.2 Gamification
Nick Pelling first used the term gamification in 2002
in a TED presentation. Gamification is a learning
approach using elements in games or video games
with the aim of motivating students in the learning
process and maximizing feelings of enjoyment and
engagement with the learning process, besides that
this media can be used to capture things that interest
students and inspire them. to continue learning.
Gamification is using game mechanics to provide
practical solutions by building specific group
engagement. In more detail define gamification as a
concept that uses game-based mechanics, aesthetics
and game thinking to engage people, motivate action,
promote learning and solve problems. Glover
concludes that gamification provides additional
motivation to ensure that learners (learners)
participate in complete learning activities.
3.3 System Diagram
Iterative and incremental development is a process
that combines iterative design methods with an
incremental build model. It is used by software
developers to help manage projects. Iterative and
incremental development models are complementary,
which is why these processes are often used to
achieve project outcomes. The following is an
iterative and incremental development process:
Figure 2: Iterative and Incremental Development.
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
The first stage is Initial Planning by conducting a
literature study on the methods used in the applications
made and conducting competitor analysis.
The second stage is Planning by conducting
feasibility and interviews, observations, Quesener. If
at the Feasibility stage the results are good, then go
straight to the investigation stage and a form is given
to the client to record the client's needs. In the
investigation system, it can be in the form of
interviews, questionnaires or observations. In this
stage, the first thing to do is to provide a form to the
user that is used to find out the user's request, then
Requirements, namely after the problem is
successfully understood, the developer describes it in
the form of a document specification document. This
specification contains the features and functions
desired by the customer, and does not discuss the
development method at all.
The third stage is Analysis & Design, namely
analyzing what technology is used, analyzing the
information obtained in the planning stage, and
designing applications such as prototype design,
application database design, then implementation,
namely the stage of writing programs that have been
analyzed and designed.
The next stage is application deployment, then
testing the user, if there is feedback from the user, an
evaluation will be carried out.
4.1 Requirements (First Iteration)
In this process determine what the software or
application should be and what requirements are
needed to run it. In addition, determining the
resources needed to build the project such as a team
or software support in the application development
process. In the system to be built, the required
requirement is the preparation of a framework that
can support development.
4.1.1 Prioritize Matrix
Grouping features that have been designed based on
priorities to be more productive and help to form
more effective time management.
Quick wins is a quadrant that requires light effort
but the impact of the results is enormous. In this
quadrant there are login & register features,
dashboards, user profiles and material features. Major
Figure 3: Prioritize Matrix.
projects are a quadrant that contains tasks that have a
large impact on results, but the effort is also not easy.
In this quadrant there are features of discussion of
questions with gamification and features of
discussion of questions.
Fill ins is a quadrant with light work effort and the
result is also light. In this quadrant there is a history
feature. Thankless Tasks is part of the quadrant whose
effort is heavy because it is not worth the small
results. In this quadrant there is a chat feature.
Use Case
The following is a use case diagram of the application
to be made:
Figure 4: Use Case Diagram.
The picture above describes the use case diagram of
the application to be made. There is one role, namely
student. The following is an explanation of the use
case above:
- Register
Students register first because they do not have
an account.
Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using Gamification Method and UX Design
- Access material features
Students can study material that is already
available on the EduMar application.
- Access the practice questions feature
Students can work on a package of questions and
test questions that are already available on the
EduMar application.
- Access the history feature
Students can see the scores obtained, the practice
questions that have been done, the material that
has been studied and the points that have been
4.1.3 Sitemap Website EduMar
The following is a website sitemap to explain the
application flow if used:
Figure 5: Sitemap Website EduMar.
When opening the application for the first time, the
user will see a dashboard display with a menu in the
upper right corner, namely about us, login and
register. When the user does not have an account,
register first by entering the full name, email and
password, if so, you can login. After logging in, there
is a menu in the upper right corner, namely material,
practice questions, history and profile. On the
material menu there are several lists of materials that
are already available and when the title is clicked it
will go to the next page, namely material details.
In the practice menu there are two categories of
practice questions, namely structure and written
expression, each category has 3 question packages,
each package contains 10 questions that must be
done, when package 1 has not been completed, the
next package is not open. Next, if you click on
package 1, you will go to the work description page
where there is a choice of a back button and a start
button, if you want to start, click the start button, then
questions that must be done will appear. If the answer
is correct then the score will increase, otherwise if the
answer is wrong then the score will not increase and
discussion of questions will appear. In the history
menu there are values that have been obtained, points
that have been achieved, the total material that has
been studied, and the total practice questions that
have been done. In the profile menu, there is
information for the account that has been registered,
namely in the form of full name and email and there
is a logout button.
4.1.4 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
The following is an ERD or database design that will
be applied to the EduMar application:
Figure 6: ERD application.
In Figure 6 there are 5 entities including users,
materials, questions, package questions, and
categories with each entity having several attributes.
In the user entity, there are id, fullname, email and
password attributes. The question entity has id
attributes, questions, answers, discussions and scores.
The question package entity has an id and package
name attribute. Category entities have id attributes
and category names, while material entities have id,
title and material details attributes.
In addition, there are connected relationships
between existing entities. User entities have many to
many relationships with question and material entities
with each relationship having a date attribute to
record the log and there are derived attributes, namely
total questions, total material and points, while
question entities with material entities have a many to
one relationship. The question entity has a many to
one relationship to the question package entity, while
the question package entity has a many to one
relationship to the category entity.
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
4.1.5 PDM (Physical Data Model)
The following is a PDM or database model that will
be applied to the EduMar application:
Figure 7: PDM EduMar application.
In Figure 7 there are 7 tables with the following
- In the user table there is a user_id with type int as
the primary key, as well as full name, email, and
password with type varchar.
- In the material table, there is materi_id with type
int as the primary key, as well as title and
detail_material with type varchar.
- There is a new table that will appear when the
transaction is made, namely 2 history tables,
namely the question history table and the
material history. In the history table, there are
user_id and question_id with type int as foreign
key, total_hasil and points with type int, and
tgl_hasil with type date.
- In the material history table, there are user_id and
materi_id with type int as a foreign key,
total_material with type int, and tgl_material
with type date.
- In the question table, there are questions_id with
type int as the primary key, material_id and
packets_id with type int as a foreign key,
questions, answers, and discussions with type
varchar, and scores with type int.
- In the question package table, there is a
package_id with type int as the primary key,
category_id with type int as a foreign key, and
package_name with type varchar.
- In the category table there is category_id with
type int as the primary key, and category_name
with type varchar.
4.1.6 Prototype
Designing a system schema that forms the model and
standard size or scalability that will be worked on
later. As well as adapting to the initial needs of
software development to find out some of the features
and functions that have been previously. So as to be
able to find errors early before implementing and
releasing the product as a whole. The following is the
prototype of the edumar application in Figure 8 and
Figure 9.
Figure 8: Landing Page.
Figure 9: About Us Page.
4.1.7 Gamification
This study applies gamification elements including
values or scores, rewards and challenges. The
application of this element will be placed throughout
the system with the aim of increasing user interest in
learning TOEFL grammar at Edumar.
- Points
The first element is point. The point in question
is the value obtained by the user. points can
increase systematically as long as the user learns
the material and works on a package of
questions. The more points the user gets, it
means that he has understood the material being
Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using Gamification Method and UX Design
The point system that will be used in this
application is Experience Point. Experience
Point is a point that shows the user has had a lot
of understanding of the material being studied,
as well as working on a package of questions in
the application according to the number of
points. This point will affect the user's reward so
that to get a reward, you must have enough
- Rewards
The second element is reward. The reward is in
the form of a total of all points earned. The
rewards obtained are used to determine the user's
progress, the faster the user collects points, the
higher the reward criteria that have been
determined by the system. In addition, the
system will provide profile points for each user
to complete the package of questions and test
questions that are already available. Each
package of questions and test questions will have
different points depending on how the user
answers the available questions. This point can
be used as a reward or reward for the user which
can be used to unlock items. Each item has a
different cost point. The items referred to are as
Table 1: Reward Conditions.
No Nama Deskripsi Item
1 Beginner Collect 50
Can do test
2 Intermediate Collect 150
Get the link of the
3 Advanced Collect ≥300
Get toefl book link
to donwloa
- Challenge
The third element is challenge. Challenge is an
activity in the application that can make users
feel challenged to go further into the application.
Challenges can be many when the user has
started to bond with the application. The
challenge in question is in the form of test
questions that are already available on the
practice questions menu. There are 30 questions
in this test which will be answered by the user.
This test question will open if the user has
worked on the available question packages and
collected the points described above. The test
questions given are in the form of a collection of
questions with material that has been studied and
questions that have been done before
4.2 Implementation (Second Iteration)
After the prototype is complete and the results show
that it is acceptable, the next stage is implementation
or development. At this stage, the Edumar system will
be built where the architecture is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Implementation Design.
The first stage carried out the implementation of the
frontend. In this process is the implementation of the
final test results into the frontend view of the
application. For this research, the implementation
phase will be carried out using the React JS
framework. After completing the frontend, proceed to
implement the backend which uses Laravel. Some of
the APIs that will be built are CRUD for user data,
material data, practice questions and history data.
Furthermore, the process of collecting practice
questions and discussions has been carried out,
namely looking for references to TOEFL books such
as Longman books, Kaplan TOEFL books and
looking for other TOEFL book references. Each
question will be entered in the system along with the
answer. Discussion of the questions in the form of
correct answers and a brief discussion of the grammar
formulas in the questions. The next stage is to create
a database to store the CRUD data set that has been
created on the backend.
This final project aims to make it easier for students
to learn English grammar with UX design and
gamification methods. In this application there are
material features, practice questions and history. The
material available is in the form of grammar material,
as well as practice questions taken from TOEFL
questions which are presented with scores and
discussion of questions. In this application there are
elements of gamification, namely points, rewards and
challenges. The first element is point, the point in
question is the value obtained by the user. The second
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
element is in the form of a reward, the reward is in the
form of a total of all points earned. The rewards
obtained are used to determine the user's progress, the
faster the user collects points, the higher the reward
criteria that have been determined by the system. The
third element is challenge, Challenge is an activity in
the application that can make users feel challenged to
go further into the application. Challenges can be
many when the user has started to bond with the
Thank you to the software development team of the
Electronics Polytechnic of the Surabaya Institute for
their guidance and input during the research process,
thanks also to the supervisors and friends who have
been willing to cooperate and help with this research.
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Developing Web Based Grammar Learning Application Using Gamification Method and UX Design