2.2 Fortification
Food fortification according to FAO/WHO is the
addition of macro or micro nutrients to food that is
usually consumed to maintain or improve the
nutritional quality of food in the total diet of a group,
community, or population (Helmiyati, et al., 2018).
Food fortification is included in the policy
framework to accelerate nutrition improvement in
the first 1000 days of life. Fortification status in
Indonesia is mandatory (Martianto & Rachman,
2018). Mandatory fortification is carried out when
the government legally obliges food producers to add
micronutrients to certain categories of food. The
determination and arrangement of the fortification is
regulated and monitored by the government
(Helmiyati, et al., 2018).
3.1 Types of Research
This research is a quantitative research using
Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 treatments
and 3 replications. Treatment consists of BO control,
B1 2% addition nasturtium officinale r. br extract
extract, B2 5% addition of nasturtium officinale r. br
extract and B3 10 % addition of nasturtium officinale
r. br extract extract. Hedonic test is applied to 30
panelists that will test the color, texture, taste and
3.2 Data Colecting Method
The collecting data methods of this research are
divided into several steps, such as:
1. Documentation
Documentation is data collecting technique by
analyzing the data that has been collected from
the object of research. In this case, the researcher
will analyze data that has been collected from the
farmer nasturtium officinale r. br in Songgon.
2. Observation.
Observation is data collecting technique by
observing the research object; in this case the
researcher will observe the level scale of hedonic
quality product.
3. Interview.
Interview is used to know the bagiak production
3.3 Time and Place of Research
This research was conducted at Laboratorium of
management bisnis of tourism Study Program
Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi. Timeline for this
research is May – November 2022.
4.1 The Implementation of
Organoleptic Test
The Organoleptic test was conducted to 33 panelists
consisting of 19 men and 14 women, who addressed
in the origin or boarding house around of Rogojampi
subdistrict. The panelists are student, college
students, and public societies, with the range of age
are 18 years up to 23 years old. The panelists willing
to be the judges with the requirements that have been
specified, such as fill out the form of panelist,
physically and mentally healthy, bagiak
consumption and comply health protocols. The
sample hedonic quality test consisting of 4
treatments. Treatment consists of B0 control, B1 2%
addition nasturtium officinale r. br extract, B2 5%
addition of nasturtium officinale r. br extract extract
and B3 10 % addition of nasturtium officinale r. br
extract. The implementation phases of the
organoleptic test shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The implementation phase of the organoleptic test.
Prepare tools and materials of hedonic quality test and health
Make a spices concoction for bagiak
bake bagiak homogeneously for every treatment and replication
Serve the sample of bagiak on the table of organoleptic
Do Organoleptic test by panelists by complying health