development, increasing community participation in
tourism partnership development, and developing
tourism awareness groups and other tourism
Since Kuala Namu was chosen as an airport in
1992 until it became operational in 2013, Rantau
Panjang is still not developing. The development gap
between villages in Kuala Namu buffer zone is
obvious, especially in education and communication
facilities. Based on Peraturan Presiden Republik
Indonesia No. 62 Tahun 2011 concerning Tata Ruang
Kawasan Perkotaan Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, dan
Karo (Mebidangro), and based on Penyusunan
Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Deli
Serdang, Kuala Namu as a regional transportation
center and part of economic corridor will develop into
Sumatera Aerocity site. The legal basis for
Metropolitan Mebidangro as a national strategic site
is UU No. 26 Tahun 2007 concerning Penataan
Ruang and PP No. 26 Tahun 2007 concerning
Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Nasional.
Based on the issues, the researcher applies a
qualitative descriptive approach through in- depth
interviews with village apparatuses and the
community to find the appropriate tourism concept
and the implementation of the Mebidangro policy.
The potential that supports tourism can be initiated
from Masjid Raya Sultan Basyaruddin’s cultural
heritage site. Therefore, it is necessary to design the
layout and landscape of Masjid Raya Sultan
Basyaruddin cultural heritage site, which aims to
develop historical religious tourism in Rantau
Panjang. The existence of the river on the east side of
the mosque can also be a new tourist attraction similar
to the Melaka river tour in Malaysia. The
rehabilitation of the Serdang watershed is vital to
create a healthy environment and preserve its
Rantau Panjang village is surrounded by four
villages; the northern part of Bagan Serdang, the
southern part of Kelambir, the western part of Sei
Tuan, and the eastern part of Pematang Biara. The
data shows that the majority of 3089 inhabitants of
Rantau Panjang are Muslim. A total of 662
householders work as fishermen, while the other 157
work as farmers, laborers, traders, and others.
Based on its location, the cultural heritage site of
Masjid Raya Sultan Basyaruddin is in the center of
Rantau Panjang which has a river crossing the city
with potential and economic value. However, the
slums raise serious problems in utilizing the river,
including unpleasant scenery and household waste.
Sustainable development is a structural concept of
physical intervention in the context of design-build
and can be said to be a solution that is able to associate
various development interests in river areas
According to the national urban hierarchy of
Mebidangro, the main service center in Deli Serdang
is Pusat Kegiatan Lokal (PKL) as Hierarchy I.
Moreover, Pusat Pelayanan Kawasan (PPK) as
Hierarchy II and Pusat Pelayanan Lingkungan (PPL)
as Hierarchy III which is designated as sub-district
city center determined based on the function and
potential of each sub-district. Based on the concept of
Mebidangro development, Pantai Labu sub-district is
included in hierarchy III. Then, Rantau Panjang port
in Pantai Labu sub-district will be developed as a
Pelabuhan Pengumpul (Truly Port) Regional
(between regency within the province). Furthermore,
the development of tourism sites is based on sites that
contain tourist objects and attractions. Types of
tourism objects that are developed in the tourism site
can be nature tourism, historical tourism, cultural
conservation, and man-made tourist attractions3. The
policies contained in Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah
Kabupaten Deli Serdang are the implementation of
achieving development goals (Van Meter and Van
2.1 History
Sultan Basyaruddin Syaiful Alamsyah became the
fourth sultan of Serdang Sultanate after his father died
in 1850 AD. Sultan Basyaruddin built Darul Arif
Bogak palace and Masjid Raya Sultan Basyaruddin
which was officially operated in 1854 AD. Since
then, the central government that previously in
Tanjung Puteri Kampung Besar palace, moved to
Darul Arif Bogak Rantau Panjang Palace. Sultan
Basyaruddin was known to be warak (pious) and
spread Islam to the rural area of Serdang Hulu (Sinar;