winning. The ideological differentiation between
political parties is also unclear, this causes
prospective voters to be unable to distinguish the
'gender' of political parties based on their policy
positions or platforms, voter preferences tend to be
more prominent figures (Aspinall and Mas’Udi 2017;
Muhtadi 2019).
Candidate selection is one of the paths for
implementing the party's internal democracy (Susan
Scarrow in Hanafi 2021). Internal party democracy
according to William P. Cross focuses on the internal
distribution of power within a political party. Hanafi
stated that one of the challenges of recruitment is the
institutionalization of personal and oligarchic
leadership of some political parties in Indonesia. The
consequence is the weak commitment of the elite or
party leaders to build and institutionalize the party's
internal democracy.
Elites are actors who control resources, occupy
key positions and relate through power networks
(Yamokoski and Dubrow, 2008). Thus, the concept
of state-of-the-art elite is more closely related to the
Weberian notion of power, understood as the ability
to carry out one's will, even against the will of others
(Weber, 2005). Power can be achieved through
material and/or symbolic resources. Consequently,
elites can be defined as those who possess these
resources (Reis and Moore, 2005) (López 2013).
Meanwhile, local political elites are those who
occupy political positions in the local sphere. The
existence and role of local political elites cannot be
separated from the influence of changes that occur in
the political system that surrounds them. Changes that
occur in the political system have an influence on the
relationship between the elite and the masses, but also
on the relationship between the elite and the state.
Many studies of elites assume that privileged
positions in key sectors of society – political,
economic, military, religious, cultural, and civil –
give one a louder and clearer political voice and, in
some cases, the power to step in to the mass base
when needed. Mills and other elite theorists argue that
the state has been hijacked by elite cabals or, at a
minimum, that policy preferences belong to elites.
Elites play a large role in the political process as both
prime movers and beneficiaries of unequal
democratic political systems. Kahn (2012) concludes
in an article in the Annual Review of Sociology on
elite sociology that, “Elites are often engines of
inequality, be it in terms of economic distribution,
political power, or access and control over institutions
(Dubrow 2014).
There is also a dynamic within the internal elite,
where each elite individual competes with each other
to maintain his position and role. Therefore, with
changes in the political system, local political elites
must be able to formulate strategies to be able to
achieve and maintain their positions and roles
(Haryanto 2009).
What happened in the Bobby Nasution case in the
2020 Medan election was a political recruitment
process that ignored the development of the party's
internal democratic institutions. The distribution of
internal power of political parties is unequally
distributed when deciding which candidate to carry in
the pilkada. The PDIP elite who are in the central
management (DPP) clearly have the full right to
decide their attitude regardless of the aspirations of
local cadres who have their own choice, namely the
old PDIP cadre Akhyar Nasution.
In a case study in Latin America, Waisman said
the Latin American political system is run with
privilege, where well-organized elites use their
position to benefit themselves at the expense of those
who are marginalized. Political elites in Latin
America, according to Waisman, are determined to
make their political careers as long and 'wet' as
possible. This desire to gain power and stay on top
can be shaped and strengthened during their ascent.
Joignant et al. found that ascension to the top of the
political elite was more likely if they first gained
experience in lower-level political organizations.
This suggests a closed elite system that operates on
pre-existing privileges and that leads to selective
political boundaries where only a few resource-rich
and organizationally skilled people can enter.
Cases that occurred in the 2020 Medan city mayor
elections, we can clearly enter according to the
Waisman category that occurred in South America
above. Bobby Nasution, who is part of the central
political elite because he is the son-in-law of
president Jokowi, was chosen as a candidate for
mayor of Medan by the same party that brought his
father-in-law as president of Indonesia. Making
Bobby Nasution the mayor of Medan when his father-
in-law was President demonstrates how a closed elite
system operates based on privilege and leads to
selective political boundaries where only a handful of
resource-rich people can enter.
Although there are many descriptive case studies on
the process of candidate recruitment within certain
parties, and the existence of formal party regulatory
documents, relatively little is known about the
structure and dynamics of the process in practice. In