(BPS) of Indonesia, the composition of the
Indonesian population is currently dominated by
productive age. The two largest age groups are
Generation Y or better known as Millennials and
Generation Z. The proportion of Generation Z (Gen
Z) is 27.94% and Millennial Generation (Gen Y) is
25.87% of the total population of Indonesia.(BPS,
Gen Y and Gen Z are each the earliest generation
to adapt to the digital world, they have been in contact
with the digital world from an early age (digital
native). These two generations no longer have the
need to consume conventional media such as
newspapers and printed magazines, even electronic
media such as radio and TV are products that they
rarely consume.
Social media is currently very influential on the
formation of individual communication interactions
between generations and intra generations. On social
media, Gen Y and Gen Z get information, satisfaction
(leisure), and entertainment (Bolton et al. 2013).
According to Hasbullah, social interactions that occur
in cyberspace are built on a pattern of reciprocal and
mutually beneficial interrelationships built on trust
and supported by norms, positive and strong social
values. There is also the principle of voluntary and
willing to involve themselves in a network of social
relations. (Hasbullah, 2006)
Knowing the behavior of using social media Gen
Y and Gen Z is the entrance to find out and
understand what is going on and where the generation
is moving. Because most stereotypes about Gen Y or
Gen Z come from assumptions, which can keep us
from understanding the truth about these two
generations (IDN Millenial Report 2020)
1.2 Focus of Discussion
This article focuses on the discussion of three
variables in the uses and gratification theory as well
as dependency, namely cognitive, affective and
behavioral aspects to see the specific role of social
media in individual (micro) lives and the role of social
media on dependency relations between users
(audience), media systems, and the wider social
system (macro).
This article is based on research that uses a
quantitative approach with a descriptive type of
research. To get a picture of the character and
behavior of social media users in gen Y and gen Z,
the author has conducted a survey on respondents in
the city of Medan.
The population in this study are residents of Medan
city who fall into the Gen Y and Gen Z categories.
Several researchers from various countries have
conducted separate studies on Gen Y and social
media, such as what was done (Pyöriä, Pasi. Ojala,
Satu. Saari, Tiina and Järvinen 2017), (Meechunek
2018), (Werenowska and Rzepka 2020) and (Bolton
et al. 2013). All of these researchers classify Gen
Y/millennials as those born in the early 1980s to the
late 1990s. There are differences in determining the
final range of Gen Y, some limiting it to 2000, 1999,
some only until 1994.
Meanwhile, Gen Z is generally associated with
those born after 2000. The range of years of birth of
Gen Z is more varied in some previous studies than
Gen Y. Previous literature describes Gen Z as a group
of individuals born from 1995 to 2009. Tapscott
(2008) limits this generation between 1998-2008,
Dimock (2019) starts Gen Z from 1997, Lyons,
LaVelle, and Smith (2017) defines the year of birth of
Gen Z members between 1993-1999, Kissinger
(2019) says Gen Z people born between 1997-2012,
but for Madden (2017) anyone born between 1995
and 2009 is considered a member of Generation Z.
(VITELAR 2013); Kissinger 2019)
The very large number of populations is the
reason for researchers to use samples by using a
sampling technique first. The sample is used to reduce
the use of time, effort, and costs in cross-sectional
research or research that is conducted only at one time
(Neuman, 1997: 28). The number of samples in this
study were four hundred respondents (400) which
were divided equally between Gen Y and Gen Z. The
number of respondents between women and men was
also divided equally for each generation. Sampling in
this study using purposive sampling technique.
The data obtained through the process of
collecting data through surveys were then analyzed
using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The
data will be presented in the form of a single data
frequency distribution or cross data tabulation. The
results of data analysis are then presented in the form
of a diagram that can describe the results of the study.
Statistical data obtained through data processing
using SPSS.