between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
and the Free Aceh Movement was one that did not
have justice as expected with reality in various fields,
the problems faced were very complex in the
economic and political fields, thus continuing from
the unresolved DI/TII war.
The very long Aceh conflict ended with a
Memorandum of Understanding between the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the
Free Aceh Movement which is often called the
Helsinki MoU signed on August 15, 2005 in Helsinki
Filandia, where each side has affirmed its
commitment to resolve the conflict peacefully,
thorough, sustainable and dignified for all parties and
determined to create peaceful conditions with a
democratic process. An important point in the
Helsinki MoU is the Law on the Implementation of
Aceh Government and is a form of dignified
reconciliation towards sustainable social, economic
and political development in Aceh.
The birth of the UUPA provides an opportunity
for Aceh to regulate and manage all government
affairs in all public sectors except government affairs
which are the authority of the Government in
accordance with the Constitution. The Helsinki MoU
states that Aceh will exercise authority in all public
sectors, which will be held in conjunction with civil
administration and the judiciary, except in the fields
of foreign relations, foreign defense, national
security, monetary and fiscal matters, judicial power
and religious freedom, where the policy is the
authority of the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia in accordance with the Constitution.
Aceh's development projections are inseparable
from planning that integrates all aspects of
development. The implementation of Aceh's special
autonomy that can pay attention to the balance of
development of both provinces and regencies/cities
so that development achieves targets optimally in
improving human resources. So that regional
development can be carried out in a transparent,
responsive, efficient, effective, accountable,
participatory, measurable, equitable, and
environmentally sound manner. Of course, broad
authority is given in organizing government with the
aim of creating economic welfare and equitable social
development. This is strengthened by the birth of Law
Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of
Development in Aceh has not been able to fully
realize the welfare of the people, justice as well as the
promotion, fulfillment, and protection of human
rights so that the Aceh Government needs to be
developed and carried out based on the principles of
good governance as stated in the UUPA. In the
implementation of government affairs that are the
authority of Aceh and implementing regional
autonomy at large in Aceh requires sufficient and
increasing budget allocations, therefore Aceh is given
a Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus Fund). The special
autonomy fund is one of the sources of income for
Aceh and districts/cities as stated in article 179
paragraph (2c) of the UUPA.
Article 183 or 1 of the UUPA states that the
Special Autonomy Fund is an acceptance of the
Government of Aceh aimed at financing
development, especially infrastructure development
and maintenance, community economic
empowerment, poverty alleviation, and education,
social, and health funding. The Special Autonomy
Fund as referred to is valid for a period of 20 (twenty)
years, with details for the first year to the fifteenth
year which is equivalent to 2% (two percent) of the
ceiling of the National General Allocation Fund and
for the sixteenth to the twentieth year the amount of
which is equivalent to 1% (one percent) of the ceiling
of the National General Allocation Fund. The
development program is outlined in the provincial
and district/city development programs in Aceh by
taking into account the balance of development
progress between districts/cities to be used as the
basis for the use of special autonomy funds whose
management is administered to the Aceh Provincial
Government. The use of the Special Autonomy Fund
is carried out for each fiscal year which is further
regulated in Qanun Aceh.
The Special Autonomy Fund Planning Process
has been carried out in 3 (three) models, namely: (1)
In 2008, when the special autonomy fund was first
implemented, the Aceh government did not have a
specific reference related to the planning and
budgeting of special autonomy funds. Therefore, the
allocation of special autonomy funds for provincial
and district/city development is based on Law No.
11/2006, while the preparation of the program refers
to the long-term development plan and work plan of
the district and provincial governments. The funding
allocation is 100 percent managed by the Province;
(2) After the birth of Qanun 2/2008, since 2010 the
preparation of programs in addition to referring to the
long-term development plans of the province and
each district/city also refers to the provincial work
plan and each district/city with a funding allocation
of 40 percent of the province and 60 percent of the
regency/city; (3) While the third mechanism model;
Starting in 2013 in line with the ratification of Qanun
No. 2/2013, through this Qanun the preparation of the
program is guided by the long-term development plan