Implementation of the Village Community Development and
Empowerment Program (P3MD) Through Priorities of the Use of
Village Funds in the Coastal Area, Aceh Barat Regency
Nurhaslita Sari and Arfriani Maifizar
Universitas Teuku Umar, Indonesia
Keywords: Implementation, P3MD, Village Fund.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out how the Implementation of the Village Community Development and
Empowerment Program (P3MD) through the priority use of village funds in the coastal areas of West Aceh
Regency before and after the existence of village funds, and what the village government does in the coastal
areas of West Aceh Regency in improve the community's economy. Village Funds are APBN funds
designated for Villages which are transferred through the Regency / City APBD and are prioritized for the
implementation of development and empowerment of rural communities. The purpose of the village fund is
to improve services in the village, alleviate poverty, advance the village economy, overcome development
gaps between villages, and strengthen village communities as development subjects. The analytical method
used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the implementation of the Village Community
Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) through prioritizing the use of village funds in the coastal
areas of West Aceh Regency was not fully able to improve the community's economy which was influenced
by the factors of implementing the Village Fund policy and Village Fund Allocation, including:
communication, resources, employee attitudes, bureaucratic structure and environment.
In this reform era, village development has become a
priority scale in the context of accelerating the
achievement of community welfare levels. This is in
line with the principle of regional autonomy as an
instrument for improving people's welfare by always
paying attention to the interests and aspirations that
grow in society, especially rural communities.
However, the broad authority granted to the village
government and rural communities requires optimal
assistance because without assistance there will be
opportunities for irregularities and abuse of authority,
which will result in state financial losses, and the
realization of community welfare.
The enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014
concerning Villages confirms the political
commitment that the state protects and empowers
villages to become strong, advanced, independent and
democratic so as to create a solid foundation in
implementing governance and development. Village
arrangements are also intended to prepare villages to
respond to the processes of modernization,
globalization, and democratization that continue to
develop without losing their identity. The
strengthening and empowerment of rural
communities is in line with the third nawacita, namely
"building Indonesia from the periphery by
strengthening regions and villages".
One of the big agendas is to oversee the
implementation of the Village Law with assistance.
The placement of village assistants is reflected in the
Village Community Development and Empowerment
Program (P3MD) which was adopted since 2014.
P3MD is a program to accelerate poverty reduction in
an integrated and sustainable manner in order to
improve community welfare. The approach of the
Community Development and Empowerment
Program (P3MD) is in the form of providing
employment and income for the poor, efficiency and
effectiveness of activities, as well as successfully
growing community togetherness and participation.
With the policy of assisting the Village
Community Development and Empowerment
Program (P3MD), it is hoped that village financial
management will be carried out properly and
Sari, N. and Maifizar, A.
Implementation of the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Through Priorities of the Use of Village Funds in the Coastal Area, Aceh Barat Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0011863700003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 10-15
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
accountably. This is important because the funds that
enter the village are not small funds, but are very large
to be managed by a village government. With the
Village Fund policy, the management dimension in
implementing the Village Fund policy needs to be
implemented According to the meaning of the
character of public policy put forward by Nugroho is:
"One way for a policy to achieve its goals is to
directly practice it in the form of programs or through
policy formation derived from the public policy
(Nugroho, 2004).
Villages in Aceh Barat Regency receive Village
Funds (DD) every year. A number of villages in West
Aceh Regency are recipients of DD in 2020 and 2020
based on West Aceh Regent Regulation Number: 17
of 2020 concerning Amendments to West Aceh
Regent's Regulation Number 07 of 2020 concerning
Procedures for Allocation, Distribution, Use,
Monitoring, and Evaluation of Village Funds in West
Aceh Regency for Fiscal Year 2020 and Regulation
of the Regent of Aceh Barat Number: 06 of 2020
concerning Procedures for Distribution and
Determination of Village Fund Details for Each
Village in Aceh Barat Regency for Fiscal Year 2020.
In connection with the Allocation of Village Funds in
Aceh Barat Regency,it can encourage the acceleration
of rural development Along with the population
growth which is quite large, it requires equal
distribution of physical development and community
empowerment in various lives.
It is not yet the known how effective the
implementation of policy assistance for development
programs and community empowerment is in West
Aceh Regency. Based on initial observations, it is
shown that the implementation of policy development
programs and empowerment of rural communities in
West Aceh Regency has not been optimal. This
P3MD policy in Aceh Barat Regency can be seen
from the position of the diversity of education levels
for assistant staff which reflects their ability to
understand the problems that occur in the village to
find solutions as well as the level of understanding in
providing capacity building to village government
officials and village community institutions. In
addition, the problem faced is the problem of human
resources or village officials who have not been able
to carry out village financial management optimally
and sometimes are not right on target, especially on a
priority scale. This study aims to analyze the
effectiveness of the implementation of the program's
policy assistance.
The term effectiveness contains the basic word
effective, derived from English, namely effective
which means successful or something that is done
successfully. Effectiveness is defined as the extent to
which an organization realizes its goals (Robbins,
1995; Handayaningrat, 1996). Called effective if the
goal or target is achieved as determined (Indrawijaya,
2000). As for the criteria for To measure the
effectiveness of an organization there are three
approaches that can be used, as proposed by Martani
and Lubis (1987), namely: (1) The source approach is
to measure the effectiveness of the inputs. The
approach prioritizes the success of the organization to
obtain resources, both physical and non-physical in
accordance with the needs of the organization. (2)
The process approach is to see the extent to which the
effectiveness of program implementation from all
internal process activities or organizational
mechanisms. (3) The target approach where the focus
is on the output, measuring the success of the
organization to achieve the results in accordance with
the plan.
The concept of implementation in policy studies
is commonly called implementation. Van Meter and
Van Horn (quoted in Winarno, 2012; Wibawa, et al.,
1994) state that policy mplementation is an action
taken by the government and the private sector both
individually and in groups intended to achieve goals.
The term implementation is always attached to the
policy, this means that what is implemented is policy.
According to Anderson cited by Wahab (2004) policy
is an action step that is intentionally carried out by an
actor or a number of actors regarding the existence of
certain problems or problems that are being faced.
One example of a policy is the Village
Community Development and Empowerment the
Program (P3MD), which is a national program in the
form of a policy framework as a basis and reference
for implementing community empowerment-based
poverty reduction programs. P3MD is implemented
through harmonization and development of program
systems and mechanisms and procedures, provision
of assistance and stimulant funding to encourage
community initiatives and innovations in sustainable
poverty reduction efforts. P3MD was developed by
the government on the basis of the importance of
more well-coordinated efforts to reduce poverty, not
separately or separately, but sustainably. The general
objective of P3MD is to create village independence
in development participation, as well as to increase
the welfare and employment opportunities of the poor
in rural areas.
P3MD is made effective through mentoring. As
stated in Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages,
village assistance is an activity to carry out
community empowerment actions through village
assistance, organization, direction and facilitation.
Implementation of the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Through Priorities of the Use of Village
Funds in the Coastal Area, Aceh Barat Regency
Village assistance is carried out by the Village Local
Facilitator. Local Village Facilitator is someone who
accompanies the village in administration of
government, implementation of the development,
community development and the of community
empowerment and Village Assistant is someone who
assists the village in the is administration of
government, implementation of development,
ommunity, development and the community
impowerment, while an expert is someone who
accompanies and provides technical assistance with
expertise in management, studies, finance , training
and capacity building, regeneration, rural
infrastructure, and regulation. The In this study,
mentoring refers to the activities of Local Village
Facilitators to empower the community through
assistance, direction and facilitation in the process of
planning, implementing, and monitoring the DD
Program. Furthermore, to analyze the effectiveness of
the implementation of mentoring used the
effectiveness criteria of Martani and Lubis (1987)
mentioned above.
Abdul Wahab (2012:67) the concept of
implementation comes from language English
namely to implement (implement) means to provide
the means for carrying out (providing the means to
carry out something), to give practical effect to
(causes an impact or effect on something). This
understanding means that to support the future will
have an impact or effect on something. Nurdin Usman
(2002:70) states that implementation boils down to on
the activities, actions, actions or mechanisms of a
system, implementation is not just an activity, but an
activity that planned and to achieve the objectives of
the activity. Guntur Setiawan (2004:39) argues,
implementation is expansion of activities that
mutually adjust the process of interaction between
goals there are actions to achieve and require a
network of implementers, bureaucracy effective.
Muchlis Hamdi (2015:97) implementation or
implementation of policies related to endeavors to
achieve the goal of establishment of a certain policy.
Ramdhani, Ramdhani (2017:4) implementation of
the policy is follow-up activities of the process of
formulating and establishing policies. So that
implementation of policies can be interpreted as
actions that carried out, both by individuals and
government groups, which oriented towards
achieving the goals outlined in policy decisions. The
implications of policy implementation are
consequences that arise as a result of the
implementation of policies the policy. Evaluation
results on policy implementation can be produce an
intended impact or an unintended impact expected
(negative spillover effect). Hanif Nurcholis (2011:1)
village and kelurahan are two units government that
is given customary autonomy rights so that it
becomes a legal entity. While the kelurahan is an
administrative government unit that only is an
extension of the district / city government. So
Kelurahan is not a legal entity but only as a place of
operation government services from district/city
governments. Village area local. While the village is
an area with certain boundaries as a legal (customary)
community unit that has the right to regulate and
taking care of the affairs of the local community
based on their origins.
Decree of the Minister of Villages, Development
of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 83 of 2017 concerning
determination general guidelines for the village
innovation program. In the village minister's decision,
development of underdeveloped areas and
transmigration number 83 of 2017 establishing
several village innovation programs, one of the
village innovation programs namely the Village
Community Development and Empowerment
Program (P3MD).
The location of this research is in Aceh Barat
Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive
research method that aims to describe the nature of
something that is ongoing at the time of the study. The
informants in this study were people who fully
understood the issue of the P3MD Policy
Implementation in Aceh Barat District. Data
collection techniques were carried out through
interviews and observation and documentation. The
data analysis technique used in this study is an
interactive model qualitative analysis technique
developed by Miles & Huberman. This interactive
analysis model includes data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification
(Bungin, 2007).
The results of research on the effectiveness of
implementing Village Community Development and
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
Empowerment Program (P3MD) policy in Aceh
Barat District can be described based on the three
approaches used.
1. Source approach (resource approach).
The success P3MD policy implementation
effectiveness process in improving the welfare of the
people in West Aceh Regency in terms of assistance
to achieve the desired resources is very dependent on
the ability to utilize available resources, namely:
human resources, time, financial resources. These
three resources greatly affect the mentoring process
in P3MD in Aceh Barat District in order to achieve
the desired target. With the support of resources, the
mentoring process in P3MD in Aceh Barat Regency
can be carried out well, but when in the process of
implementing P3MD mentoring there is no resource
support, the mentoring process is certainly not carried
out as planned or mutually agreed. Based on the
results of the author's interview with the Sub-District
Head of Johan Pahlawan which stated that:
"In the P3MD mentoring process, it is very
influential with the human resources in P3MD itself.
Success or failure depends on P3MD to provide good
knowledge. other sciences, the assistance process in
the field cannot run as desired. So human resources
have a very important role to determine the success of
P3MD implementation, whether it is at the village,
sub-district or district level”. (Interview April 2020)
The data above shows that the success of P3MD
mentoring to oversee the Village Fund in Aceh Barat
Regency, the influence of human resources is indeed
very large, this can be seen and illustrated how these
village facilitators began to assist the community and
village government starting from the village planning
process and village budget planning so that produce a
Village RKP document and a Village RPJM
document and at the implementation stage how these
village assistants teach and guide the community in
making designs and RAB, making simple financial
reports. An important resource is the availability of
funds. The opinion regarding the management of the
Village Fund as expressed by BPD Mekar Jaya is that:
"This issue of funds is indeed very vulnerable to
problems, especially the Village Fund, which is not
small in number, mismanaged and is not transparent,
it will cause vulnerability in the community. Now the
average use of Village Funds is towards infrastructure
or village development, while the field of village
community empowerment is still very minimal. How
do you want to improve the welfare of the community
if only activities are dominated by infrastructure work
that is enjoyed by certain people while community
empowerment activities are still ongoing, such as
training for farmers, for mothers who want to take
sewing or cake making courses, workshops and
carpentry? which is still not funded even though the
village funds are given to improve the welfare of the
village community”. (Interview April 2020)
Based on this opinion, it is true that sufficient and
adequate financial support will support the village
development process and community empowerment
will run smoothly, so good governance of the Village
Fund is needed so that the funds are right on target
and can be used for the benefit of development and
community empowerment in the West Aceh Regency
area. Thus, it can be concluded that the resources that
can influence the effectiveness of the P3MD policy
implementation in West Aceh District are human
resources, financial resources, and time resources.
These three dimensions of indicators are factors that
influence the success of the P3MD Policy
Implementation Effectiveness in West Aceh District.
The resource approach factor as one of the criteria
that affects the Effectiveness of P3MD Policy
Implementation in Aceh Barat District is to
strengthen the opinion expressed by Lubis and
Martani (1987).
2. Process Approach
The success of a program at the stage of
implementation of mentoring carried out in the
Village Community Development and Empowerment
Program (P3MD) in West Aceh Regency is very
dependent on the process of implementing the
activities itself carried out by village facilitators.
Village Facilitators in P3MD Aceh Barat Regency
have an important role in increasing community
participation and village institutions in village
development activities.
Assistance at P3MD in West Aceh Regency is
carried out by village assistants who are tasked with
assisting villages in implementing village
development and empowering village communities.
In terms of process, the implementation of the P3MD
program has been going well. This is confirmed by
the results of an interview with one of the Village
Heads of Padang Seurahet regarding the mentoring
process in the P3MD of West Aceh Regency stating
“In the implementation of development activities
in Aceh Barat Regency, the community is not made
the object of various development projects, but is the
subject of their own development efforts. This is
reflected in the implementation of P3MD activities in
Aceh Barat Regency which is so directed that it starts
from the planning process that involves all elements
of the community where in the village development
planning process is a process of stages of activities
organized by the Village Government by involving
Implementation of the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Through Priorities of the Use of Village
Funds in the Coastal Area, Aceh Barat Regency
the BPD and community elements in a participatory
manner for utilization and allocation. village
resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives
of village development, after that we go to the
budgeting process where in this budgeting process all
activities we will carry out based on the proposals
contained in the Village RKP document which will
later be included in the Village APB in the budgeting
document where it will later be clear how the village
finances are managed, the procedures for their
allocation, distribution, use, monitoring, and
evaluation of the Village Fund after that we enter into
the implementation Activities that are in line with the
procurement of goods and services and reporting on
reporting and accountability of the Village Head
submit a report on the realization of the
implementation of the Village Budget to the
Regent/Mayor every semester of the current year and
to ensure that the P3MD implementation process runs
well, at this last stage, guidance and supervision are
carried out. The function of fostering, monitoring,
monitoring and evaluating the use of Village Funds
since the planning, implementation, accountability
and utilization process. Conducted by the Regency
Government, it must provide assistance and
facilitation, through the formation of a special
coaching work unit. (Interview May 2020).
Based on the opinion of the informant, it can be
seen that the success of P3MD Policy Implementation
Effectiveness in West Aceh Regency approaches the
implementation process of activities that involve all
elements in P3MD including District Government,
District Government, Village Government,
Community and Facilitators. Thus, the process
approach to see how far the effectiveness of
implementing program activities greatly affects the
Effectiveness of P3MD Policy Implementation in
Aceh Barat District. This supports the opinion of
Lubis and Martani (1987).
3. Target Approach (goals approach)
Assistance in P3MD Aceh Barat Regency can be
measured by the level of success if the goals and
objectives of village facilitators can be realized in
policy implementation. Target is a tool to measure the
effectiveness of an organization as well as P3MD
which is a series of activities carried out in a
systematic and structured manner based on standard
operating procedures. Empowering within the village
scope means that there is a common perception of the
same development among 336 villages in West Aceh
Regency with community dynamics that may differ
from one sub-district to another, even within the
scope of inter-hamlet perceptions may differ, maybe
in one village the matrilinear position is still it is thick
to be heard than the voice of a sub-district head, in
other places maybe we can speak straightforwardly
without restrictions on the other hand speech must be
guarded to honor the host. Equating all villages in
West Aceh Regency that the Village Fund is to create
inclusiveness regardless of gender, race, ethnicity
may in theory seem easy, but unfortunately human
nature is not only easily illustrated through their
behavior at all times.
Disseminating Law Number 6 of 2014 to the
village community is not an easy thing because in this
socialization process we participate in building
awareness of the village community to build their
own village. This is confirmed by the results of an
interview with the Head of the Community and
Village Empowerment Service of West Aceh
Regency who stated that:
"The role of assistants in the field is very helpful
for village governments and village communities
where these assistants have provided knowledge to
them so that there is an increase in their knowledge,
attitudes, skills, behavior, abilities and awareness to
develop villages and utilize existing resources, but in
several sub-districts and there are still villages that are
not optimal in the mentoring process so that in several
locations the assistance of village facilitators is still
not effective this is due to the lack of assistants who
are placed to assist the area and the intensity of the
assistants at the task location and the relatively low
ability of village government officials in
understanding the knowledge and knowledge
conveyed by professional assistants. (Interview May
The data above shows that the involvement of the
facilitator in the development process in the village
means that the facilitator has started to be involved
from the beginning of the planning, implementation,
and evaluation process of village activities for one
year as part of the responsibility of the facilitator. The
more important thing to do is to be actively involved
and follow the current that has been running first, if
there are things that are not in accordance with the
provisions, they just need to be evaluated for future
improvements. Not only the facilitators themselves,
but also the village, sub-district and local
governments must play a role in the involvement of
mentoring. Based on the opinion of the informant, it
can be seen that the success of P3MD Policy
Implementation Effectiveness in West Aceh Regency
is influenced by the target approach where the role of
professional assistants is very important in efforts to
empower rural communities in a sustainable way in
terms of providing human resources and
management. The findings of this study support the
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
theory of Lubis and Martani (1987) about the
effectiveness of an organization.
The policy assistance of the Village Community
Development and Empowerment Program in West
Aceh Regency has not yet achieved optimal
effectiveness in its implementation. This can be seen
from the three approaches used to measure the
effectiveness of mentoring in P3MD in Aceh Barat
District, two indicators including the source approach
and the target approach have not worked well. In the
future, policy implementers need to focus more on
optimizing resources and involving wider target
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Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2021, E-ISSN: 2776-3471
Implementation of the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Through Priorities of the Use of Village
Funds in the Coastal Area, Aceh Barat Regency