the BPD and community elements in a participatory
manner for utilization and allocation. village
resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives
of village development, after that we go to the
budgeting process where in this budgeting process all
activities we will carry out based on the proposals
contained in the Village RKP document which will
later be included in the Village APB in the budgeting
document where it will later be clear how the village
finances are managed, the procedures for their
allocation, distribution, use, monitoring, and
evaluation of the Village Fund after that we enter into
the implementation Activities that are in line with the
procurement of goods and services and reporting on
reporting and accountability of the Village Head
submit a report on the realization of the
implementation of the Village Budget to the
Regent/Mayor every semester of the current year and
to ensure that the P3MD implementation process runs
well, at this last stage, guidance and supervision are
carried out. The function of fostering, monitoring,
monitoring and evaluating the use of Village Funds
since the planning, implementation, accountability
and utilization process. Conducted by the Regency
Government, it must provide assistance and
facilitation, through the formation of a special
coaching work unit. (Interview May 2020).
Based on the opinion of the informant, it can be
seen that the success of P3MD Policy Implementation
Effectiveness in West Aceh Regency approaches the
implementation process of activities that involve all
elements in P3MD including District Government,
District Government, Village Government,
Community and Facilitators. Thus, the process
approach to see how far the effectiveness of
implementing program activities greatly affects the
Effectiveness of P3MD Policy Implementation in
Aceh Barat District. This supports the opinion of
Lubis and Martani (1987).
3. Target Approach (goals approach)
Assistance in P3MD Aceh Barat Regency can be
measured by the level of success if the goals and
objectives of village facilitators can be realized in
policy implementation. Target is a tool to measure the
effectiveness of an organization as well as P3MD
which is a series of activities carried out in a
systematic and structured manner based on standard
operating procedures. Empowering within the village
scope means that there is a common perception of the
same development among 336 villages in West Aceh
Regency with community dynamics that may differ
from one sub-district to another, even within the
scope of inter-hamlet perceptions may differ, maybe
in one village the matrilinear position is still it is thick
to be heard than the voice of a sub-district head, in
other places maybe we can speak straightforwardly
without restrictions on the other hand speech must be
guarded to honor the host. Equating all villages in
West Aceh Regency that the Village Fund is to create
inclusiveness regardless of gender, race, ethnicity
may in theory seem easy, but unfortunately human
nature is not only easily illustrated through their
behavior at all times.
Disseminating Law Number 6 of 2014 to the
village community is not an easy thing because in this
socialization process we participate in building
awareness of the village community to build their
own village. This is confirmed by the results of an
interview with the Head of the Community and
Village Empowerment Service of West Aceh
Regency who stated that:
"The role of assistants in the field is very helpful
for village governments and village communities
where these assistants have provided knowledge to
them so that there is an increase in their knowledge,
attitudes, skills, behavior, abilities and awareness to
develop villages and utilize existing resources, but in
several sub-districts and there are still villages that are
not optimal in the mentoring process so that in several
locations the assistance of village facilitators is still
not effective this is due to the lack of assistants who
are placed to assist the area and the intensity of the
assistants at the task location and the relatively low
ability of village government officials in
understanding the knowledge and knowledge
conveyed by professional assistants. (Interview May
The data above shows that the involvement of the
facilitator in the development process in the village
means that the facilitator has started to be involved
from the beginning of the planning, implementation,
and evaluation process of village activities for one
year as part of the responsibility of the facilitator. The
more important thing to do is to be actively involved
and follow the current that has been running first, if
there are things that are not in accordance with the
provisions, they just need to be evaluated for future
improvements. Not only the facilitators themselves,
but also the village, sub-district and local
governments must play a role in the involvement of
mentoring. Based on the opinion of the informant, it
can be seen that the success of P3MD Policy
Implementation Effectiveness in West Aceh Regency
is influenced by the target approach where the role of
professional assistants is very important in efforts to
empower rural communities in a sustainable way in
terms of providing human resources and
management. The findings of this study support the