Proactive and Reactive Innovation Toward Market Performance of
Indonesian Furniture
Yudha B. Abadi, Moeljadi, Mintarti Rahayu and Dodi W. Irawanto
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Market Performance, Product Innovation, Proactive Innovation and Reactive Innovation.
Abstract: For the furniture business, the current domestic market situation is not easy. Reviewing the tight competition
map for the domestic market, among others, is represented by imported home appliance retail companies.
Indonesian Furniture Association reported that the growth of imported products has been pushing down its
domestic market performance by 10-15% compare to 3-5% annual growth. This study aims to explore market
performance in terms of proactive and reactive innovation, both in terms of product innovation and the
organization of furniture companies. This research is based on a literature study to obtain basic results. The
results expected to describe how Proactive and Reactive Innovation can improve Market Performance, both
in terms of products and organizations. Based on these findings, this research is expected to become a study
material and basic literature for furniture companies to determine the direction of market performance
development. The literature perspective provided on this study, deepen its strategy of Indonesian furniture
companies in developing management to face various changes and competition through innovative strategies
that have a positive impact on company performance.
The performance of the national furniture industry
needs a new game-changer. It can be seen at least
from the ratio of productivity growth in the domestic
and international markets, which has not been
encouraging. Performance is reflected in the
aggregate data on furniture exports-imports up to
2020, which is still below that of 2008. The
Indonesian furniture industry, although continuing its
positive growth in 2015, reached 1,902 million USD,
only a slight increase of 1.3% from 2014's figure of
1,878 million USD, then until 2020, it reached 1,911
million USD, an increase of 8.1% compared to 2019,
but still lower than the 2008 achievement, which had
reached 1,954 million USD (BPS, 2019). Other data
shows that the export value of Indonesian furniture in
2015 was still 1.81 million USD and was ranked 21st
in world export products, lower than the previous year
with exports of 1.9 billion USD (BPS, 2016).
In summary, from 2008 to 2020, export
performance has not yet touched the figures achieved
in 2008. In fact, the domestic market is under
significant pressure from imported products that
continue to increase, suppressing national products
by +/-200% since 2015, worth 624 million USD in
2020. Compared to the export-import trade balance
from 2015 to 2020, the performance of this sub-sector
continues to grow. However, experienced a negative
growth trend of 16.7%. Even though there was an
8.1% increase in exports in 2020 compared to 2019,
the balance has never reached USD 1,546 million
since 2015. In other words, the growth ratio of the
furniture industry until 2020 has not been
satisfactory. As reflected in the performance data
above, the pressure on imported products is felt by
these industry players. According to HIMKI, this
industry is facing intense competition from imported
products in the domestic market. HIMKI assumes that
the growth of imported products is in the range of 10-
15%, while the growth of national furniture products
in the domestic market is only around 3-5% (Sobur,
2018). The growth of imports of furniture products in
Indonesia has now controlled 45% of the domestic
market, and if it continues, the domestic market is
very likely to be dominated by imported products.
The current domestic market situation is not easy for
local furniture business players, so that there is a need
for innovation in a product.
Research by Edeh et al. (2020) on SMEs in
Nigeria, found that product innovation was not
significantly related to export performance, although
Abadi, Y., Moeljadi, ., Rahayu, M. and Irawanto, D.
Proactive and Reactive Innovation Toward Market Performance of Indonesian Furniture.
DOI: 10.5220/0011865100003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 32-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the results of his study found that process innovation
and marketing innovation lead to an increase in
export performance. From Puspita et al. (2020), who
conducted a study on the Indonesian furniture
industry, found that innovation capability as
measured by: product innovations, process
innovations, marketing innovations and managerial
innovations did not have a positive and significant
effect on business performance. Then the research by
Bisbe & Otley (2004), which tested the model
previously developed by Yang et al. (2009) regarding
the level of Management Control System (MCS) by
top management in both product and process
innovation activities on business performance,
resulted in the finding of a negative correlation
between product innovation. On business
performance on the use of MCS in high-innovating
companies. Also, from Yalcinkaya et al. (2007)
reported an insignificant effect of product innovation
on firm performance, although much of the literature
shows a higher level of product innovation will be
able to improve market performance. El-Kassar &
Singh (2019) stated that the results were also quite
surprising. His research which focuses on the creation
of Green Product Innovation (GPI), finds that it has
no significant effect on Organizational Performance
as well as on Competitive Advantage. Another study
conducted by Harwiki & Malet (2020) through a
comparison between the handicraft MSME industry
in Indonesia and Spain has revealed that the
innovation variable does not have a significant
influence on the performance of MSMEs in
Indonesia, the opposite result occurs in Spain where
innovation has a significant influence on the
performance of MSMEs. Spanish. The same thing
was found by Nandan et al. (2020) study that
Technological Innovation has no significant effect on
financial performance.
Different results are obtained from the research
findings conducted by Bustinza (2018), which reveals
the complexity of the relationship between product-
service innovation (PSI) or servitization on firm
performance, which results in a mismatch between
theoretical predictions empirical evidence. The
results of his research show a positive and linear
relationship between product-service innovation
(PSI) variables on firm performance. According to
this study, Resource-based Theory directs companies
to focus on exploiting their unique resources, as
driven by PSI being able to contribute to generating
competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate in
the long term. Also, research by Khan & Naeem
(2018), which examines the relationship between
quality practices, service innovation and
organizational performance in telecommunications
operator companies in Pakistan, shows that quality
practices improve service innovation and
organizational performance, while service innovation
has a positive impact on organizational performance
so that the results of his research recommend that
telecommunications operator companies must give
importance to quality practices and service
innovation to ensure an increase in organizational
As far as the researcher is concerned, strategic
innovation studies are still rarely found in the
furniture industry in Indonesia; therefore, this review
will investigate how much influence product
innovation has on market performance in the
Indonesian furniture industry. Referring to previous
studies, this research intends to offer a perspective on
organizational capabilities in combining strategic
orientation into a model as a novelty of this research
by adopting the views of Hunt & Morgan (1997) on
the RAToC (Resource Advantage Theory of
Competition) theory about proactive innovation and
reactive innovation. Therefore, the review intends to
find out the climate of proactive innovation and
organizational innovation and how its ecosystems are
created within the Indonesian furniture industries.
Before Hunt (1997) put forward RAToC, Chamberlin
(1933) stated that Perfect Competition Theory &
Monopolistic Theory had expanded the important
role of product differentiation in meeting various
needs, wants, tastes, and requirements also different
for each consumer. For him, high prices and low
quality will be inevitable when the production scale
is small. In the RAToC proposition built by Hunt
(1997), the market character will always be provoked
into an imbalance because every company will
always try to move the market through product
innovations to meet different consumer needs. This
proposition underscores that innovation is an
embedded factor of competition. The thickness of
RAToC in discussing the theory of competitive
strategy can be seen from the view of Hunt &
Madhavaram (2020), which explains that qualitative
changes in the demand phase are far more important
than quantitative changes in the supply phase,
becoming the basis for companies to carry out outside
renewal competence in proactive innovation
strategies in generating resources. RAToC connects
proactive innovation and reactive innovation when
explaining three requirements for a company to
Proactive and Reactive Innovation Toward Market Performance of Indonesian Furniture
maintain its competitive advantage, namely by: (1)
the company engaging in proactive innovation, (2)
continuously investing in resources that generate
competitive advantage, (3) acquiring and thwarts
reactive competitor innovation. Proactive innovation
is defined as a motive to achieve superior financial
performance, not caused by special competitive
pressures, but genuinely caused by entrepreneurial
intuition. And reactive innovation is stated to protect
its market segment (isolation mechanism) through the
company's learning process. Both contribute to the
dynamic nature of RAToC.
The view of Innovation Theory put forward by
Sundbo (1995), states that innovation results from an
organization's competitive advantage. Kim and
Mauborgne (1999) define innovation as a concept that
makes competition meaningless because it provides a
valuable advantage that is fundamentally new and
superior in the market and can drive exponential
jumps by generating new markets. Although, as a
study developed through separate academic thinking,
the strategy includes the strategic planning process or
innovation, including the new product process (Adler
et al., 1992; Englund and Graham, 1999), very rarely
applied to the corporate perspective (Varadarajan and
Jayachandran, 1999). The substance of innovation is
related to new ways of thinking in the realm of
employee supervision, including monitoring and
reward systems, new skills and habits (Deming,
The innovation stage needs to be built because an
organization cannot immediately innovate (Dosi,
1982; Teece, 1988), starting with basic questions
about why choosing the business to the business
model itself (Geroski, 1998). Questions about: What
business are you in? Who are the customers? And
how do we generate value? (Hamel, 1998; and
Markides, 1997). Such basic questions allow
managers to dig deep into the rules to the implied
assumptions that make up the business systems that
run in the industry. In general, strategic innovators are
reluctant to accept immediately and take care that
mental models and implicit industrial rules are not
formed; they often ignore their company's core
business, instead of focusing on what can be used as
opportunities (Kim and Mauborgne, 1999; Markides,
At the strategic level, in addition to more
comprehensive innovation, time-based competitive
advantages emerge as options (Stalk, 1988), mass
customization (Pine, 1993) and mass fashion (Baden-
Fuller and Stopford, 1994). Further to the supply
chain, pushing for a new system of managing partners
and cooperation networks will make it easier for
companies to restructure new provisions while
emphasizing the importance of new distribution
channels, review of delivery points that are
significantly more efficient and effective in providing
better services than competitors (Lamming, 2003).
Most innovation studies in the literature are about
product innovation and service innovation. Among
the various innovative approaches, generating new
products and new services in the area of highest
interest (Craig and Moores, 2006) that enables firms
to achieve competitive advantage (Berg and
Einspruch, 2009). Cormican and O'Sullivan, 2004;
Craig and Moores, 2006). In the context of its
function, product innovation is important to increase
company productivity because it can be a source of
competitive advantage needed to satisfy the needs of
customers and targeted market segments. Not
infrequently, the formulation of product innovation
strategies also plays an important role in an
organization's priorities (Quinn, 2000). Alignment of
strategy, tactics and operations leads to innovative
products, which are generally characterized as
something new, valuable and frequently (as an object)
introduced to the market. New products or unique
services result from a differentiation strategy to
achieve a competitive advantage. The company's
ability to produce a premium product above industry
norms is developing and commercializing new
products or improvements to existing products
following market orientation (Porter, 1997; OECD,
2019). These studies state that innovation is an
organizational mechanism to survive and increase the
chances of its sustainability, although other
researchers provide a different view, stating that the
antecedent to organizational performance cannot be
influenced by one type of innovation alone but
consists of a combination of several innovations.
From the perspective of Lessig (2002), it is stated
that innovation is a research, development, and
engineering activity aimed at developing the practical
application of new scientific values and contexts, or
new ways to apply existing science and technology
into products or production processes. More
specifically, according to Knight (1967), product
innovation means that a new product or service is
introduced to meet the needs of external users or
markets, and process innovation is a new element
introduced into an organization's production or
service operations between others: raw materials, task
specifications, workflow mechanisms and
information, and equipment used to produce products
or create services.
Organizational theory has long considered how
organizations evolve and adapt to their environments,
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
including the effect of technological change on
organizational evolution (Tushman and Nelson
1990). Most of the previous publications agree that
organizational innovation affects performance
positively. Irwin et al. (1998) used a resource-based
view to demonstrate a positive relationship between
technological innovation and organizational
performance and suggested that innovation
characteristics (rare, valuable, and immutable)
moderate this relationship. In the face of a changing
environment, new entrants to the industry can replace
established organizations that cannot adapt quickly
enough. At the same time, new organizations tend to
develop through the entrepreneurial activities of new
companies. According to Hurley, Tomas and Hult
(1998), higher levels of innovation in corporate
culture are associated with greater innovation
capacity to develop a competitive advantage.
Organizational innovation is a subject that influences
various categories, including individuals,
organizations and the environment. Of all the
potential influences, organizational variables are the
most studied, and several researchers have
demonstrated the importance of organizational
studies as a determinant of innovation (Damanpour,
1984; Kimberly & Evanisko, 1981).
From the RAToC theory, Hunt (1996)
distinguishes between proactive and reactive
innovation. Proactive innovation is defined as a
motive to achieve superior financial performance, not
because it is driven by specific competitive pressures
but is genuinely driven by entrepreneurial intuition.
Reactive innovation is defined as innovation that is
driven directly by the learning process of companies
competing to protect their market segments (Hunt,
1996). Furthermore, Hunt (1997) also states that
proactive innovation includes: imitating resources
(competitors), finding (creating) equivalent resources
or finding (creating) superior resources. For Hunt
(2020), RAToC responds to the need for market
orientation strategy theorists to broaden their
perspective beyond their exclusive focus not only on
customers and competitors (Carpenter, 2017; Line,
Runyan, & Gonzalez-Pardon, 2019). From Vazquez
et al.'s (2001) research, market orientation promotes
two strategic dimensions of corporate behavior that
are strongly related to innovation behavior:
aggressiveness and proactiveness.
In comparison, both market orientations should be
the basis of the company's innovation efforts (Narver
et al., 2004). To support this argument, Narver et al.
(2004) found in an empirical study that market
orientation is positively related to innovation
orientation and more strongly associated with
proactive market orientation. Furthermore, another
empirical study by Tsai et al. (2008), showed that
both market orientations are important drivers of new
product performance. Furthermore, both proactive
and responsive market orientations may require
different organizational conditions to influence
innovation performance positively.
As previously mentioned in the Problem
Formulation regarding the concept of market
performance, many researchers state that this concept
does not yet have a standard consensus in defining it,
but many researchers have found the results of studies
relating innovation to both business performance and
organizational performance. Turang (2015) mentions
the term market performance as business
performance resulting from business strategies in a
marketing process. Both business performance,
organizational performance, firm performance and
market performance by most researchers are
considered as multi-dimensional constructs.
Organizational performance and market performance
are also considered as subjective perceptions due to
the measurement of the success of an organization
through financial parameters, which are generally
constrained by access to company financial data.
The study of performance itself has become an
object that rarely stops because organizational
performance may be the ultimate goal in every form
of organization, whether in the private sector, public
sector or society. The Indonesian government system,
for example, defines performance as the output/result
of activities/programs that have been or are to be
achieved concerning the use of the budget with a
measurable quantity and quality (Presidential
Regulation No. 29/2014 concerning Performance
Accountability System for Government Agencies).
From the literature review, Lumpkin and Dess (1996)
state that business performance is a multidimensional
construct related to the organizational strategy that
has different effects on organizational goals. While
Ferraresi et al., (2012) mention firm performance as a
broad concept even though its measurement is often
discussed in the literature but there is no consensus on
what should be specifically included in its
measurement (Neely et al., 1995), except measures of
effectiveness and efficiency (Porter, 1985).
This study uses literature sourced from articles
published online. The keywords used in searching the
literature are Proactive Innovation, Reactive
Innovation, Product Innovation and Market
Proactive and Reactive Innovation Toward Market Performance of Indonesian Furniture
Performance. Variables used in building hypotheses
based on articles reviewed using keywords. This
research is a study using a literature study or literature
review method, which is a comprehensive overview
of the research that has been done on a specific topic
to show the reader what is already known about the
topic and what is not known to seek rationale from the
research that has been done or for further research
ideas (Denney & Tewksbury, 2013). According to
Mestika Zed (2014), literature study research has a
main characteristic; namely, researchers deal directly
with available sources. In this article, sources are
taken in the form of articles originating from journals
that have been well accredited.
The need to continuously update competencies to
develop organizational innovation coupled with
strategic leadership capable of producing innovation-
oriented capabilities is a basic prerequisite for
managing survival or growth (Arbore and Ordanini,
2006). Perceived market uncertainty is an important
variable that influences the company's business
policy to seize the market by developing a strategy
that places the importance of accurately controlling
demand in market dynamics, especially due to
changes in customer preferences and expectations
(Saeed 2015). Proactive innovation can be a strategy
that can guide management in finding new
opportunities, ways and approaches to satisfy
customer expectations. Strategic leadership that can
produce creative destruction to isolate the
competitiveness of competitors and at the same time
develop experience through the utilization of methods
to form new companies that can sustainably move the
market. Affirming a mental model that
comprehensively maps and directs competition to a
new form of regulation that is more profitable for the
company in the long term.
Urban and Hauser (1984) and Ernst (2002) assess
that the company's performance can be achieved by
creating new products with differentiation. At the
strategic leadership level, product innovation success
requires a mental model to direct the organization's
strategic orientation in managing internal resources
that proactively respond to latent customer needs by
creating a comparative advantage in achieving sales
performance. Proactive innovation implies that a
firm's innovation strategy is oriented towards the
latent wants of existing customers or customer needs
through the introduction of new products, the creation
of new markets, or the adoption of new distribution
channels (Ahuja and Lampert 2001; McGrath, 2001;
Danneels 2002; Jansen et al., 2006). McGrath (2001)
considers that a decentralized hierarchy in
organizational management is beneficial for
developing appropriate proactive innovation to meet
local requirements. Strengthened by Bierly and
Chakrabarti (1996), who refers to a flexibility
strategy that accelerates the ability to adapt to
changes in the external and internal environment by
changing strategies to help companies manage risk
quickly, responding proactively or reactively (Grewal
and Tansuhaj, 2001). In various studies, proactive
innovation can improve market performance because
of its ability to direct product innovation in finding,
offering and satisfying latent customer needs.
As Hunt & Morgan (1997), the study of Tutar et
al. (2015) revealed that proactive innovation plays an
important role in predicting customer preferences in
particular and can predict hidden and new consumer
expectations for product innovation. The research
results of Tutar et al. (2015) also found that proactive
market orientation has a positive and significant
impact on all innovation capabilities, both process,
product and market innovation. Proactive innovation
is used to accurately predict future markets,
preferences, competitive conditions and the evolution
of environmental forces and respond to unarticulated
customer needs that have particular relevance to the
innovation context (Thomas et al., 2015; Atuahene-
Gima, 2005; Narver et al., 2004). Being proactive
means reducing threats by taking preventive steps to
implement product development strategies actively
and become the basis of its innovation efforts because
it results in new product performance (Narver et al.,
2004; Tsai et al., 2008).
High environmental turbulence can occur
anytime, both from within and from the external
environment. Various studies seek and relate
organizational capabilities to the most effective
corporate response systems to various pressures and
resource scarcity. Hunt (2019) calls it a controversy
between static versus dynamic; even Hunt states that
the substance of the market is a system that will
always be provoked dynamically. Internal changes
caused by mergers, share ownership, brand changes
and others do not reduce external pressures that can
take the form of new challenges with the presence of
new entrants, new innovations from competitors,
lower prices and better benefits. Challenges from
followers require agility and speed in action. The key
to its success lies in managing internal resources to
generate new offerings in the form of products with
new benefits, although reactive innovation does not
always only produce incremental innovation. Some
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
studies even mention that reactive innovation will
require a different structure than product innovation.
tion Various previous research evidence suggests that
organizations must always carry out renewal
competence and encourage each organization to
produce sustainable innovations to maintain and seize
its competitive advantage position and achieve
superior financial performance. "To innovate or die"
has become a widely recognized adage, implying that
the challenge of achieving market performance
requires a continuous response to innovation.
Most of the previous publications stated that
organizational innovation would affect performance.
Irwin et al. (1998) used a resource-based view to
show a positive relationship between technological
innovation and organizational performance, while
Hurley, Thomas and Hult (1998) suggested higher
levels of innovation in corporate culture to promote
greater innovation capacity in developing
competitive advantage. Research by Fang Wang
(2020), suggests that organizational innovation is
considered important for the performance of Chinese
manufacturers. Even though studies on organizational
innovation are considered to be still rare (Armbruster
et al., 2008), especially in terms of empirical evidence
(Battisti & Stoneman, 2010), but several studies have
been found about the effect of organizational
innovation on organizational performance, which
consistently shows a significant positive relationship
(Prajogo & Sohal, 2006; Caroli & Van Reene, 2001;
Greenan, 2003; Osterman, 1994). In the face of a
changing environment, new entrants to the industry
can replace established organizations that cannot
adapt quickly enough.
Meanwhile, new organizations will tend to
develop new company entrepreneurship in achieving
market performance. It makes organizational
innovation produce dynamic capabilities in achieving
market performance in the form of superior financial
performance. For Schlegelmilch et al. (2003),
strategic innovation is a "fundamental
conceptualization of the business model and
redefining the existing market through changing the
rules of the game and the level of competition to
obtain a significant increase in value for customers
and high growth for the company". Just to meet
customer expectations even though they are in the
same industry.
It is stated that a new product or unique service
resulting from a differentiation strategy through a
premium product above the industry norm is the
development and commercialization of a new product
or improvement of an existing product following a
market orientation (Porter, 1985; OECD, 2019) to
achieve a competitive advantage. Previous studies
have also stated that innovation becomes an
organizational mechanism to survive and increase the
chances of its sustainability by creating a comparative
advantage in achieving organizational performance.
As emphasized by Urban and Hauser (1984) and
Ernst (2002), company performance can be achieved
by creating new products with differentiation.
Product innovation has become a source of profit,
especially for companies that are early to innovate in
dynamic industries (Lieberman and Montgomery,
1998, 2013). Product innovation which is called by as
a source of heterogeneity between competitors (Irwin
et al., 1998), have found a positive relationship
between technological innovation and organizational
performance and stated that the characteristics of
product innovation that are rare, valuable, and non-
immitable moderate this relationship. Product
innovation is important to increase company
productivity because it can be a source of competitive
advantage needed to satisfy the needs of customers
and targeted market segments. Its influence on
organizational performance, From Sriwong et al.
(2004), Levitt has reminded the conception of what is
called 'total product'.
Based on the literature study obtained, Proactive
Innovation can improve Organizational Innovation.
Furthermore, the better Proactive Innovation, the
better Market Performance and Product Innovation
will be. In the reactive innovation study, when a
furniture company focuses on reactive innovation, the
innovation can actually make a good contribution to
the resulting product so that it leads to an increase in
market performance that is obtained as optimally as
possible. Likewise, organizational innovation that is
always improved also contributes optimally to market
performance. Therefore, the results of this study can
be taken into consideration or predictors in improving
market performance, especially in the furniture
industry. Future research of this study would
addressing the dominant factors on how Indonesian
furniture companies should develop their strategies to
face various changes and competition through
comparative advantage to gain superior financial
performance. The aim is to help managers understand
the most effective way to increase market
performance for years to come.
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