Figure 16. The semantic network of the content of
Moscow actors.
Analysis of the data on the beginning of the pandemic
in Russia showed that the perception of Covid-
19differs significantly in the Moscow and regional
group of actors. The impact of the pandemic has
mostly affected the inhabitants of the metropolis. The
discussion of the coronavirus topic in the Russian-
speaking media space was begun by the Moscow
actors; their intensity in the generation and the
negative connotation of the content prevail over the
regional data. The regional content is devoted to the
problems of the infection spread in Moscow and then
in the Moscow region and further in Russia, as well
as the organization of life in the new conditions, the
consequences of the pandemic: unemployment in the
first instance. The Moscow actors focused primarily
on the problems of the pandemic in the capital, and
also paid great attention to the rise of the coronavirus
in China, Europe and the USA. The coronavirus
topics in the Moscow content are closely related to
political and economic issues.
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ISAIC 2022 - International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing