Determination of Bank Capacitor Size as Power Factor Improvement
in Inductive Loads Using Lab View Interface
Donny Dupang Sitorus, A. Tossin Alamsyah and Asrizal Tatang
Electrical Engineering Department State Polytechnic of Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Labview, Capacitor Bank, KHA, MCCB.
Abstract: The development of the housing, hotel, and mall sectors has resulted in an ever-increasing demand for
electrical energy. Therefore, the electrical energy distribution is fast, precise, and accurate. Calculating the
quality of the power factor, conductors, and safety is necessary. This is because it involves the reliability of
the system. The quality of the power factor must be maintained by the standards given by PLN to reduce the
cost of electric power used, increase system capacity, increase voltage, and reduce losses to the system.
Calculating the KHA is also essential to make it easier to determine the cross-sectional area of the cable that
will be used correctly, safely, and by predetermined standards. At the same time, calculating the magnitude
of the breaker capacity is essential for safety and the current breaker when there is a short circuit (short circuit)
or overload (overload), which can cause damage to the electric motor and fire due to sparks. In this study, we
will design and calculate the value of the capacitor bank, the calculation of the value of the cable KHA, and
the capacity of the MCC breaker using the LabVIEW interface so that it can make it easier for the industry to
do calculations quickly just by entering load data.
Electrical energy is one of the most vital energy roles
in everyday life. This fact triggers the demand for
electrical energy from year to year to increase with the
development of the housing sector, hotels, malls, and
so on. This increase must be followed by a good and
efficient distribution of electrical energy to obtain
electrical energy with high continuity of supply
(E. Ridwan, M. I. Arsyad, A. Razikin, 2018).
In Indonesia, electric power consumers comprise
various groups ranging from households to businesses
to industries. This load variation causes fluctuations in
the power quality of distribution network buses.
Power quality is determined by the bus's high and low
power factors. The decrease in the value of the PF
power factor (cosϕ) is a problem that must be
minimized. Because with a decrease in PF, consumers
and suppliers of electrical energy will experience
losses(B. S. Fauzan, F. Danang Wijaya,). For
consumers, the disadvantages include decreased
system voltage, and the electric power supply cannot
be maximized. The factor that affects the decrease in
PF is the use of inductive loads. The problem is the
low power quality caused by inductive loads (Lisiani,
A. Razikin, and Syaifurrahman, 2020). The inductive
load is a type of load with a wire wound element. An
increase in inductive load results in an increase in the
use of reactive power, which affects the quality of
electric power, especially the power factor. The
comparison between active power (W) and visible
power (VA) will result in a low PF power factor (cosϕ)
as a result of the use of inductive loads(A. Dani and
M. Hasanuddin,(2014)).
One of the efforts made to reduce reactive power
due to using inductive loads is to compensate for
reactive power,(V.B.Rizqiya,(2019)).The reactive
power compensation will reduce the inductive load's
reactive power(S. T. Listrik,). Bank capacitors are
capacitive loads that can reduce reactive power in
inductive loads A. B. Ar Rahmaan,(2017)). So the use
of capacitor banks as reactive power compensators
can correct poor power factors in the load so that the
use of electrical power to the needs of the load is more
The correct cable selection also needs to be
considered because it functions to see the smooth
distribution of electrical energy from the source to the
load,( S. A. Gunawan(2000)). To ensure the system is
safe, a breaker is also required. Breakers such as
MCCB function as safety and current breaker when