The minimum creepage distance on the 20 kv
shaft is 81%, it can be seen through the following
calculation. Total length of shaft= Length of shaft +
total dry distancing
= 300cm + 18cm
= 318cm
Minimum creepage distance of shaft =
Total shaft length - worker grip distance
= 318-60
= 258
Minimum creepage distance= 258/318 x100% =
The total dielectric strength of the 20kV shaft as a
robot hand operation aid with mathematical
calculations is 540 kV. As shown in Figure 4 a 20kV
shaft has a length of 3 meters. Thus the 20kV shaft is
qualified to maintain the distance between the worker
and the active part of the 15 kV phase to the ground
with a minimum distance of 60 cm (Ghosh et al.,
2015). The medium voltage distribution system in
Indonesia is only 11.6 KV lower from phase to
3.2 Discussion
Based on table 1, it can be seen that the maximum
leakage current value is not more than 1 Ampere and
the minimum insulation resistance of the grounding
shaft is not less than 100 Mega Ohms (Jondra et al.,
2020). The higher the voltage applied to the insulator,
the leakage current value is increased (Negara et al.,
2021). The standard maximum leakage current that
has no effect on shock to the human body is 1 milli
ampere. Based on the results of the safety distance
analysis, two values were obtained for assessing the
feasibility of a 20 kV shaft, namely: the value of
dielectric strength and the distance between workers
and active parts with potential for voltage release.
The analysis found that the 20kV shaft has a
dielectric strength of 540 kV, and provides a safe
distance between workers and live parts of 300 cm.
The total dielectric strength benchmark must exceed
the active voltage to avoid electric discharge (Saba et
al., 2014). The benchmark for the minimum safe
distance between workers and 15 kV active equipment
is a minimum of 60 cm (Ghosh et al., 2015).
The requirements that must be met by the Robot Hand
Installing Insulators in Medium Voltage Air Line Pull
Insulators (SUTM) are that they can be remotely
controlled and are able to close all insulator clamps
perfectly, have a high level of security such as not
delivering electric current to the linesman or work
executors on during operation, the weight of the robot
hand is according to the plan, which is appropriate
and can be easily lifted up and the 20kV shaft tool on
the robot hand is safe for medium voltage distribution
systems with A3CS cables. This feasibility is
determined based on good connection ability, leakage
current, insulation resistance, dielectric strength, and
safety distance. The results show that the shaft
exceeds the specified requirements. The insulation
value is more than 100 Giga Ohm, the leakage current
is lower than 1 milliampere, the dielectric strength is
more than 11.6 kV, and the worker distance to live
parts is more than 60 cm to make the system in a safe
This research was funded by Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan and Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan
Vokasi Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset
dan Teknologi 2021. We thank Director of Politeknik
Negeri Bali for his support to this research and we
thank Project Management Office of Domestic
Vocational Higher Education Program Implementation
of the Applied Scientific Research in 2021 for his
support to this research.
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