foliage of the vegetation or herbs or shrubs existing at
the foot of the recorded tree.
In order to compare the results of the two
methodologies corresponding to the use of satellite
images and data from a UAV, work has been done at
the plot level. In the results obtained at this level, the
data obtained by UAV in the Argelia area, the plot
that yielded a greater amount of AGB was plot 5, with
53.73 Tn of AGB. In the Parque Lineal zone, the plot
that yielded the greatest amount of AGB was plot 5,
with 22.33 Tn of AGB. In the Jipiro zone, plot 3 was
the one that yielded a greater amount of AGB, with
62.36 Tn of AGB, and in the Kartodromo zone, plot
1 was the one that yielded a greater quantity of AGB,
with 7.15 Tn of AGB.
On the other hand, in the satellite images in the
Argelia area, the plot that showed the highest value of
AGB was plot 5, with 55.14 Tn of AGB. In the Parque
Lineal area, in the 2019 satellite image, the highest
AGB value was obtained in plot 1, with 57.41 Tn of
AGB, and in the 2017 image in plot 2, with 67.43 Tn
of AGB. In the Jipiro area, in both satellite images,
the plot with the highest amount of AGB was plot 2,
with 87.20 Tn of AGB in the 2019 satellite image, and
with 73.05 Tn of AGB in the 2017 satellite image.
Finally, in the Kartodormo area in both satellite
images, the highest value of AGB calculated was
found in plot 5, with 78.18 Tn of AGB, recorded in
the 2019 satellite image, and with 62.27 Tn of AGB
in the satellite image of 2017.
The results obtained by plots reflect an evident
difference between the used methodologies. For this
analysis, the results were calculated as a percentage,
considering the AGB variable for this purpose. Thus,
from a total of 22 plots, it was obtained that only 4
plots presented a percentage difference between
methods of less than 51%; of these 4 plots, 2 showed
values of difference less than 7%. While of the other
18 plots with values greater than 51%, 5 plots
presented a percentage difference greater than 93%.
Based on the methodologies applied through the use
of remote sensing data, it is partially possible to
obtain estimates of aboveground biomass. This is due
to the fact that the results obtained through the use of
satellite images reflect oversaturated values, while the
estimation through the use of UAV presents values
based on detection at the individual tree level, using
the parameters of H, DBH and mean values of the
wood density.
The city of Loja has a low vegetation cover in
their urban area. As can be verified in the results
presented, the largest amount of vegetation exists on
the banks of the rivers. While in the parks where the
largest number of people and vehicles are
concentrated, the vegetation cover is low.
UAV technology allows products such as point
clouds to be obtained, as well as high-resolution
orthophotos. These GCP-assisted data can have very
good accuracies, which can be comparable with data
obtained with much more expensive platforms such
as those from LiDAR (Wilkes et al., 2018; Chen et
al., 2016). This lowers costs, and allows
investigations and monitoring to be carried out,
especially in small areas, where financial resources
are limited.
Thanks to the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
(UTPL) to facilitate this research by means of project
PY278, funded by the Smart Land initiative.
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