certain characteristic that cannot be found in other
coffee. Therefore, to maintain the distinct flavor, the
coffee beans should be well-roasted using proper
machine. Although the farmers need a proper
machine for roasting process, it is not affordable for
all coffee farmers and the merchants due to the
expensive price. Additionally, the farmers do not
have the required knowledge to operate the machine
or to roast the coffee beans perfectly, which affect
the flavor of the beans.
Condluding the problems mentioned above, the
author conduct a study to develop a coffee roasting
machine using Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
method which is affordable, user-friendly and high
in quality.
These are several studies related to this research
which has previously conducted.
• A study conducted by (Novison and Sapta
2021) entitled "Application of the Taguchi
Method to Determine the Quality of Liberica
Roasted Coffee Based on Roasting
Parameters". The results of the study showed
that the best roasting can be produced with
variable value ratio SN 260 °C, in 60 minutes
with 60 RPM roasting speed and the best to
method is by reducing moisture and acid level
• Another research conducted by (Sulistyo 2020)
entitled "Design of Semi-Automatic Coffee
Bean Roasting Machine". The results obtained
from the performance of the control system on
the semi-automatic roasting machine were able
to reduce the water of 11% to 7%-5% with
light roast beans at 155 °C with an average
time of 12 minutes for heating 170 °C and 150
°C the average roasting time is 20 minutes,
medium roast at a temperature of 160 °C with
an average time of 14 minutes for heating 170
°C and 150°C, the average roasting time is 25
minutes. Semi-automatic roasting is more gas
efficient, 1 can of gas can be used to roast 6-7
times while manual roasting is only 3 times.
• A study conducted by (Arda 2020) entitled
"Design of Microcontroller-Based Smart
Coffee Roasters". The results of the automatic
research obtained the results of the coffee
roaster research with a choice of four roasting
menu options that work automatically, called
light roast, medium roast, dark roast, and set
timer. The Set timer is used when to roast the
coffee beans for a specific time by by setting
the timer
• The results of the study conducted by
(Sasongko et al. 2018) entitled "Coffee Bean
Roasting Machine With Controlled
Temperature Using Arduino Due". The results
showed that the roasted level of coffee beans
can be determined based on the final
temperature of the coffee beans, 235°C for the
medium roast level, and 240°C for the dark
roast level.
Research Objectives
The purposes of this study are:
1. Collecting House of Quality (HoQ) to get the
largest 5 weights from the QFD (Quality
Function Deployment) method.
2. Developing a coffee roasting machine design
based on concept development on the QFD
(Quality Function Deployment) method.
1.1 Product Development
a) Development Concept.
In the concept development phase, the needs of
the target market are identified, alternative
product concepts are generated and evaluated
and a concept is selected for further
b) Design System.
The systems design phase includes defining the
product architecture and dividing the product
into sub-systems and components. The final
assembly scheme for a production system is
often undefined clearly during this phase.
c) Design Details.
Overall specifications are in two dimensions,
materials to be used and tolerances of all
unique product components and identification
of all standard components to be purchased
from suppliers.
d) Testing and Screening.
The testing and screening phase involves
establishing and pre-producing evaluation of
the many types of products to be developed.
1.2 Quality Function Deployment
QFD is a structured product planning and
development method that allows the development
team to clearly define consumer needs and then
evaluate the capacity of each proposal and product
and service systematically (AstonJones and
Cohen, 2005). According to (Djati, 2003), Quality