decarbonization scenario expected for Italy in 2030 in
terms of environmental and social benefits by using a
Cost-Benefit Analysis (i.e. CBA). The results showed
that, in all the sectors, total health co-benefits are
higher than the mitigation cost of achieving the
specific target.
In November 2020, the Italian Government also
published the so-called “National Hydrogen Strategy
-Preliminary Guidelines” (i.e. NHS-PG). This
document aims to define the vision of the Italian
Government on the role that hydrogen can play in the
national decarbonisation pathway. The main
objectives to be reached by 2030 are (Ministero dello
Sviluppo Economico, 2020):
1) 5 GW of installed capacity of electrolyzers;
2) 2% of penetration of hydrogen in the final energy
Different studies have been executed on the future
energy scenarios in Italy. The majority of these
studies in literature forecasts the reduction of the
greenhouse gases (i.e. GHG) emissions through the
combination of renewable energy sources (i.e. RES)
penetration in the energy production sector and an
electrification of the end-user uses. S.Bellocchi et
al.(Bellocchi et al., 2020) modelled the electrification
of transport and residential heating sectors in support
of renewable penetration. They found out that CO
emissions could be reduced down to approximately
70/75% compared to the 2017 level with a penetration
of IRES of around 65% of the national electricity
demand. E. Bompard et al. (Bompard et al., 2020)
proposed the so-called “electricity triangle” involving
electricity generation from Renewable Energy
Sources, exploitation of electricity as the main energy
vector, and electrification of the final energy uses in
all sectors for the evaluation of the Italian energy
scenario in 2050. According to their study, the
electricity triangle would allow the 68% reduction in
emissions in 2050 compared to 2020 levels.
Colbertaldo et al. (Colbertaldo et al., 2018) modelled
the Italian 2030 and 2050 energy scenarios
considering the interaction between power and
transport sectors through power-to-gas systems for
hydrogen production from excess electricity for fuel
cell vehicles. The results of this study outlined a not
sufficient reduction of GHG emissions even with a
high coverage of hydrogen mobility demand by clean
As for the authors knowledge, in literature there is
not a study which evaluates the meeting of the NECP
targets through the combined modelling of Carbon
Capture and Sequestration and hydrogen penetration
in the different sectors. This work aims at defining the
future CO
-reduced 2030 Italian energy scenario
through the integration of CCS in power plants and
hydrogen production in a power to gas system for
electricity curtailment reduction using the
EnergyPlan software tool.
The first part of the study concerns the model
validation through the simulation of the 2019 Italian
reference energy scenario. The core of the study
follows with the simulation of the 2030 Italian energy
scenarios. A first expected 2030 energy scenario in
Italy is modelled considering to maintain the
proportions of the 2019 energy scenario in the
allocation of primary energy sources and
implementing the NECP estimates concerning RES
penetration, coal phase-out in energy production
sector, total final energy consumptions of the
different sectors and electrification of the end-user
uses. The outputs of this model outline high values of
curtailment of electricity and CO
emissions. To
solve these issues, a second energy scenario is
forecasted starting from the first one and modelling
the combined integration of post-combustion CCS
applied to the gas exhausts from power plants and the
2% of penetration of hydrogen in the end-user uses.
This scenario meets the NECP target on CO
emissions with low values of electricity curtailment,
but the sequestration of 20 Mt of CO
is an important
issue to consider.
The Italian energy system is modelled through the use
of EnergyPlan tool (EnergyPLAN, 2022). This
software is an input/output model. Inputs are
demands, renewable energy sources, energy plant
capacities, costs and different simulation strategies
defining import/export and excess of electricity
production. Since EnergyPlan simulates energy
scenarios on an hourly basis, additional inputs are
hourly power distributions, defined as the ratio
between power demand at a particular hour and its
yearly peak value, of electricity, heating, cooling and
transport demands. Outputs are given by energy
balances, annual productions, fuel consumption,
import/exports and total costs. The basis of the
simulations is the minimization of the output from
fossil fuel power plants to reduce both primary energy
consumption and CO
emissions and thus to optimize
the system operation from a technical and/or
economic perspective.