engaged in loading and unloading containers from
and to ships. The services provided are oriented to
cost efficiency and time effectiveness as well as
customer satisfaction, the improvement efforts are
supported by the availability of modern facilities and
equipment as well as implementing an international
standard service system (ISO 9002: 1994 Certificate).
In this research what is meant by stevedoring is an
activity to unload goods from the ship to the dock, or
vice versa loading from the dock to the ship. Freight
port and the factors that influence the level of
satisfaction of the freight port service, including
waiting time and loading and unloading costs.
Satisfaction targeted in this study relates to
satisfaction with the service of imports and exports of
goods. This research purpose is to analyze the
relationship between service quality and the level of
customer satisfaction in the stevedoring process at the
container terminal, namely when unloading goods
from ship to dock, and loading goods from dock to
2.1 Container Terminal
According to Government Regulation No. 69 Tahun
2001 Pasal 1 ayat 1, concerning Ports, a port is a place
consisting of land and surrounding waters with
certain boundaries as a place for government
activities and economic activities that are used as a
place for ships to dock, dock, up and down.
passengers and/or loading and unloading of goods
equipped with shipping safety facilities and port
support activities as well as a place for intra and
intermodal transportation. According to Triatmodjo
(1996), ports can be divided into several aspects of
review, namely in terms of their operation, in terms
of their operation, functions in national and
international trade, in terms of their use and
geographical location. Where the port of goods must
have a dock equipped with facilities for loading and
unloading of goods.
The container terminal is a port supporting facility
that is engaged in loading and unloading of goods.
Transport using containers allows goods to be
combined into one in a container so that loading and
unloading activities can be mechanized. This can
increase the amount of cargo that can be handled so
that loading and unloading times are faster. The
container terminal is one of the transportation
infrastructure that serves the loading and unloading of
goods using ship transportation. Inside the container
terminal is supported by several facilities that are
prepared to serve its customers. The components
which are also the facilities of a container terminal in
supporting the smooth handling of containers
including loading and unloading in a container
terminal are facilities and infrastructure. The facilities
consist of the Port Pier, Container Stacking Field,
Container Freight Service (CFS), Maintenance and
Repair Shop, Control Tower, Ship Planning Center,
and Weighting Bridge. Infrastructure consists of
Gantry Crane, Sraddle Carrier, Forklift, Sidelift, Roll
Trailer, and Head Truck or Chassis.
2.2 Loading and Unloading Containers
According to the Decree of the Minister of
Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 33 of
2001 concerning the Organization and Operation of
Sea Transportation, loading and unloading activities
are activities of moving goods from sea transportation
to land transportation modes and vice versa, which
includes the following activities: (1) Stevedoring,
which is an activity of moving goods from the ship's
hold until the goods are released from the ship. slings
on the pier or vice versa, and (2) Receiving and
delivery; receiving is the activity of receiving goods
from service users to the temporary storage area
(CY), and delivery is the activity of withdrawing
goods or sending goods from the temporary storage
area (CY) to the service user's warehouse.
Meanwhile, the activities of unloading and loading
goods that do not go through the stacking place
(warehouse or stacking yard) are: Truck Losing and
Kade Losing.
2.3 The Concept of Customer
Satisfaction on Service Quality
Creating customer satisfaction can bring a number of
benefits, including seamless business-to-customer
relationships, creating a sound basis for repeat
purchases and customer loyalty, and forming word of
mouth recommendations that benefit the company's
business. Basically, the concept of customer
satisfaction includes the difference between
expectations and perceived performance or results.
2.4 Loading and Unloading Containers
Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Administrative Reform No. KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004
concerning General Guidelines for Compiling the
Community Satisfaction Index, the service principle
is developed into 14 (fourteen) relevant, valid, and