ANOVA Model for the Effectiveness of Blended Teaching Model
Jing Zhang and Yinan Guo
Jiaying University, Meizhou, China
Yinan Guo’s Email:
Keywords: Analysis of Variance Model, Blended Teaching Model, Hypothetical Test.
Abstract: Based on information technology and guided by innovative teaching concepts, the blended teaching mode
combines online network learning and offline classroom learning, making students the main body of teach-
ing. Is this king of teaching model effective? This paper proposes an ANOVA model for analyzing the effec-
tiveness of the blended teaching model, introduces the formulae and methods for parameter estimation and
hypothesis testing, and presents a linear model for evaluating the effectiveness of blended learning. The
conclusion that blended teaching mode has a significant effect on test scores was drawn.
In the age of information technology, the change of
teaching paradigm is unstoppable. In order to
achieve deeper reform in education, we need to
deeply integrate information technology with educa-
tion. The main direction of development is the im-
plementation of blended teaching, which is an or-
ganic combination of "online independent learning"
and "face-to-face teacher teaching" (He 2014)
Taking Comprehensive English course as an
example, this paper conducts an ANOVA on blended
teaching to test the significance of its effect on Eng-
lish performance and to provide theoretical support
for the wide application of the blended teaching
The blended teaching mode supported by infor-
mation technology breaks the one-way integration of
traditional information technology and classroom
teaching, and builds a smart teaching platform
against the background of information technology,
so as to achieve precise guidance for teaching, in-
cluding clear sorting of teaching objectives and
overall design of teaching process, with the core
goal of cultivating students' independent learning
ability and higher-order thinking
(Mathur, R. & Oli-
ver, L. 2007
). It integrates online and offline teach-
ing methods, actively integrates "cooperation" and
"discussion" teaching design, realizes teaching and
learning as one, learning and doing as one, and uses
real-time monitoring and multi-dimensional evalua-
tion to maximize the formation of a clear under-
standing of blended learning. (Bloom 1978)
As can be seen from Table 1, the mastery of
knowledge in the blended teaching mode supported
by information technology is mainly completed
before and during class. Before class, through inde-
pendent learning, learners understand and criticize
the acquired information, integrate it with existing
knowledge, and construct the knowledge system
independently; during class, through classroom
teaching activities, the knowledge learned before
class is transferred and applied, and the construction
of the knowledge system is improved from class-
room activities. (Macdonald 2006) Capacity devel-
opment is reflected in the whole blended learning
process, and learners use resources to study inde-
pendently before class, which helps to develop in-
dependent learning ability. During the class, collab-
orative inquiry activities, online discussions and
post-class question and answer sessions help to im-
prove communication and collaboration skills.
Learning is a process from problem identification to
problem solving
(Merrill M D, 2002), and the
"learner-centered" teaching model is conducive to
the development of problem solving skills. The en-
tire blended learning process is focused on the emo-
tional experience of the learners, trying to give full
play to their motivation and create a positive learn-