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puting resources reduces the application completion
time. Meanwhile, more memory resources result in
a high cache hit ratio but computing resources have
little influence on it. We conclude that for most con-
fig combinations, our algorithm BLCR achieves the
lowest completion time and the highest hit ratio.
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processing systems, with the application’s DAG taken
into consideration. To solve the problem, we develop
the algorithm BLCR based on the dynamic program-
ming technique. At last, trace-driven simulations are
conducted to evaluate the performance of BLCR and
measure the impact of scenario parameters. The result
shows its superiority over the state-of-the-art alterna-
tives. In the future work, we will further study the
block-level cache replacement problem and strike to
design a near-optimal approximation algorithm that
has the polynomial time complexity.
This work is supported by State Grid Jiangsu Tech-
nic Project “Research on Cloud Native Data Pro-
cessing Architecture based on Data Lake” (No.
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