The Influence of Customer Value and E-Service Quality on the
Purchase Decision of Service Products Through PLN Mobile in
Medan Baru Customer Service Unit
Muhammad Yusuf Nasution
, Onan Marakali Siregar
and Muhammad Ardian
Department of Bussiness Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Customer Value, E-service Quality, Purchase Decision.
Abstract: Technological developments in the internet sector make companies have to create online-based services in
order to improve service quality and consumer interest in making purchasing decisions. In the decision to
purchase electrical service products in the PLN Mobile application at the Medan Baru Customer Service Unit,
the realization which is less than optimal is also evidenced by the low desire of the public to use mobile PLN
as a medium for purchasing PLN services. This research is intended to analyze the influence of customer
value and e-service quality on purchasing decisions of service products through PLN Mobile on electricity
customers of Medan Baru rayon. The form of research used in this research is quantitative research with an
associative approach. Sampling was done through probability sampling technique and used 78 respondents as
samples. The primary data used in this study was obtained by distributing questionnaires directly to customers
and through google forms, while the secondary data was obtained through library research. The data analysis
method used is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and
hypothesis testing. The results of the research conducted indicate that the customer value variable (X1) has a
significant effect on purchasing decisions. The variable e-service quality (X2) also affects consumer
purchasing decisions. The variable customer value and e-service quality on purchasing decisions have a
simultaneous effect on the dependent variable, namely purchase decision (Y).
In line with the development of technology,
communication and information along with the needs
of the community, every community as a consumer
needs the service role of a company or organization.
Innovation that triggers especially in the field of
service is essentially created to make it easier and
more comfortable for consumers to make transactions
via online. Advances in technology and the
increasingly advanced internet have made almost no
areas of human life unused, either exclusively or not.
With the development of globalization and the need
for rapid exchange of news, the role of technology
and the internet has become very important.
Telecommunication and internet technology has
brought various conveniences to people's lives.
The development of technology, especially in the
field of the internet, in the field of information
transmission, has no longer encountered obstacles,
which means that interaction and exchange of
information between humans has become easier,
especially with the internet, people can see and
understand current and future trends. Here the
internet is able to penetrate the boundaries of space
and time, besides that the internet can also penetrate
the dimensions of its use, for example in terms of
purchasing decisions. According to Kotler and
Armstrong (2016) define that purchasing decisions
are part of consumer behavior, namely the study of
how individuals, groups, and organizations choose,
buy, use and how goods, services, ideas to satisfy they
To Indonesia is one of the countries where the
development of internet usage is increasing very fast
from year to year. Considering that Indonesia is a
country that has a large population, technological
advances in the internet sector are welcomed by all
levels of Indonesian society. Factors that influence so
that the internet is growing so rapidly among the
community, namely with the development of
information so rapidly from year to year that makes
people have to follow these developments. The
Nasution, M., Siregar, O. and Ardian, M.
The Influence of Customer Value and E-service Quality on the Purchase Decision of Service Products Through PLN Mobile in Medan Baru Customer Service Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0011928200003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 463-470
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
existence of the internet is also able to increase sales
of products or services that have been offered by a
company and customers can provide an assessment of
the products or services they have purchased. The
existence of the internet makes companies able to
keep up with technological developments, especially
in the internet and create innovations in the form of
websites or websites in terms of e-service quality, as
is the case with one of the electricity companies,
namely PT PLN (Persero).
This company is engaged in the electricity sector
with a background in providing services to the public
as electricity users. Along with advances in
information technology and the internet, it can be said
that the standard of living of the community has
increased the public's need for PLN services. This is
done by PT. PLN (Persero) Branch of the Customer
Service Unit (ULP) Medan Baru as an institution that
provides electricity services to the community as
customers. The company located on Jl. Sei Batu
Gingging Ps. X, Merdeka, Kec. Medan Baru, Medan
City, North Sumatra 20154, Indonesia which has
mastered the business of managing electrical energy
sources without competition. The weakness of a
resource management company without competition
can prevent the company from working hard and
satisfying its customers. In fact, in practice, the
Company is forced to continuously improve the
quality of its services to the public in order to attract
people's purchase interest as consumers. The
company must optimize the form of service, both in
terms of facilities, procedures and employee
PT. PLN (Persero) Medan Baru Customer Service
Unit always maintains the number of purchases of
electrical service products which of course is related
to customer value. This statement was also conveyed
by Tjiptono (2014), Marketing is closely related to
efforts to create and provide value to customer.
Simply put, customer value is determined by the
difference between the total profit and the total cost
to the customer. In the Medan Baru area itself, several
forms of PLN's new program, namely prepaid
electricity, can change customer behavior. Customers
who are used to paying monthly electricity bills now
have to change this habit, because in a prepaid
electricity system, customers pay a certain amount of
money or fees in advance to buy the electricity they
Technological developments PT. PLN (Persero)
in the Medan Baru area has implemented one of the
innovations to improve the quality of online-based
services. One form of innovation is the PLN Mobile
application as a form of e-service quality. According
to Jacobs, Chase, and Lummus (2014) e-service
quality is refined to evaluate the services that are
available through the internet. E-service quality is
defined as an extension of the power of a website to
provide certain buying and selling activities and
distribution effectively and efficiently. This
application is a PLN service application to customers
(Customer Self Service) after previously using Call
Center 123, Facebook, Twitter and PLN Web.
Through the PLN Mobile application, customers can
find various information ranging from payment of
electricity bills, electricity bills, token transactions, as
well as purchasing service products, both new
installations and additional electricity..
The first phenomenon that occurs is the growth of
customers in the Medan Baru area from year to year
has experienced a significant increase, but in the
realization of the PLN Mobile application itself, this
area always does not reach the target set for the UP3
Medan area, the reason behind this is the low desire
of people to use the PLN Mobile application. as a
medium for purchasing electrical service products.
This is also evidenced in table 1 regarding the list of
the number of downloaders for the PLN Mobile
application in the Medan Baru area in the period
December-January 2022:
Table 1: List of PLN Mobile Application Downloaders PT.
PLN UP3 Medan December-January 2022
Region Target Relazatio
Medan Kota 412 427 +15
Medan Baru 419 352 -67
Medan Selatan 462 16 -446
Sunggal 213 289 +17
Medan Johor 193 624 +431
Deli Tua 275 100 -175
Based on the table, it can be seen PT. PLN
(Persero) UP3 Medan has set targets according to
their respective regions, for the Medan City area the
target set is 412 and the realization is 427 with an
increase of 15, the new Medan area the target has
been set at 419 and the realization is 352 with a
difference of 67 less than the target The target set for
the South Medan area is 462 and the realization is 16
with a difference of 446 less than the set target, the
Sunggal area the target has been set at 213 and the
realization is 289 with an increase in 17, the Medan
Johor area has the target set at 193 and the realization
is 624 with the difference increased by 431 and for
the Deli Tua area the target that has been set is 275
and the realization is 100 with a difference of less than
175. The area used as a research location is the Medan
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
Baru sub-district which in its realization can be said
to be less than optimal, this is evidenced by the many
customers who do not know there are applications
that make it easier for them to carry out all types of
purchase transactions and other service features, so
that the targets set by the center have not been
achieved by the Medan Baru area. Another thing
behind this research area is that Medan Baru is one of
the broadest sub-districts after Medan Kota compared
to other sub-districts in the city of Medan which are
in the status of achieving the targets set by PLN UP3
Medan, in addition to the lack of socialization and
forms of information provided by the parties. PT.
PLN (Persero) Medan Baru area regarding the
existence of an application that facilitates all forms of
purchasing electrical service products that were
previously based offline, are now online.
The presence of the PLN Mobile application has
many inputs and complaints that are found when
downloading the PLN Mobile application from the
play store or app store which indicates that the
application cannot be used optimally. Regarding the
performance of this application, there are still many
complaints and customer complaints. Many
complaints from the public as customers about this
application such as not loading pages quickly,
application performance is not as promised,
troubleshooting is not resolved quickly, the
application is not easy to use and some about the
appearance of the features offered by this application
are less attractive and regarding data security of
customer data, there are still many customers who do
not trust the security of their data in the application.
This has an impact on the decision to purchase service
products through the PLN Mobile application. Based
on the services described by the theory of many
experts, we can conclude that the services provided
by the PLN Mobile application are not fully
maximized and meet the need and desire of active
user of this application.
This research is a development research from
Bellezza's (2020) research which has similarities,
namely the customer value and e-service quality
variables on repurchase interest. The difference
between this research and previous research is in the
decision variable to purchase electrical service
products in the PLN Mobile application. In general,
previous literature such as Minggu et al (2020) on the
object of LP31 Jakarta Polytechnic Students, Prayogo
et al (2021) on the object of Tokopedia, Fendy
Maradita et al (2020) on the object of Perumda Water
Drinking Batulanteh Sumbawa Branch, Putri and
Patrika (2021) on the object of the Soco application
and Nurmanah and Nugroho, (2021) on the object of
Bukalapak which as a whole examines purchasing
decisions in the service sector private sector, another
reason for the selection of variables in this study is the
limited literature that raises the problem of
purchasing electrical service products on the PLN
Mobile application so that this can be a novelty in this
With this phenomenon, the researcher intends to
do further research to find out how much customer
value and e-service quality are on purchasing
decisions through the PLN Mobile application. The
things above are the background for researchers to
conduct a study entitled "The Influence of Customer
Value, E-Service Quality on Service Product
Purchase Decisions Through PLN Mobile on
Electricity Customers Rayon PT. PLN (Persero)
Medan Baru Customer Service Unit”.
2.1 Customer Value
Determining the level of satisfaction from a purchase,
someone usually considers the value added of a
product or the ability of a service received from
purchasing a product or service relative to other
companies (Lupiyoadi, 2014). Customer value begins
with referrals from relevant companies, by
monitoring what they want and believe about what
they are getting from certain purchases and products
(Tjiptono, 2014).
According to Woodruff (Tjiptono, 2014), defining
customer value as a customer's perception and
evaluation preferences of product attributes,
performance attributes and results obtained from
product use facilitate (or hinder) the achievement of
client goals and objectives in use cases. Customer
value has a number of criteria. First, useful value.
That is, products and services are just tools to fulfill
customer needs and wants.
Perceived value is the difference between the
customer's assessment and all the benefits and costs
of a supply and its alternatives. The total utility from
the customer is the monetary value of the sum of the
economic benefits, functional and psychological
expectations that the customer expects from the
market offering derived from the product, service or
services, personnel, and image involved. Total
customer costs are a set of costs that are felt and
incurred by customers to evaluate, obtain, use, and
dispose of offers in the market, including monetary,
time, energy and psychological costs (Kotler and
Keller, 2009).
Sweeney and Soutar (Adam, 2015) describes
indicators of customer value including emotional
The Influence of Customer Value and E-service Quality on the Purchase Decision of Service Products Through PLN Mobile in Medan Baru
Customer Service Unit
value, social value, performance value and
price/value for money.
2.2 E-Service Quality
According to Santos (Yuananda, 2013) e-service
quality can be interpreted as an overall evaluation of
customers regarding the excellent quality of
electronic services provided to customers in the
online market.
E-service quality is the extent to which a website
can quickly and responsively assist customers in the
process of purchasing products or services and
delivering products or services Zeithaml (Yuananda,
2013), while according to Jacobs, Chase, and
Lummus (2014) e-service quality is refined to
evaluate the services that are already available over
the internet. E-service quality is defined as an
extension of the power of a website to provide certain
buying and selling activities and distribution
effectively and efficiently. According to Pearson
(Octavia, 2018) E-Service Quality is defined as a
meeting between consumer expectations without
direct interaction in a service that has been provided.
According Ladhari (Rahayu, 2018) describes
indicators of e-service quality including reliability,
responsiveness, privacy/security, information
quality/benefit, ease of use/usebility and web design.
2.3 Purchase Decision
Human life certainly cannot be separated from buying
and selling transactions. Before buying a product,
usually someone makes a purchase decision first.
According to Peter and Olson (2013) purchase
decision is an integration process that is used to
combine knowledge to evaluate two or more
alternative behaviors and choose one of them.
According to James F Engel et al (Effendi, 2016) said
that purchasing decisions are the result of the
continuation of what individuals do when faced with
certain conditions and alternatives to behave in
meeting their needs.
According to Kotler and Keller (2012), the
continuity of the purchase decision begins when the
buyer realizes there is a problem with the needs in his
life, here the buyer realizes that there is a difference
between the actual situation, the economic situation
and the desired state. A consumer who has shown
interest is then motivated to collect more information
so that he gets a collection of brands with different
functions (information search).
According Kotler and Keller (2012) describes
indicators of purchase decision including stability of
a product, habits in buying a product,
recommendations to others and repeat purchases.
Figure 1: Thinking Framework
: There is an effect of customer value on
purcahse decision service product through
PLN Mobile electricity customer rayon PT.
PLN (Persero) Medan Baru Customer Service
: There is an effect of e-service quality on
purchase decision service product through
PLN Mobile electricity customer rayon PT.
PLN (Persero) Medan Baru Customer Service
: There is an effect of customer value and e-
service quality on purchase decision service
product through PLN Mobile electricity
customer rayon PT. PLN (Persero) Medan
Baru Customer Service Unit.
This research method used associative quantitative
methods to examine how a variable has a relationship
and effect on other variables. This study aims to
analyze the effect of customer value and e-service
quality on purchasing decisions through PLN Mobile
on electricity customers rayon PT. PLN (Persero)
Medan Baru Customer Service Unit. This research
was carried out on mobile PLN customers in the
Medan Baru District, Medan City, North Sumatra and
the time of the research was carried out in December
2021 to January 2022.
The population in this study were customers of
PT. PLN Medan Baru Customer Service Unit which
has downloaded the PLN Mobile application as of
January 19, 2022 with a total of 352 customers. with
probability sampling method and simple random
sampling technique, this study also uses the Slovin
formula with a percentage of 10% so as to obtain 78
samples in the study.
In this study, primary data was obtained by a
combination of distributing questionnaires directly to
electricity customers in the new Medan area and
through the google form. On the other hand,
Value (X
Quality (X
Decision (Y)
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
secondary data in this study were obtained from
expert opinions, books, and scientific works that are
relevant to the problem under study.
To test the research hypothesis using the
following linear regression equation:
𝑌= +𝑏𝑋
+ 𝑏𝑋
Y = Purchase decision
= Constant
b = The value of the regression coefficient of each
= Customer value
= E-Service quality
4.1 Validity Test
The validity test is calculated using the product-
moment which can be seen from the Pearson
correlation; if rcount < rtable, item number is invalid.
On the other hand, if rcount > rtable, then the item is
valid. Its validity was tested using the Statistical
Package for the Social Science (SPSS). After the
rcount is obtained, it is compared with the rtable with
a 95% confidence level or = 0.05. The rtable value for
df(n-2) = 76 (78-2) is 0.222. If rcount > rtable, then
the item is declared valid, and if rcount < rtable, then
the item is declared invalid. The results of the validity
of each variable are as follows:
Table 2: Validity Test
1 Custvalue_1 0,409 0,222 Vali
2 Custvalue
2 0,259 0,222 Vali
3 Custvalue_3 0,232 0,222 Vali
4 Custvalue
4 0,310 0,222 Vali
5 Custvalue_5 0,311 0,222 Vali
6 Custvalue
6 0,222 0,222 Vali
7 Custvalue
7 0,358 0,222 Vali
8 Custvalue_8 0,302 0,222 Vali
9 Custvalue
9 0,594 0,222 Vali
10 E-serqual_1 0,446 0,222 Vali
11 E-ser
1 0,650 0,222 Vali
12 E-serqual_1 0,516 0,222 Vali
13 E-ser
1 0,576 0,222 Vali
14 E-serqual_1 0,545 0,222 Vali
15 E-ser
1 0,416 0,222 Vali
16 E-serqual_1 0,476 0,222 Vali
17 E-ser
1 0,452 0,222 Vali
18 E-serqual_1 0,235 0,222 Vali
19 E-ser
1 0,446 0,222 Vali
20 E-serqual_1 0,650 0,222 Vali
21 E-ser
1 0,516 0,222 Vali
22 E-ser
1 0,576 0,222 Vali
23 Prchdecs
1 0,449 0,222 Vali
24 Prchdecs
1 0,547 0,222 Vali
25 Prchdecs
1 0,423 0,222 Vali
26 Prchdecs
1 0,508 0,222 Vali
27 Prchdecs
1 0,629 0,222 Vali
28 Prchdecs
1 0,554 0,222 Vali
29 Prchdecs
1 0,568 0,222 Vali
30 Prchdecs
1 0,519 0,222 Vali
4.2 Reliability Test
A reliability test is needed to measure the consistency
of the measurement results from the questionnaire on
repeated use. Cronbach Alpha is the method used in
this study. Cronbach's Alpha is a measure of
reliability that has a value from zero (0) to one. If the
Cronbach Alpha result is greater than the significant
level of 60% or 0.6, the variable is reliable. However,
if the results of Cronbach Alpha are less than the
considerable level of 60% or 0.6, then the variable is
considered unreliable.
Table 3: Reliability test
No Variable
Standard Conclusion
1 Customer Value 0,601 0,6 Reliable
0,747 0,6
0,630 0,6
4.3 Hypothesis Test
In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was
used to determine the effect of two independents (X1
and X2) on the influence variable (Y). Multiple linear
regression can be done if the classical assumptions
are sufficient, such as normality, multicollinearity,
and heteroscedasticity. The results of multiple linear
regression between the variable customer value (X1)
and 3-quality of service (X2) on purchasing decisions
(Y) can be described below in table 3.
Table 4: Partial Test (T-test)
g.B Std. Erro
1 (Constant) 2,353 2,032 1,158 ,09
,182 ,136 2,597 ,23
The Influence of Customer Value and E-service Quality on the Purchase Decision of Service Products Through PLN Mobile in Medan Baru
Customer Service Unit
,719 225 4,232 ,00
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision
Based on the results of the multiple linear
regression analysis in table 3, the resulting equation
model is as follows:
1. The test results for the customer value variable
(X1) on purchasing decisions (Y) obtained a
tcount value of 2,597, the tcount value is greater
than ttable, which is 1,992 (2.597 > 1.992) with
a significant value less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05).
and the regression coefficient is positive at 0.182.
then H1 is accepted.
2. The test results for the variable e-service quality
(X2) obtained a tcount value of 4.232, which
means the tcount value is greater than ttable,
which is 1,992 (4.232 > 1.992) with a significant
value smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and the
regression coefficient is 0.719. This shows that
the variable e-service quality (X2) has a
significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y).
then H2 is accepted
Table 5: Simultaneous Test (F test)
Sum of
uares d
uare F Si
1 Re
ression 472,495 2 236,247409,203 ,000
Residual 43,300 75 ,577
Total 515,79577
a. Dependent Variable: (Purchase Decision)
b. Predictors: (Constant, customer value, e-service
Based on the results of data processing in table 5
can be concluded that the Fcount value obtained is
409.203, which means that the fcount value is greater
than the Ftable value, which is 409.203> 3.11 or
based on the sig value. ie 0.000 < 0.05. The results
show that the independent variables, namely
customer value (X1) and e-service quality (X2) have
an equal (simultaneous) effect on the dependent
variable, namely purchasing decisions (Y).
Table 6 Coefficient of Determination Test (R
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error o
the Estimate
1 ,957
,916 ,914 ,75983
a. Predictors: (Constant), 5S work attitudes,
Based on the results of data processing in table 6
can be seen that the R value is 0.957 or 95.7%, where
this coefficient value shows the relationship between
customer value and e-service quality to purchasing
decisions is very close if the R value is close to 1, the
better. also the model. The value of the coefficient of
determination above shows that the customer value
variable (X1) and e-service quality (X2) can explain
the purchasing decision variable (Y). of 91.4% while
the remaining 8,6% is influenced by other variables
that are not explained in this study.
Customer value aims for consumer satisfaction when
buying a product or service that has been consumed.
Therefore, customer value is needed by a company,
especially at PT. PLN (Persero) Medan Baru
Customer Service Unit in order to improve the quality
of the company. Customer value is also very
important, especially in the level of customer
satisfaction where rational consumers will compare
benefits and costs. They buy a product if the benefits
are greater than the costs then they produce their own
Based on the data that has been tested previously,
we can see that the statement on the customer value
variable (X1) and e-service quality (X2) on
purchasing decisions (Y) is valid and reliable so that
we can use it in this study. The most influential
indicator in this study is social value with
respondents' answers about PLN Mobile is an
application that facilitates the customer buying
process with a percentage of 62.82% and emotional
value with respondents' answers about I feel proud to
use the PLN application Mobile in purchase
transactions with a percentage of 62.81%.
The test results for the Customer Value variable
(X1) on purchasing decisions (Y) obtained a tcount
value of 2,597, the tcount value is greater than ttable,
which is 1,992 (2.597 > 1.992) with a significant
value less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). ) and the
regression coefficient is positive at 0.182. This shows
that the customer value variable (X1) has a significant
effect on purchasing decisions (Y). In the following
results it can be concluded that H1 is accepted.
The results of this study are in accordance with
and are also in line with previous research by Minggu
et al (2020) entitled "The Influence of Customer
Value, Service Quality on Vocational-Based Campus
Education Selection Decisions" (Polytechnic LP31
Jakarta). The results of this study indicate that
customer value has a significant effect on student
college selection decisions, which means that the
relationship between the two is very strong.
E-Service Quality itself is needed by a company,
especially at PT. PLN (Persero) Medan Baru
Customer Service Unit such as reducing operational
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
costs, increasing productivity, and increasing the
profitability of a company. The existence of an
innovation in the form of an application launched by
the PLN makes it easier for consumers to carry out
the transaction process for purchasing electrical
service products. In this case, PT. PLN (Persero) is
able to improve the quality of electronic-based
services with the application.
Based on the data that has been tested previously,
we can see that the statement on the customer value
variable (X1) and e-service quality (X2) on
purchasing decisions (Y) is valid and reliable so that
we can use it in this study. ). The most influential
indicator in this study is responsiveness with
respondents' answers about I feel that the services in
the PLN Mobile application are fast in responding to
customer requests with a percentage of 62.82% and
reliability indicators with respondents' answers about
the PLN Mobile Application. can be trusted in the
decision process for purchasing service products
without coming to the PLN office with a percentage
of 62.81%.
Based on the test results for the e-Service quality
variable (X2), the tcount value is 4.232, which means
the tcount value is greater than ttable, which is 1,992
(4.232>1.992) with a significant value smaller than
0.05 (0.000<0.05). and the regression coefficient is
0.719. This shows that the variable e-service quality
(X2) has a significant effect on purchasing decisions
(Y). In the following results it can be concluded that
H2 is accepted.
The results of this study are consistent and in line
with previous research by Prayogo et al (2021) who
conducted a study entitled "The Influence of
Shopping Lifestyle, Sales Promotion and E-Service
Quality on Purchase Decisions of Tokopedia Users in
Jotangan Village, Mojokerto". Where the results of
this study indicate that e-service quality has a
significant influence on the purchasing decisions of
Tokopedia users in Jotangan village, Mojokerto.
Based on the results of the research exposure
above, we can see that customer value and e-service
quality have a significant effect on purchasing
decisions. Here we can see that the variables of
customer value (X1) and e-service quality (X2) are
related or in line with the decision to purchase service
products. As we know, if customer value and e-
service quality are positive, this will affect consumers
in determining purchasing decisions for a product.
Based on the results of the Determination test, it
shows that the Fcount value obtained is 409.203,
which means that the fcount value is greater than the
Ftable value, which is 409.203> 3.11 or based on the
sig value. ie 0.000 < 0.05. The results show that the
independent variables, namely customer value (X1)
and e-service quality (X2) have an equal
(simultaneous) effect on the dependent variable,
namely purchasing decisions (Y). And the
simultaneous test (Test F) shows that the value of r is
0.957 or 95.7%, where this coefficient value shows
the relationship between customer value and e-
service quality towards purchasing decisions which is
quite close if the R value is close to 1, the better. also
the model. The value of the coefficient of
determination above shows that the customer value
variable (X1) and e-service quality (X2) can explain
the purchasing decision variable (Y). of 91.4% while
the remaining 8.6% is influenced by other variables
that are not explained in this study. In the following
results it can be concluded that H3 is accepted.
Based on the results and discussion of the customer
value variable (X1) has a positive and partially
significant effect on purchasing decisions. The higher
the customer value for service, especially in the
features of the PLN Mobile application carried out by
PLN, it will influence consumers to make purchasing
The variable e-service quality (X2) has a positive
and partially significant effect on consumer
purchasing decisions. This shows that e-service
quality affects consumer purchasing decisions for
PLN Mobile.
The independent variables, namely customer
value (X1) and e-service quality (X2) have an equal
(simultaneous) effect on the dependent variable,
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