Baru sub-district which in its realization can be said
to be less than optimal, this is evidenced by the many
customers who do not know there are applications
that make it easier for them to carry out all types of
purchase transactions and other service features, so
that the targets set by the center have not been
achieved by the Medan Baru area. Another thing
behind this research area is that Medan Baru is one of
the broadest sub-districts after Medan Kota compared
to other sub-districts in the city of Medan which are
in the status of achieving the targets set by PLN UP3
Medan, in addition to the lack of socialization and
forms of information provided by the parties. PT.
PLN (Persero) Medan Baru area regarding the
existence of an application that facilitates all forms of
purchasing electrical service products that were
previously based offline, are now online.
The presence of the PLN Mobile application has
many inputs and complaints that are found when
downloading the PLN Mobile application from the
play store or app store which indicates that the
application cannot be used optimally. Regarding the
performance of this application, there are still many
complaints and customer complaints. Many
complaints from the public as customers about this
application such as not loading pages quickly,
application performance is not as promised,
troubleshooting is not resolved quickly, the
application is not easy to use and some about the
appearance of the features offered by this application
are less attractive and regarding data security of
customer data, there are still many customers who do
not trust the security of their data in the application.
This has an impact on the decision to purchase service
products through the PLN Mobile application. Based
on the services described by the theory of many
experts, we can conclude that the services provided
by the PLN Mobile application are not fully
maximized and meet the need and desire of active
user of this application.
This research is a development research from
Bellezza's (2020) research which has similarities,
namely the customer value and e-service quality
variables on repurchase interest. The difference
between this research and previous research is in the
decision variable to purchase electrical service
products in the PLN Mobile application. In general,
previous literature such as Minggu et al (2020) on the
object of LP31 Jakarta Polytechnic Students, Prayogo
et al (2021) on the object of Tokopedia, Fendy
Maradita et al (2020) on the object of Perumda Water
Drinking Batulanteh Sumbawa Branch, Putri and
Patrika (2021) on the object of the Soco application
and Nurmanah and Nugroho, (2021) on the object of
Bukalapak which as a whole examines purchasing
decisions in the service sector private sector, another
reason for the selection of variables in this study is the
limited literature that raises the problem of
purchasing electrical service products on the PLN
Mobile application so that this can be a novelty in this
With this phenomenon, the researcher intends to
do further research to find out how much customer
value and e-service quality are on purchasing
decisions through the PLN Mobile application. The
things above are the background for researchers to
conduct a study entitled "The Influence of Customer
Value, E-Service Quality on Service Product
Purchase Decisions Through PLN Mobile on
Electricity Customers Rayon PT. PLN (Persero)
Medan Baru Customer Service Unit”.
2.1 Customer Value
Determining the level of satisfaction from a purchase,
someone usually considers the value added of a
product or the ability of a service received from
purchasing a product or service relative to other
companies (Lupiyoadi, 2014). Customer value begins
with referrals from relevant companies, by
monitoring what they want and believe about what
they are getting from certain purchases and products
(Tjiptono, 2014).
According to Woodruff (Tjiptono, 2014), defining
customer value as a customer's perception and
evaluation preferences of product attributes,
performance attributes and results obtained from
product use facilitate (or hinder) the achievement of
client goals and objectives in use cases. Customer
value has a number of criteria. First, useful value.
That is, products and services are just tools to fulfill
customer needs and wants.
Perceived value is the difference between the
customer's assessment and all the benefits and costs
of a supply and its alternatives. The total utility from
the customer is the monetary value of the sum of the
economic benefits, functional and psychological
expectations that the customer expects from the
market offering derived from the product, service or
services, personnel, and image involved. Total
customer costs are a set of costs that are felt and
incurred by customers to evaluate, obtain, use, and
dispose of offers in the market, including monetary,
time, energy and psychological costs (Kotler and
Keller, 2009).
Sweeney and Soutar (Adam, 2015) describes
indicators of customer value including emotional