to anxiety (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik
Indonesia, 2020). Anxiety is unstable feeling or
discomfort of thinking premonition which threatens
one’s emotion (Angeline & Simon, 2020).
Anxiety is an emotion that arises as an initial
response to psychological stress and threats to values
that are meaningful to individuals. It is often
described as a feeling of uncertainty, doubt,
helplessness, anxiety, worrisome, and unrest which is
often accompanied by physical complaints.
Childbirth process is a tiring and risky event. Not
surprisingly, mothers who are about to give birth are
shrouded in feelings of fear, panic, and nervousness.
Mothers await the presence of her baby as a part of
her. Mothers may have an unpleasant feeling when
the baby is not born on time. Fear of surviving, pain,
and danger also contributes to this feeling during
childbirth (Ike, 2021).
The impact of anxiety during labor the mother will
feel excessive pain or pain. Fear will hinder the birth
process because it can activate the center of alert and
defense in the body. As a result, little blood flow
comes to the uterus, thus blocking the labor process
and causing pain and tardiness in childbirth
(Meihartati, 2018). Pregnant women need to control
anxiety and face negative impacts faced by mothers
and their babies.
Family support can create a good relationship
between the family and the mother to deal with
anxiety (Angeline & Simon, 2020). However, family
may be a source of anxiety if there is conflict in the
family (Heriani, 2016). Families normatively can
support to fulfill one’s expectations. Adequacy of
family support is associated with decreased mortality,
quick recovery, cognitive function, physical, and
emotional health. In addition, the positive effect of
family social support may be helpful in stressful life
(Aprilia, 2010; Ni’mah, 2018).
Family support in childbirth is a source of strength
for mothers that cannot be provided by health
providers. Family support involves encouragement,
moral and material motivation, physical,
psychological, emotional, information, appraisal, and
financial support. Family support may come from the
person closest to the pregnant woman, especially
husbands. At all stages, social support enables
pregnant women to manage their health and
adaptation to life (Isnaini et al., 2020).
Family support is social support manifested in
terms of
emotional support such as empathy,
advanced support, counter-mental support through
direct assistance by giving property or goods, and
informational support through advice, suggestions, or
instructions (Ranita et al., 2016). Social support plays
a role in increasing self-esteem, buffering the effects
of stress, and contributing to a better psychological
status during the COVID-19 pandemic (Izzaty et al.,
Anxiety can be accompanied by behavioral,
emotional, and physiological responses. Individuals
with anxiety may display unusual behavior such as
panic for no reason, unreasonable fear of living
objects or conditions, repeated uncontrollable actions,
re-experience of traumatic events, or excessive
worrisome. On rare occasions, many people exhibit
one of these unusual behaviors as a normal response
to anxiety. The difference between this atypical
anxiety response and anxiety disorders is that the
anxiety response is severe enough to interfere with
one’s work, social life, and social environment. If this
is found before childbirth, it can affect mother’s and
her fetus’s health status (Heriani, 2016).
The majority of pregnant women in the third trimester
before the delivery process did not experience anxiety
(87.1%). Midwives’ advice may be helpful to provide
more frequent information about support for
childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bali
Province. In addition, families and the community
need to provide whole support to pregnant women by
implementing health protocols, preventing the
transmission of COVID-19.
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