Development of Cloud Based Production Card Process
for Manufacturing
Haris Setiawan, M. Yazid Diratama
and Malfin
Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung, Jl. Kanayakan No.21, Dago, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: PPC, Production Planning, Monitoring, Web Designing, PHP.
Abstract: Process card is an important piece for monitoring a production scheduling. Process cards are issued by the
PPC (production planning control) unit in the Manufacturing Engineering department Polman Bandung.
Process cards are issued for each part with information such as process sequence, processing date, and
processing time. Currently the process card is issued by the PPC software for production scheduling in the
PPC unit. The PPC software can only be accessed on Windows 7 and is not yet cloud-based, so the software
needs to be developed to be more accessible in every device include smartphone. This study aims to develope
the process card so that it can be accessed via a web browser with local network access to increase the
accessibility of using process cards for planning and monitoring the production activity. The developed starts
with analyzing the data needed before starting software design. The design of this software is done on HTML
pages with PHP in order to be able to run SQL commands through web pages. The final result is a process
card and a schedule in the form of a gantt chart.
The main purpose of the PPC unit at Polman Bandung
is to receive and carry out tasks from UPM to get an
estimate of the time and price of an order, as well as
to plan and control the schedule for the execution of
the order project such as molds, press tools, and
mechanical parts.
A PPC software designed by Polman itself and
used as a production management that used to help
the PPC unit to control and manage the production
activity. The software can do a several task like select
and write materials, select work processes and
workers, planning machining operation and assembly
operation. Another function is used to estimate
quotation price for some projects begin from material
costs until process cost. This software was
programmed by using internal storage on Polman
database to store important information used for
estimation calculations and production control.
The production cards process is used for the
machinist or operators in Polman workshop as a guide
line for the manufacturing process sequence. The
process cards issued by PPC softawre by input some
of the data like number order, name order,
manufacturing process sequence, process time, and
operators. But, the production card process still in
paper form and has not been in digital form so the
documentation process is still difficult to do and
difficult to transfer the manufacturing information
process as fast as possible for planning and
monitoring activity.
Noviasari (2018) made production design and
control system more interactive and computerized so
that it is easier and faster to process and produce
information. Dhuha et al. (2017) produced class
diagrams, sequence diagrams, physical data models,
component designs, and interface designs with budget
management, procurement, and issue ticket functions
that can be used by project managers in managing
project costs, and other functions such as viewing
project reports can be used by directors to supervising
and as a reference in making decisions related to the
The goal of this research is to develop the clous
based production card process for used on job shop-
based production activity using a cloud system in
order to issue digital process cards and replace the
current paper-shaped process cards for production
activities in the manufacturing department as a
Setiawan, H., Diratama, M. and Malfin, .