calibration, the magnitude of the difference in
readings with a reference of 0.00034 ppm for the
digester tank and 0.00033 ppm for the storage tank.
In the second calibration, the difference in readings is
0.00078 ppm in the digester tank and 0.00038 ppm in
the storage tank. In the third calibration, the MQ-136
sensor readings on the digester tank experienced a
high enough increase to produce a difference of
0.00217 ppm, while the sensors on the storage tank
showed a difference of 0.00035 ppm. The existence
of considerable differences between the two sensors
can be caused by the environmental conditions in the
tank where the sensor is installed. The sensor attached
the digester tank is longer exposed to the gases
produced by the biogas, so the sensor undergoes more
ratification than the sensor on the storage tank.
Figure 7: Calibration of K-Type Thermocouple.
Figure 7 is a calibration chart on the K-Type
Thermocouple. Unlike the previous sensors, the
thermocouple reading results are not compared with
secondary data but rather with NTC. In the first
calibration, the thermocouples on the digester tank
and the storage tank showed the same result, so it is
known that the difference is 0.3ยบC. In the second
calibration, the digester tank shows a difference of
0.3ยบC and in the storage tank 0.8ยบC. In the third
calibration, the reading difference between the sensor
and the NTC is 0.1ยบC for the digester tank and 0.15ยบC
for the storage tank.
Based on the results of the analysis of the
measurement system in the biogas reactor, it can be
concluded that the measurement results are analyzed
based on the static characteristics of the measuring
instrument, namely accuracy, precision, and linearity.
It is known that the accuracy of the measuring
instrument is compared to secondary data with a not-
so-significant difference; the precision value of the
measuring instrument is analyzed based on the
standard deviation with the results of all measuring
instruments not more than 5.0 so that it can be
concluded that the precision measuring instrument
and linearity value are obtained from the results of
regression calculations with linearity results are not
more than 0.15%, which means that the sensor
reading output shows a deviation of 0.15%
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