
so-called test set T in the Post-Selection step to down-
select m < n networks from n networks is without a
test stage.
Proof. This is true because T is already used in the
training stage according to Theorem 2.
The above theorem reveals that almost all so-
called “Deep Learning” methods cited in this paper,
including more in (Weng, 2021a; Weng, 2021b), in
the way they published, were not tested at all. The
basic reason is that the so-called test set T was used
in the training stage. Because “Deep Learning” is not
tested, the technique is not trustable.
A published so-called “Deep Learning” paper
(Gao et al., 2021) claimed to use an average “test”
error during the Post-Selection step of the training
stage. It reported a drastically worse performance,
12% average error on the MNIST data set instead of
0.23% error that uses the luckiest (MNIST website).
12% is over 52 times larger than 0.23%. (Gao
et al., 2021) still contains Misconduct 2: The aver-
age is only across a partial dimensionality of the NN-
plane w but other remaining dimensionality a of the
NN-plane till uses the “luckiest”. This quantitative
information supports that so-called “Deep Learning”
technology is not trustable in practice. Therefore,
the published “Deep Learning” methods cheated and
hid. “Deep learning” tested on a training set as (Duda
et al., 2001) warned against but miscalled the activi-
ties as “test” and deleted or hid data that looked bad.
The simple Pure-Guess Nearest Neighbor (PGNN)
method beats all “Deep Learning” methods in terms
of the superficial errors using the same miscon-
duct. Misconduct in “Deep Learning” results in
performance data that are misleading. Without a
test stage, “Deep Learning” is not generalizable and
not trustable. Such misconduct is tempting to
those authors where the test sets are in the posses-
sion of the authors and also to open-competitions
where human experts are not explicitly disallowed
to interact with the “machine player” on the fly.
This paper presents scientific reasoning based on
well-established principles—transparency and cross-
validation. It does not present detailed evidence of
every charged paper in (Weng, 2021a; Weng, 2021b).
More detailed evidence of such misconduct is referred
to Weng et al. v. NSF et al. U.S. West Michigan Dis-
trict Court case number 1:22-cv-998.
The rules of ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015)
and many other competitions seem to have encour-
aged the Post-Selections discussed here. Even if the
Post-Selection is banned, any comparisons without
an explicit limit on, or an explicit comparison about,
storage and time spent are meaningless. ImageNet
(Russakovsky et al., 2015) and many other compe-
titions did not ban Post-Selections, nor did they limit
or compare storage or time.
The Post-Selection problem is among the 20
million-dollar problems solved conjunctively by this
author (Weng, 2022a). Since such a fundamen-
tal problem is intertwined with other 19 fundamen-
tal problems for the brain, it appears that one can-
not solve the misconduct problem (i.e., local minima)
without solving all the 20 million-dollar problems al-
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On "Deep Learning" Misconduct