routes transited the sector without any heading
change. TCP-routes (i.e. Trajectory Change Point
routes) added probabilistic heading changes to
through-routes. After a random interval of 3-6 steps,
TCP-route drones would either continue straight
ahead, or make a 90° left/right heading change. The
random TCP function was nominally weighted to
50% no heading change (i.e. continue straight ahead),
25% left turn, and 25% right turn. Finally, the ten
possible Bus-routes (5 routes, flown in either
direction) were pre-defined TCP trajectories. Bus-
route drones all entered the sector after sample start
time, except for bus-routes 9 and 10 (which flew a
square pattern in the centre of the sector, and were
birthed already on their route).
As discussed later, analysis compared “random”
and “structured” route conditions, as an experimental
manipulation. The random condition used TCP-
routes exclusively. The structured condition used a
random combination of through-routes and bus-
Each traffic sample consisted of 40 time steps.
First appearance of each drone was randomly timed
to occur between steps 1 and 15. Each drone
maintained current heading by advancing one cell per
time step (no hovering). This meant that a through-
route drone would transit the sector in 20 steps. Each
traffic sample also consisted of 4, 8, or 16 birthed
drones (this was also an experimental manipulation,
as described later). Because birth time was
randomized, the actual number of instantaneous in-
sector drones could vary.
Analysis used a 3x2x2 experimental design and
varied the following factors:
• Aircraft count (4 vs 8 vs 16)— the total
number of birthed aircraft;
• Look-ahead time (Low vs High)— Snapshot
time, in number of steps before conflict;
• Traffic structure (Low vs High)—
Randomised vs semi-structured traffic flows.
2.4 Neural Network Design
Neural network modelling was done in
NeuralDesigner v2.9, a machine learning toolbox for
predictive analytics and data mining, built on the
Open NN library. Modelling used a 400.3.1
architecture (i.e., 400 input nodes, a single hidden
layer of 3 nodes, and a single binary output node),
with standard feedforward and back propagation
mechanisms, and a logistic activation function. Each
of the 400 total cells was represented as an input node
to the network. Each input node was simply coded on
the basis of occupation, i.e. a given cell was either
occupied (1) or empty (0). The output node of the
ANN was simply whether the traffic pattern evolved
into an eventual conflict (0/1). Maximum training
iterations with each batch was set to 1000.
2.5 Procedures
The overall flow of the traffic generation, pre-
processing, and ANN modelling process is shown in
Figure 3. Using a traffic generation tool, preliminary
batches of 5000 traffic samples each were created.
Separate batches were created for each combination
of aircraft count and structure level. For each batch,
samples were then automatically processed to
identify conflict versus non-conflict outcomes,
extract multiple look-ahead snapshots (for 1-6 steps)
from conflict samples, and extract matching yoked
snapshots from non-conflict samples. Target outputs
were then labelled, and sample groups were fused into
a final batch file. This batch file was then randomly
split 60/40 into training and testing sub batch files.
After training each of the 36 networks with its
appropriate training sub batch file, each network was
tested on its ability to classify the corresponding test
sub batch file.
Figure 3: Overview, traffic creation and model testing
3.1 Binary Classification Accuracy
The simplest performance measure is classification
accuracy. That is, what percentage of samples was
correctly classified as either conflict or no conflict?
The ANN models each had a simple binary output:
either an eventual conflict was predicted, or was not.
This is a classic example of a binary classification
task, which is characterized by two ‘states of the
world’ and two possible predicted states. A binary
classification table, as shown in Figure 4, allows us to
identify four outcomes: True Positive (TP), True
Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), and False
Negative (FN). According to Signal Detection Theory