Many challenges remain:
• Increasing the technological maturity of these
technologies for these applications, by
prototyping these applications into more
significant environments. Testing the entire loop
in a representative environment is a key element
in the future :
o Enable the crew-system dialogue in
natural language using a dialogue
o Enable machine reasoning on system
data using an system ontology
o Create the mechanisms to update these
knowledge bases, by creating feedback
loops with the user
• Generating ontologies that use existing
databases (textual documentation, etc.): the
processes and concepts manipulated during the
operational missions are well documented. To
harvest this huge data source could be an
interesting way of creating or expanding the
domain ontologies.
• Applying more robust and state-of-the-art
techniques to match the dialogue and domain
ontologies for aeronautical applications
• Creating a framework to modify manually the
concepts and reasoning rules of the ontologies is
also a key challenge, especially if we want to
enable the end-user to update the dialogue
More generally, one main challenge is to develop a
hybrid system to assist the crew: couple data-driven
technologies, enable “sensory” services for the
system, with knowledge-based technologies, enable
“cognitive” services for the system. The
combination of these two types of technologies, as
well as the ability to quickly orient and modify
them, is an important step to creat a machine that
can team with the crew during aeronautical
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