A tool for testing the elastic properties of compressed
springs using the method of reading the value of the
force variable and spring constant through a load cell
and a millimeter scale, consisting of the frame and
base, and the system. The use of a hydraulic jack as a
spring press. When the spring is pressed, the length of
the spring will change. This process continues until
the maximum working condition of the spring.
Changes in the length of the spring will be read on the
millimeter scale measuring instrument. Meanwhile,
elasticity is measured with a load cell. Tests were
carried out for a maximum of four springs, with a total
load that can be accommodated 180 kg.
The results of calculations and simulations using
Solidworks software show that the frame and base are
safe because they can withstand a safety factor of 2.
However, it is recommended to use square tube
profile steel. However, this still needs further research
to compare in terms of costs.Words like “is”, “or”,
“then”, etc. should not be capitalized unless they are
the first word of the subtitle.
Thank you to those who have helped to carry out the
analysis, especially to Politeknik Manufatur Bandung
with this collaboration. And thank you to Politeknik
Negeri Indramayu for financing this research so that
it can be implemented well. We hope that paper can
be used for knowledge and study in vocational
university to improve the students sklills.Please note
that the name of each author must start with its first
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