wet the Fingerprint Sensor can't read the fingerprint
either registered or unregistered.
4.1.4 Testing the Time Required in Reading
the Fingerprint Sensor Tag
Table 10: Testing the time required in reading the
fingerprint sensor tag.
Id 1
Id 2
Id 3
Id 4
Id 5
Id 6
Id 7
Id 8
Id 9
Id 10
Id 11
Id 12
Id 13
Id 14
Id 15
Id 16
Id 17
Id 18
From testing the time lag for reading the Fingerprint
Sensor tag, it was found that the length of time
Fingerprint Sensor to be able to detect fingerprints is
for 1 second to 2 seconds. At that time The
Fingerprint Sensor can read new fingerprints as well
as registered fingerprints previously.
To be able to connect between the hardware and the
server must use the same network. which is the time
required for barcode reading ranges from 1 second to
3 seconds. The percentage of successful barcode
reading from a distance of 1cm to 10 cm is 66.11%.
and the distance that can be detected by the barcode
reader in reading the barcode on the student sign card
is at a distance of 5 cm to a distance of 10 cm.
Furthermore, the Fingerprint reader can read on all
registered fingers, be it the thumb, index, medium,
ring, and little fingers. Fingerprint reader can only
read fingerprints in a dry state. and Fingerprint reader
cannot print in wet condition. The time lag required
in reading the Fingerprint Sensor is in the range of 1
second to 2 seconds. The level of accuracy of the
fuzzy method implemented in the system is 99%.
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