1988), specifically through The 40
Recommendations of Financial Action Task Force-
FATF1989 (FATF 1989) which in the first
Recommendation (A.-1) FATF states that “: Each
country should take immediate steps to ratify and to
implement fully, the 1988 United Nations
Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic, Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances 1988 (The Vienna
Convention: 1988).
In connection with the 1989 FATF
recommendation abovementioned, Indonesia
followed in the footsteps of the United States which
had criminalized money laundering by issuing the
Money Laundering Control Act 1986, as the first
law in the world to determine money laundering as a
crime (Sjahdeni, 2007:18). Based on the 1989 FATF
recommendation, Indonesia has ratified and
enforced various laws regarding the prevention and
eradication of the crime of money laundering,
namely: The Law Number 15 Year 2002 was later
amended by Law Number 25 Year 2003 (Gregorius,
2008:9) and lastly updated by Law Number 8 Year
In the observation of this article, various existing
legal facilities are considered unable to prevent and
eradicate money laundering optimally. This situation
places the importance of cooperation between
countries is very important considering that the
enforcement of money-laundering law often requires
international cooperation, fostered by organizations
such as Interpol (Simon and Schuster, 1979:1027).
Without the role of member countries and good
cooperation between them, efforts to combat these
crimes, especially money laundering, will
experience major obstacles, because the laws of each
country are no longer sufficient to combat money
laundering. In this case, it is necessary to increase
the role and efforts to prevent and eradicate money
laundering, especially by looking at the role of legal
structure, legal substance and legal culture as
important elements of legal effectiveness as referred
to by Lawrence M. Friedman (1984: 19-23).
Based on the above situation and condition, this
article views the importance of conducting research
and writing to analysis the role of the 2022 G20
summit in Bali in the context of preventing and
eradicating money laundering crimes and also to see
and analysis what are Indonesia's efforts to improve
the eradication of money laundering.
In addition to the introduction in the first part
above, this article will then describe the literature
review as a theoretical and regulation approach,
which are regarding the aims and objectives of the
formation of the G20 member countries as well as
on the meaning, scope and the implication of the law
on money laundering in force in Indonesia and also
some supports of thoughts from several criminal law
experts in part two. In the third part will describe the
research method and the result and discussion in the
fourth part. Finally, the conclusion will be described
in the section five thereafter.
2.1 The Purpose of the Formation of
the G20 Countries
The G20 is a multilateral cooperation forum
consisting of 19 countries, namely South Africa, the
United States, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia,
Brazil, India, Indonesia, Britain, Japan, Germany,
Canada, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, France,
China, Turkey and the European Union as well as
representatives from the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). The G20 is
the world's main economic forum that has a strategic
position because collectively it represents around
65% of the world's population, 79% of global
reserves, and at least 85% of the world's economy.
(Sherpa, G20 Indonesia, October 13th 2022,
bi.go.id, cnnindonesia.com 12 January 2022,
Bisnistempo.co 26 February 2022).
The formation of the G20 is inseparable from the
disappointment of the international community
towards the failure of the G7 in finding solutions to
the problems of the global economy faced at that
time. The view that emerged at that time was that it
was important for middle-income countries and
those with economic influence systematically to be
included in negotiations to find solutions to global
economic problems (cnnindonesia.com 12 January
In 1999, on the advice of the finance ministers of
the G7 countries (the United States, the United
Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada and
France), the finance ministers and central bank
governors of the G20 countries began holding
meetings to discuss the response to the global
financial crisis 1997-1999 (algovernanceproject.org).
Since then, meetings at the Minister of Finance level
have been held regularly in the autumn of
cnnindonesia.com, 12 January 2022, bi.go.id).
Based on the objectives of the formation of the
G20 countries abovementioned, this article assumes
that in order to improve, nourish and establish
economic cooperation among G20 member
countries, various meetings called the G20 Summit