application of accounting information systems, the
level of education does not affect the application of
accounting information systems. accounting
information system proved to not affect the
performance of MSMEs, accounting knowledge was
proven not to affect the performance of MSMEs
indirectly through the application of accounting
information systems, and education level was proven
not to affect the performance of MSMEs indirectly
through the application of accounting information
systems. This study recommends that MSME actors
if they want to improve the performance of the
MSMEs they run, MSME actors must study
accounting to be able to apply accounting information
systems to their business continuity. For further
research can add the number of respondents and add
the variable use of technology as an independent
variable. Because the use of technology is a tool that
can help SMEs implement accounting information
systems in managing their business finances. With the
addition of this variable, it is hoped that it will
produce research that can provide a more significant
influence on the application of accounting
information systems.
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