Buying Intentions for Second-Hand Branded Bags via Facebook
Live-Streaming: E-Servicescape, Consumers' Trust
Virgo Simamora
, Qiven Daud and Khoirunnisa
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: E-Servicescape, Trust, Purchasing Intention, Live-Streaming.
Abstract: The rise of internet penetration has led to increased e-commerce in Indonesia, especially live-streaming
shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the e-servicescape on trust and its impact on
purchasing intentions for second-hand branded bags using Facebook live-streaming. The population of this
study consists of an unknown number of people who purchased products through Facebook live-streaming.
Purposive sampling was used in this study to select samples based on the research criteria. The sample should
be a person born between 1980 and 2000 who has made at least one transaction through live-streaming on
Facebook. This study included 100 participants who satisfied the study's requirements as samples. Also, this
study collected data using a questionnaire distributed through social media. The results of this research reveal
that the e-servicescape influences customer trust. In the same way, millennials' intentions to buy second-hand
branded bags through Facebook live-streaming are affected by how much they trust the seller.
An increase in people who have access to the internet
has led to a rise in people doing business online.
According to the Bank of Indonesia (2021), the
revenue generated through internet transactions had a
78% growth in 2021 compared to the previous year.
According to Dataindonesia. Id (2020), products
related to fashion and handbags are the most popular
products purchased online. Together, these products
account for 67.2% of all online transactions
conducted in Indonesia. This phenomenon is
evidence of a high level of customers' desire to
purchase products via the internet. According to
Keller and Kotler (2015), the term "buying intention"
refers to the desire of a potential purchaser to
purchase a good or service.
Because there are risks involved in doing business
over the internet, trust is a crucial factor influencing
whether or not a consumer plans to buy a product
online (Pavlou, 2003). According to Kemenkominfo
of Indonesia (2021), 35% of all online transactions in
Indonesia are fraudulent. Financial fraud accounts for
26% of the cases, while non-financial fraud accounts
for 74%. If online transaction fraud occurs often,
people may lose trust in doing financial transactions
over the internet. A lack of trust could make it hard to
do business online (Wang et al., 2009).
According to the prior study, e-servicescape is one
factor that influences customer trust (Oebit and Sari,
2018). Furthermore, in an online transaction, e-
servicescape defines as an online environment during
service delivery that affects customers purchasing
intentions (Harris & Goode, 2010). A study
conducted on web-based online buyers by Tankovic
& Benhows2018), shows the impact of servicescape
on how customers view the value offered by vendors.
Additionally, according to Tankovic & Benazic
(2018), the functionality and aesthetics of the e-
servicescape significantly affect the perceptions of
consumers who do business online. Moreover, the
study by (Line and Hanks, 2020) also found the effect
of e-servicescape on consumers' consumption
behaviour in the fast-casual restaurant industry.
The goal of this research is to use Facebook live-
streaming to examine the effect of the e-servicescape
on trust and its impact on the purchase intention of
second-hand and branded bags among millennials.
The findings of this research may provide online
sellers with insight into how to establish a positive
environment via e-servicescape that encourages
Simamora, V., Daud, Q. and Khoirunnisa, .
Buying Intentions for Second-Hand Branded Bags via Facebook Live-Streaming: E-Servicescape, Consumers’ Trust.
DOI: 10.5220/0011979800003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 275-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
millennials' trust, which is critical for online
2.1 E-Serivescape
Servicescape is a marketing concept that impacts the
visitor's impression of the physical environment in
which a service is provided (Bitner, 1992). As online
transaction volume rises, e-servicescape is increasing
in popularity (Koering, 2003). E- servicescape is a
term used to explain the virtual environment during
delivery service that affects consumers' impressions
(Zeithaml, 2002; Harris and Goode (2010); Lee and
Lee and Jeong, 2012). A study by Tankovic and
Benazic (2018), who ran a web- based survey of
online shoppers, found that consumers' impression of
e-servicescape positively influences perceived e-
shopping value and loyalty.
Numerous studies of e-servicescape led us to
learn that each researcher employs unique indicators
to characterize e-servicescape. For example,
Tankovic and Benazic (2018) describe four indicators
in measuring e-servicescape, including layout and
functionality and financial security, to explain e-
servicescape. In their research, Harris and Goode
(2010) describe the indicators of e-servicescape as
visual appeal, layout, functionality, and financial
stability of the online environment. Furthermore, Lee
and Jeong (2012) employed atmosphere, design, and
social components as indicators to define the e-
servicescape. In this research, indicators used to
measure e-servicescape are atmosphere, design, and
social components developed by Lee & Jeong (2012)
2.2 Trust
Trust is a crucial factor in online transactions.
Conversely, a lack of trust may influence a person's
willingness to buy a product online (Wang et al.,
2009). Trust defines constancy, honesty, fairness,
accountability, helpfulness, and altruism. (Morgan
and Hunt, 1994). According to (Gustianto et al.,
2022), trust explains consumers' understanding and
conclusions about products, qualities, and benefits.
According to Sing and Sirdeshmukh (2000), trust
has two distinct components: credibility and
benevolence. Credibility relates to the idea that the
other party can carry out their responsibilities, while
benevolence refers to the other party's sincerity in
keeping out the terms of the agreement. When one
partner trusts the reliability, stability, and honesty of
the other and when that person's activities are in the
best interests of the other, the relationship is one of
trust. According to Sing and Sirdeshmukh (2000),
trust consists of credibility and benevolence.
Credibility is the belief that the other party can fulfil
their responsibilities, while benevolence refers to the
other party's sincerity in keeping the terms of the
agreement. When one partner believes the other to be
dependable, stable, and honest or when that person's
decision benefits the other, the connection is one of
trust, according to Lewicki and Wiethoff (2000).
Trust is an individual's belief in and willingness to act
based on the words, actions, and decisions of another.
In their research, Lewicki and Wiethoff (2000) used
three indicators of trust, including personality, norms,
and experiences.
Based on the previous discussions, this study
defines trust as the expectation of consumers that
service providers can be relied upon to fulfil their
promises. This research uses the buyer's belief in the
information (Lewicki and Wiethoff, 2000) and the
seller's credibility and benevolence (Sing and
Sirdesmukh, 2000.) as trust indicators.
2.3 Purchasing Intention
Keller and Kotler, 2015) define purchasing intention
as customer behaviour demonstrating the buyer's
desire to buy a product or service. It is a type of
consumer behaviour that develops before purchasing
decisions (Kotler and Armstrong. 2016). For
example, the intention to buy a product develops
based on customers' Evaluation of a product
(Angelita et al., 2021). From a different perspective,
Wulandari & Wijaksana (2021) noted that purchasing
interest starts with a feeling of pleasure toward the
products or services, followed by the belief that the
products or services provide benefits, which
motivates customers to want to pay for these things.
Moreover, Nulufi and Murwartiningsih (2018)
stated that purchasing intention arises when
customers have a favourable view of a product
because they perceive it to be valuable. Roozy et al.
(2014) define consumer purchasing intention as a
consumer's positive perception of a product and their
desire and willingness to recommend it to others.
Many factors influence consumer purchasing
intention, such as product features, brand name, social
influence and cost to buy a product (Rahim et al.,
2016). As each customer has different tastes and
preferences, the factors that impact consumer
purchasing intentions also differ.
There are multiple indicators used to describe
purchasing intention. (Kotler and Amstrong (2016)
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
developed three purchasing intention indicators:
seeking further product information, the intent to
purchase, and the intent to repurchase. Abzari et al.
(2014) employ three indicators to describe purchasing
interest: transactional interest, referential interest,
preferential interest, and exploratory interest. Finally,
Roozy et al. (2014) use two indicators to describe
purchasing intention: the consumer's positive
perception of the product and the desire to acquire it
and the possibility of recommending it to others.
Based on the discussion above, in this research,
purchasing intention describes consumer behaviour
that emerges following product evaluation and
eventually results in a desire to purchase the product.
Indicators of buying intent include eagerness to learn
more about the product, seeking further information,
the desire to purchase the product, and the possibility
of recommending it to others.
2.4 Hypothesis
The effect of service escape on trust
A prior study by Kurniawati and Yaakop (2020)
showed that e-servicescape positively and
significantly affects customers' trust to buy products
through Tokopedia. Similarly, Oebit and Sari (2018)
found that the e-servicescape influences trust to use
the GO-FOOD delivery service. Lastly, a study by
Aprianti and Rachmawati (2020) revealed that e-
servicescape influences customers' trust to buy
products through Grab Food Delivery Service.
Based on the prior research discussed above, this
study proposes the following hypothesis:
H1: E-servicescape affects millennials' purchasing
intentions to buy second-hand branded bags through
live-streaming on Facebook among millennials.
The effect of trust on purchasing intention
The study of Ling et al. (2010) on online
transactions among undergraduate information
technology students in Malaysia explains that online
trust positively affects purchase intentions when other
variables are considered. Furthermore, Ha et al.
(2019) study reveals that trust impacts online
shopping intention among online buyers in
Vietnamese. Furthermore, Li et al. (2007) also found
the effect of trust on purchasing intention among
internet shoppers in China.
Based on the prior research discussed above, this
study proposes the following hypothesis:
H1: Trust affects millennials' intentions to buy
second-hand branded bag products through live-
streaming on Facebook.
This study aims to examine the effect of e-
servicescape on trust and its impact on millennials'
purchasing intentions for second-hand branded bags.
The population of this study consists of an unknown
number of millennials who have ever made a
transaction using Facebook live-streaming. This
study employs purposive sampling to select samples
based on the criteria used in this study. The sample
should be a person born between 1980 and 2000 who
has made at least one transaction through live-
streaming on Facebook. Using the formula of
Lemeshow, the number of samples used in this
research is 100, higher than 96, the minimum number
according to Lemeshow. All the samples were
millennials and fulfilled the criteria applied in this
research. The data collection technique used is a
questionnaire distributed through social media. The
Likert scale, which assigns each answer a value
between 1 and 5 (five), is used to evaluate the
opinions of respondents.
4.1 The Respondent Profile
A hundred millennials have participated in this
research. Based on this research, most respondents
are male (70%), followed by females (30%).
Furthermore, based on their education, most of them
hold a diploma certificate (46%), followed by high
school graduates (45%), and university graduates
(9%), with a certificate diploma (23.8%). (See table
Based on their profile, all the respondents are
millennials who are eligible to be a primary data
source, which is collected using a questionnaire (See
table 1.)
4.2 The Evaluation of the
Measurement Model
The validity and reliability tests are employed to
assess the measurement model in this research. As all
of the indicators in this research are reflective
indicators, convergent validity and discriminant
validity are used to evaluate the validity. At the same
time, Conbrach's alpha and composite reliability are
employed to assess the reliability.
Buying Intentions for Second-Hand Branded Bags via Facebook Live-Streaming: E-Servicescape, Consumers’ Trust
Table 1: Respondents' Profile.
Indicators Number Percentage
- Male 70 70%
- Female
30 30%
- High School
45 45%
- Diploma 46 46%
- Bachelor of
9 9%
- Student
9 9%
- Entrepreneur
11 11%
- Employee 65 65%
- Housewives 15 15%
Source: Processed Data (2022)
The convergent validity is examined by testing the
loading factor and the extracted average variance
(AVE). If the loading factor is greater than 0.70 and
the average variance extracted (AVE) is higher than
0.50, then the convergent validity test is considered to
have been successfully satisfied. (Ghozali and Laten,
2015). This study founds that all the value of loading
factors is greater than 0.70 (See figure 1), and all the
AVE value is greater than 0.5. (See table 2). This
result indicates that this research has fulfilled the
convergent validity requriment.
Figure 1. Path Analysis Model.
Table 2: The Value of AVE.
PI 0,770
SE 0,897
T 0,959
Source: Processed Data (2022).
The validity test continued by using the value of
cross-loading, the square root of AVE, and the
Fornell-Larcker criterion as parameters for a
discriminant validity test (Chin, 2010). Ghozali and
Laten (2015) state that to fulfil the discriminant
validity requirements, the value of each item on the
construct is higher than cross-loading, and the square
root of the AVE of each construct is greater than the
correlation of the latent construct (Fornell-Larcker
Table 3. Cross Loading.
0,887 0,745 0,737
0,865 0,685 0,710
0,881 0,751 0,829
0,728 0,940 0,793
0,795 0,963 0,835
0,831 0,938 0,856
0,848 0,970
0,848 0,858 0,970
0,875 0,998
Source: Processed Data (2022).
Table 3 shows that the loading value of each item on
the construct is greater than the value of cross-
Additionally, the square root of AVE for each
construct exceeds the correlation between latent
constructs (See table 4), meaning that discriminant
validity in this research has been fulfilled. As the
convergent and discriminant validity has been
fulfilled, it suggests that the measuring model
employed in this study is valid.
Evaluating the measurement model continued to
test the reliability of the measurement instrument by
using CConbrach'salpha and composite reliability.
However, according to Ghozali and Laten (2015), the
minimal value of CConbrach'salpha and composite
reliability to fulfil reliability requirements is greater
than 0.70.
Table 4: The Fornell Larcker Criterion.
0,868 0,879
Source: Processed Data (2022).
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
Table 5: Conbrach's Alpha and Composite Reliability.
Composite Reliability
PI 0,851 0,910
SE 0,943 0,963
T 0,979 0,986
Source: Processed Data (2022).
Based on table 5, the measurement model used in this
study is reliable because each construct has a
CCronbach'salpha value, and the composite
reliability value is greater than 0.70.
4.3 The Evaluation of the Structural
An inner model is a structural model that predicts
causal relationships between variables or factors that
cannot be measured directly. Structural model
evaluations were performed to examine the
relationship between latent constructs. The
parameters used to evaluate the structural models are
R2 and the path coefficient.
Based on the results, the R
found in this study are
as follows:
Table 6: R
and R
PI 0,754 0,751
T 0,772 0,769
Source: Processed Data (2022).
represents the coefficient of determination for the
endogenous construct. Based on the strength of the
relationship, R
may vary from 0.67 (very strong) to
0.33 (moderate) to 0.19 (weak), as stated by Chin
(2010), According to this research, the R2 value of e-
servicescape on trust is 0.772, and the R2 value of
trust on purchase intent is 0.754. (See table. 7.) Both
R square values are higher than 0.600, indicating a
strong connection between e-servicescape and trust
and between trust and purchase intentions.
Based on the results, the path coefficient between
e-servicescape (SE) and purchasing intention (PI) is
0.879 with p-values of 0.0000 < 0.05 (See table 7.),
meaning there is a significant relationship between e-
servicescape and purchasing intention. Also, the path
coefficient of correlation between trust (T) and
purchasing intention (PI) is 0,868 with a p-value of
0.0000 < 0.05 (See table 6.), meaning there is a
significant relationship between Trust and purchasing
Table 7: Path Coefficient.
Sample O)
T -
SE -> T 0,879 24,234 0,000
T -> PI 0,868 223,881 0,000
Hypothesis Testing
The results of this study support the first hypothesis
as e-servicescape (SE) affects trust (T) in buying
second-hand and branded bags through Facebook
Live-streaming. Likewise, this study supports the
second hypothesis as trust significantly influences
purchase intention (PI) buying second-hand branded
bags through Facebook live-streaming
This research reveals the effect of e- servicescape
(SE) on millennials' trust (T) to buy second-hand
branded bags through Facebook live- streaming.
These findings are consistent with those of previous
studies by Oebit and Sari (2018), Kurniawati and
Yaakop (2020), and Aprianti and Rachmawati
(2020), which indicate that consumers feel confident
about purchasing products online when the virtual
environment can create consumers positive
impression. It means that e-servicescape is essential
in increasing consumer confidence to buy second-
hand branded bags online. Also, the results of this
research found that there is an impact of trust on
purchasing intentions. The findings of this study
support the previous studies that found the effect of
trust on customers purchasing intentions ( Ling et al.,
2010; Ha et al., 2019) ; (Li, 2007)
According to this study, e-servicescape is a virtual
environment that increases millennials' trust in
purchasing second-hand branded bags through
Facebook live Streamistreamingdition, and a
consumer-positivity view arose because millennials
were impressed by the virtual atmosphere created by
the seller during the live Streamistreamingimpression
makes consumers perceive that the vendor promotes
valued and high-quality products (GUSTIANTO et
al., 2022)
Trust is crucial as buyers and sellers face a high
risk when transacting online (Pavlou, 2003). In
Indonesia, the high rate of fraud, reaching 35% of
total transactions, explains that online transactions are
Buying Intentions for Second-Hand Branded Bags via Facebook Live-Streaming: E-Servicescape, Consumers’ Trust
fraudulent. The frequency with which online
transaction fraud occurs may affect people's trust in
conducting financial transactions over the internet. A
lack of trust may negatively impact online
transactions. A lack of trust could make it hard to do
business online (Wang et al., 2009)
According to the results of this study, e- servicescape
is a significant determinant of increasing consumers'
trust among millennials in buying online. Likewise,
this study also found the effect of trust on millennials
purchasing intentions. Therefore, based on this study,
online sellers need to build millennials'
trust to increase consumer intention to buy second-
hand branded bags through live-streaming. In this
research, creating an e-servicescape may provide a
solution to increase millennial's trust that impacts
their intention to buy second-hand branded bags
through Facebook live-streaming
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Buying Intentions for Second-Hand Branded Bags via Facebook Live-Streaming: E-Servicescape, Consumers’ Trust