Figure 9. Reduction of mass of RRY17 copper anode (Cu)
and corrosion rate of seawater pipe (JIS F-0507)
If you look at the mass reduction value at the JIS F-
0507 seawater pipe cathode in Table 6, it is clear
that the reduction that occurs is very large when
compared to the mass reduction that occurs at the
copper (Cu) RRY17 anode. Steel pipe for seawater
pipe JIS F 0507 is at the top of the table and has the
most negative electrode potential value when
compared to copper (Cu) RRY17. Thus, (Fe) is the
most reactive when compared to (Cu). This causes
the cathode weight reduction (JIS F-0507) to be
greater when compared to the RRY17 copper anode
weight reduction. Likewise with (Al), aluminum has
a more negative electrode potential than copper
which is more positive when compared to (Fe).
When comparing the anode weight reduction value
obtained in the field and the anode weight reduction
value obtained from the formula calculation, it is
seen that there is a difference in the anode weight
requirement value. This happens because the
formula does not take into account the speed of the
sea water (ship speed), while the data in the field
shows that the speed of the sea water greatly affects
the weight requirements of the anode. The higher the
speed of the water (vessel speed), the higher the
anode weight requirement which is used to prevent
the growth of marine growth that causes corrosion.
Corrosion rate of seawater pipe (JIS F 0507) on MT.
Savvy increases with increasing sea speed (ship
speed). At the stop speed (0.0m/s) corrosion rate is
0.07571mm/y, at full speed (6636m/s) corrosion rate
is 0.43851mm/y.
The reduction in the mass of the copper (Cu)
RRY17 electrode is higher or faster in proportion to
the speed of sea water (ship speed). At the stop
position (0.0 m/s) the reduction in the mass of the
electrode (Cu) RRY17 is 0.48 mg and the current at
the electrode is 0.015 Ampere. Meanwhile, at full
speed (6.636 m/s) the reduction in the mass of the
electrode (Cu) RRY17 is 8.0 mg and the current at
the electrode is 0.25 Ampere.
The amount of current density (Cd) depends on
the effect of the environment, maintenance and
coating, in this case the speed of the ship is very
influential because when the ship stops the Cd value
is 157.89 mA/m2 while at full speed Cd is 2652.52
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