the welding process: (1) the weld metal, or fusion
zone, (2) the heat-affected zone, and (3) the
unaffected zone, or base metal. The weld metal is the
part of the joint that has been melted during the
welding process. The heat-affected zone is a region
adjacent to the weld metal that has not been welded but
has changed in microstructure or mechanical
properties as a result of welding heat. The unaffected
material is one that was not sufficiently heated to
change its properties. In welded metals, the
microstructure typically consists of two or more
phases, namely grain boundary ferrite, ferrite
widmanstatten, acicular ferrite, bainit, and
martensite. The acicular ferrite has a random
direction orientation and is intragranular in size.
Typically, acicular ferrite microstructures are formed
around 650°C and have the highest toughness
compared to other microstructures(Abson et al.,
2013). Figure 5a depicts the weld metal microstructure
with an E 6010 electrode. There is a significant
amount of fine bainit and some acicular ferrite (AF).
Figure 5b depicts the microstructure of weld metal
with E7016 electrode, which contains a significant
amount of fine acicular and some minor grain
boundary ferrite (GBF). Acicular ferrite is a
microstructural constituent that is commonly formed
in low alloy steel weld metal deposits and has a direct
impact on mechanical properties, particularly
toughness and hardness (Sumardiyanto et al., 2018;
a b
Figure 5: Microstructure Weld Metal: a.With E 6010
Electrode and b. E 7016 Electrode.
Welding parameters (electrode type and heat input /
welding current) have a significant effect on the
tensile strength, hardness, and impact of the welded
metal on API 5L low carbon steel via SMAW
welding. The optimum tensile strength for welding
metal is produced by the welding electrode E7016 at
110A with 617 MPa, while the lowest value is 554
MPa (decline of 11.4%) for E6010 at 110A, the
optimum hardness is produced by E7016 at welding
current of 110A with 186.9 VHN, while the lowest is
178,4 VH (decline of 4.8%) for E6010 at 110A, and
impact toughness is 1.85Joules/mm2 by E7016 at
110A while the lowest 0.96 J/mm2. SEM
microstructure analysis reveals several phases,
including Acicular Ferrite ( (AF), Grain Boundary
Ferrite (GBF) and Bainite.
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