volume can be balanced computationally, and
predictions can be further translated into applications.
Overall, this research discusses four carbon capture
techniques and relevant materials, specifically
aqueous amines for chemical absorption, zeolites, AC
and MOFs, which are porous materials, for physical
adsorption. The amine method is the mostly used one
in industry nowadays, generally for post-combustion
capture. However, more plants and factories are now
considering to replace aqueous amines with porous
materials. Intense researches have been conducted in
recent decades, which greatly improve properties of
several porous materials for carbon capture
applications. More and more suitable porous
materials have appeared, exhibiting optimized
characteristics. If porous materials are to be used
industrial applications, engineering evaluations are
required and the scaling up of production is also an
issue. In the near future, mature porous materials will
be able to replace present aqueous amines, which will
greatly reduce regeneration costs and save energy.
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