democracy. One of the objectives of empowering
MSMEs based on Article 5 letter (c) of Law Number
20 of 2008 concerning Micro, (Republic Of Indonesia
Law Number 20, 2008:Article 5) Small and Medium
Enterprises is to improving the role of Micro, Small,
and Medium Enterprises in regional development,
creating job opportunities, even distribution,
economic growth, and alleviation of people from
poverty. Meanwhile, digital transformation, also
known as digitization, has changed the way people
communicate and interact with their environment.
(Simon; Fischbach; Schoder, 2017)
Digital transformation is defined as a company's
initiative to use new capabilities by leveraging digital
technology to change an organization's strategy and
operations. Digital transformation is a new concept
that looks different for every company, digital
transformation is closely related to: (Berghaus and
Back, 2016)
1. The use and alignment of digital technology
within a company,
2. Make organizational alteration,
3. Enable activity
4. Create and capture new opportunities and
valuesopportunities and values.
According to Garzoni et al, the four-level
approaches to digital transformation are digital
awareness, digital needs, digital collaboration, and
digital transformation. Meanwhile, according to
Bautista et al, digital transformation is divided into 4
stages, namely analysis, execution, optimization and
big data. (Nasiri; Ukko; Saunila; Rantala, 2020) The
main goal of digital transformation is to redesign the
organization's business through the introduction of
digital technology, achieving benefits such as
increased productivity, reduced costs and innovation.
Successful and consistent digital transformation
requires not only investments in IT artifacts and
infrastructure (e.g. hardware, software, networks,
etc.), but also in strategic, intellectual, structural,
formal and informal, social and cultural dimensions.
Despite the high demand from the industry for a
digital transformation approach, most companies are
not satisfied with their current activities regarding
digital transformation. Digital transformation among
MSMEs ensue the four stages of the digital
technology initiation process, changes in functions
and processes, the management of the resulting skill
gap, and strategic shifts, which are also driven by
managerial cognition, social capital development,
human resource development, and organizational
capacity development. The needs of MSMEs in the
digital transformation processes are varied thus the
content privatization is needed through company size,
sector, and MSMEs, the speed of digital
transformation is actually determined by consumer
demands, the key factor to support SMEs to take
advantage of technological opportunities in
connection with digitalization is the adaptation of
high concepts with demands company specific.
(Jeansson and Bredmar, 2019)
Industry 4.0 and the digital transformation had
major challenges for companies and employees.
Digitalization requires radical changes both in terms
of strategy and in terms of culture within the
company. However, according to Ericson,
implementing digital transformation does not
necessarily require more disruptive and radical
changes in organizational culture and leadership.
Changes, adaptations and innovative business models
that do not involve large investments in new
technologies seem to be quite common among SMEs.
While digitalization can offer great opportunities for
SMEs to enter new markets, the path of digital
transformation remains unclear, and manufacturing
SMEs face major barriers to digital services. (Graf;
Peter; Grivas, 2019)
1. How is Creative Economy Sustainability as an
Alternative Solution to Improve National
Competitiveness in the Digital Age?
2. How the Government Prevents Creative
Economy Instability and Digital
Transformation in Indonesia?
The problems that have been formulated above will
be answered or solved using an empirical juridical
approach. The juridical approach (law is seen as a
norm or das sollen), this research uses legal materials
(both written law and unwritten law or both primary
and secondary legal materials). Empirical approach
(law as a social, cultural reality or das sein), because
this research uses primary data obtained from the
field research. Thus, the empirical juridical approach
in this study is intended to analyze the problem by
combining legal materials (which are secondary data)
with primary data obtained in the field. Thus, the
empirical juridical approach in this study is intended
to analyze the problem by combining legal materials
(which are secondary data) with primary data
obtained in the field, namely about the sustainability