process by disintegrating flocculated ore formations,
it is advisable to exert a spatial effect on the iron ore
slurry including a combination of high-energy ultra-
sound and the pulsed magnetic field of descending in-
The modelling results enable concluding that to
improve quality of ore particles cleaning before flota-
tion, it is advisable to apply a spatial effect to the
iron ore slurry. This includes a combination of high-
energy ultrasound of 20 kHz in the cavitation mode
modulated by high-frequency pulses within 1 MHz-
5 MHz and the pulsed magnetic field of descending
intensity. The next stage involves calculation of char-
acteristics of these effects and determination of the
device parameters to disintegrate flocculated ore for-
mations in the slurry flow on the basis of the ultra-
sonic phased array.
To increase efficiency of magnetite concentrates flota-
tion by disintegrating flocculated ore formations and
cleaning the particle surface, it is advisable to use
nonlinear effects of the high-energy ultrasonic field to
form and maintain cavitation processes and acoustic
flows in the iron ore slurry.
Investigation into cavitation patterns results in de-
pendences obtained to determine optimal frequency
of high-energy ultrasound aimed to maintain cavita-
tion processes in the iron ore slurry depending on pa-
rameters of its components.
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that in order to improve quality of ore particles clean-
ing before flotation, a spatial effect should be ex-
erted on the iron ore slurry, which includes a com-
bination of 20kHz high-energy ultrasound in the cav-
itation mode modulated by high-frequency pulses of
1 MHz-5 MHz and the pulsed magnetic field of de-
scending intensity.
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