vegetation. More specifically, flow velocities were
relatively small and almost constant near the channel
bed up to 0.4 z/h (a position slightly below the top of
short vegetation), and then increased consistently to
1.5 z/h (i.e. the height of the middle vegetation). In
the region above the middle vegetation, the velocity
increased rapidly to the water surface. There are two
distinct reflections: the first one is below the short
vegetation near 0.4 z/h, and the second occurs close
to the top of middle vegetation. Besides, the lateral
variation of mean velocity profile is complex, which
implies that the open-channel flows with completely
submerged multi-layered vegetation are intricate.
More experiments or data would be required for
further understanding.
This work was partly supported by XJTLU via the
research fund (RDF-16-02-02, REF-20-02-03, and
PGRS2012007) and by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (11772270).
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