Community Perception on Waste Management with the 3R Method
and Its Impact on Health Quality at TPS Bumi Asri Selemadeg
Village: A Qualitative Study
Ni Luh Putu Dina Susanti
and Ni Nyoman Nuartini
Department of Magister of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Indonesia
Department of Bachelor of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Public Perception, Waste, 3R, Health.
The Bali islands have problems with high waste production. As an effort to accelerate the handling of this
waste, the Tabanan Regency government has involved all sectors including the government at the village level
by establishing a waste processing site (TPS) in Selemadeg Village. However, not all people have utilized
this TPS optimally. This study intended to further explore this community's perception of the TPS and its
impact on health quality. This study used a qualitative design with an exploratory approach. Data were
collected through in-depth interviews with 10 related informants, analyzed thematically, and presented in
narrative form. This study found that all informants had the perception that waste was a very serious problem
and must be managed properly. This waste problem has a negative impact on environmental health, which
can directly reduce individuals’ and rural communities’ health quality. The role of the community as the main
waste producer is integral to waste management, otherwise known as the 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle). Most
of the informants strongly supported the existence of the TPS as a place for waste processing. All informants
in this study understood that the waste problem must be handled seriously because poorly managed waste can
cause health problems, both in environmental health and individual and community health. This study strongly
supports the TPS as a place for waste management, especially with the 3R method. The community has felt
the positive benefits of this TPS. The government is suggested to continue to facilitate the management of the
TPS to be more optimal.
Bali is one of the islands that has a problem with high
waste production. In addition to the population
density and the use of tools and materials that are at
risk of producing waste, waste in Bali also comes
from the remains of traditional ceremonies that use
leaves, flowers, and fruit a lot. The composition of
waste in Bali shows a ratio of 70% organic waste and
30% inorganic waste. Most of the waste generated at
the household level amounts to 8,300 m3 per day. The
city district with the highest level of waste production
is Denpasar City with a total waste production of
4,620.3 m3 per day or 39.9% of the total waste
generated on the island of Bali. A further problem is
that 30% of the inorganic waste consists of residual
building materials, paper, textiles, glass, metal,
plastic/rubber, and others that take years to
decompose, thus causing environmental pollution
(Gubernur Bali, 2018).
The central government and local governments
have not remained silent in an effort to overcome this
waste problem. Various efforts have been made such
as issuing several regulations and policies related to
environmental health. Important regulations issued
by the central government are Law Number 32 of
2009 on environmental protection and management
and Government Regulation number 66 of 2014
concerning environmental health, which further
discusses environmental management including
waste (Lembaga Negara RI, 2014) and (Presiden RI,
2009). Several other regulations related to
Susanti, N. and Nuartini, N.
Community Perception on Waste Management with the 3R Method and Its Impact on Health Quality at TPS Bumi Asri Selemadeg Village: A Qualitative Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012023800003576
In Proceedings of the 2nd Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences (Bali BICHS 2022), pages 109-115
ISBN: 978-989-758-625-5
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
environmental health are Regional Regulation
Number 1 of 2017 concerning environmental
protection and management and Regional Regulation
Number 5 of 2011 concerning waste management.
This regulates efforts to manage waste as optimally
as possible to protect the environment from pollution
(Gubernur Bali, 2011) and (Gubernur Bali, 2017).
Governor of Bali Regulation Number 16 of 2016
concerns environmental quality standards and
standard criteria for environmental damage. In
general, the contents of this regulation supports all
waste management efforts to create a clean and
healthy environment (Gubernur Bali, 2016).
It turns out that this waste problem was not only
experienced by the city of Denpasar as one of the big
cities in Bali. This was also experienced by all
districts in Bali, especially in the city of Tabanan. To
address this, the Tabanan city government issued
Regent's regulation number 12 of 2020 concerning
household waste processing. As an effort to
accelerate the handling of this waste, the Tabanan
Regency government involved all sectors, including
the government at the village level (Peraturan Bupati
(PERBUP), 2020). One of the participating villages is
Selemadeg Village. In this village, there is already a
waste processing site (TPS), namely TPS Bumi Asri.
This location was selected as the place of research
because it is one of the waste processing sites that
actively processes both organic and inorganic waste,
but the obstacle encountered in the field were that not
all people used this TPS to manage the waste they
produced. There were still some people who
processed their own waste by throwing it in the
garden, burning it, or hoarding it in the vacant land
behind their house. In fact, if processed, this waste
can still be reused, reduced, and recycled (3R) and
can be of economic value. In addition, improper
waste management can potentially affect the area’s
quality of health. This is the reason why this study
dove into the public's perception of waste processing
at TPS Bumi Asri and its impact on the quality of
public health in the village. The purpose of this study
was to find out more about the public's perception of
waste processing at TPS Bumi Asri and what impact
it has had on the quality of public health. This study
is important considering that waste is a health
problem that is quite difficult to handle and requires
cooperation from all parties, especially the
community as the main producer of waste meaning
that efforts to manage it must involve the community
in particular.
This study used a qualitative descriptive method with
an explorative approach. Research was conducted for
two months from July to August 2022. The research
location was TPS Bumi Asri in Selemadeg Village.
The population in this study was the entire Selemadeg
Village community. The purposive sampling
approach was taken. The sample consisted of seven
main respondents and three supporting respondents.
The processing of research permits and ethical tests at
the ITEKES Bali ethics committee began with a
request for a cover letter from the Rector of ITEKES
Bali. A cover letter from ITEKES Bali for ethical
clearance and a research permit to the Head of
Selemadeg Village were obtained. The study was
carried out after the research permit and ethical
clearance were issued. Data collection was done
through in-depth interview guidelines for the seven
main respondents and three supporting respondents
by implementing COVID-19 prevention health
protocols. All research respondents were given an
explanation of the research process before the
interview and given informed consent forms to be
signed. Data processing and data analysis were done
using the colaizzi method (Creswell and Poth, 2018).
After that, categories were formed, grouped into sub-
themes and main themes. The data presentation stage
is in the form of sentence narration to allow accurate
descriptions of the data and analysis results.
The Selemadeg Village in Tabanan Regency is the
location of this study. This is one of the villages in
Tabanan Regency, which topographically is a flat
area with an altitude between 100-150 meters above
sea level. Selemadeg village is located quite far from
the center of the Bali provincial government. Its
distance to Selemadeg District is about 3 km, to the
capital of Tabanan Regency as far as 12 km, and to
the capital city province about 50 km. This village
was inhabited by more than 2,668 people and about
593 families. Selemadeg Village consists of one
service village and four traditional villages with seven
official banjars. Most of the population were farmers.
Before there was a waste processing site in this
village, people used to pile up their waste in gardens
and vacant land behind their houses. This waste was
not segregated, meaningorganic and inorganic waste
Bali BICHS 2022 - The Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences
were mixed. This waste was scattered and difficult to
decompose. In 2019, the plan began to build a 3R
waste processing site (TPS) in Selemadeg Village that
was realized in 2021. This TPS has been running, but
still has many obstacles, especially in terms of the
availability of budget and tools for further waste
3.1 Informants’ Characteristics
The description of the characteristics of the main
informants and supporting informants in this study
include code, age, gender, education and occupation.
The number of informants studied were 10 people
consisting of seven community members, one
informant from the village party, one midwife in
charge of the Selemadeg Village Pustu, and one TPS
Bumi Asri officer.
Table 1: Main Informants of the Selemadeg Village and
TPS Bumi Asri Community’s Characteristics.
Code A
e Gende
Education Occu
R001 65
F Senior
R002 31
M Bachelor
R003 36
M Bachelor
R004 40
M Senior
R005 60
M Junior
R006 55
M Bachelor
R007 40
M Senior
Table 1. The data above shows that the main
informants in this study were over 30 years old with
a minimum educational background of junior high
school. This allowed the main informants to
understand the information that has been received,
especially about waste management with the 3R
method. In terms of education and work data, this
study attempted to explore information from all levels
of education and work as an effort to collect accurate
data and generalize it.
Table 2: Supporting Informants of the Selemadeg Village
and TPS Bumi Asri Community’s Characteristics.
Code Age Gende
Education Occupation
P001 46
M Bachelor
Head Of
P002 59
M Bachelor
Staff of TPS
Bumi Asri
P003 46
F Diploma
Midwife of
the villa
Table 2. This data shows that the supporting
informants had competence in accordance with the
research objectives. This enabled more accurate data
to be obtained when data triangulation was
3.2 Community Perception of Villages
on Waste Problems
All of the main informants considered the waste
problem in their village to be a very serious problem
that must be addressed immediately. If this is not
handled properly, it can lead to more serious
environmental and health problems. The following
are statements by the informants:
“This waste problem is a serious problem in our
village, Ma'am. Especially if there is a traditional
ceremony, which often produces a large amount of
waste; it is very difficult to find a place to dispose of
it. It is very difficult to handle daily waste. Indeed,
many residents have moors. Most of this waste is
piled up in the moors, and if there is time, some of it
is burned. Waste that does not decompose, especially
plastic waste, will be scattered and even pollute the
environment and soil. Especially, when residents start
burning their waste, air pollution will appear, Ma'am.
Like me, personally, I still have a baby; often I am
confused about how to throw away my baby's used
diapers. Waste in the moor is often eaten and carried
everywhere by dogs. I believe this is also a problem
for most of the people in our village.” (R002, R005)
“Currently, this waste problem is still very
difficult to solve in many villages, including in my
village. People still produce a lot of plastic waste and
also waste from household activities. Most of this
waste is still dumped in the moor, and some is also
dumped into the river. That's why the environment
becomes dirty, and water and soil pollution can also
occur. Actually, this is a very important issue to be
addressed.” (R004)
“Before we had this TPS, people usually dumped
their waste into the moor and around their homes.
Because most people have a moor, they do not throw
Community Perception on Waste Management with the 3R Method and Its Impact on Health Quality at TPS Bumi Asri Selemadeg Village:
A Qualitative Study
waste into other people's fields. Even so, the waste in
this moor is just piled up, not sorted and not
processed; most often it is burned, but this can cause
environmental pollution.” (R001)
The main informants’ statements were also
supported by the supporting informants below:
“This waste problem is a very complicated
national issue to be solved. This is not only faced by
urban communities, but also people in rural areas.
The more the population, the more waste production.
This results in fewer landfills. Moreover, we are
aware that people's behavior towards waste
management is still not good. Many do not realize
that this waste can pollute the environment, directly
or indirectly affecting the quality of our health.
Especially in this Selemadeg village, before the
establishment of the 3R TPS, this waste problem
really became a serious problem because of the large
amount of waste produced, especially during
religious ceremonies.” (P001, P002)
“Before the existence of this TPS, the waste
problem in this village was very complicated, Ma'am.
There is a lot of waste production, but there is no
special processing. Many people burn and litter in
gardens or fields near their homes. In my opinion, this
does not solve the problem, but creates a new problem
because the waste is only moved but not processed.
The thing that is more visible is when the waste
sorting has not been maintained. Ma'am, when there
is a religious ceremony, a lot of waste is generated.
Wet waste from food, leaves and flowers left over
from the ceremony are mixed together with plastic
waste.” (P003)
Health includes physical and mental health, which
can be influenced by several factors such as
environmental hygiene factors (Presiden RI, 2009a).
Environmental cleanliness is greatly influenced by
the presence or absence of waste in the environment.
Law number 18 of 2008 states that waste is the
remains of human daily activities and/or natural
processes in solid form. Waste can be divided into
organic and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste
that can easily be decomposed in the environment.
Examples of organic waste are waste from plants and
their products, and waste from animals. According to
the components contained in it, waste is also divided
into biological and chemical waste. Biological waste
is usually easier to decompose than chemical waste
(Presiden RI, 2008). This waste problem needs proper
management considering that, as long as there is a
human life cycle, the waste production will never
decrease. Waste that cannot be decomposed quickly
will accumulate and cause further problems. Research
conducted by Purwaningrum stated that waste
management in Indonesia was still a problem that has
not been handled properly. Waste reduction activities,
both in the community as waste producers and at the
regional level, are still at around 5%; this number
indicates the waste that is disposed of at the final
processing site (TPA), while the landfill area is very
limited. The largest composition of waste in the TPA
apart from organic waste (70%) is inorganic waste,
namely plastic waste (14%) (Purwaningrum, 2016)
and (Ediana, Fatma, and Yuniliza, 2018).
3.3 Problems That Arise due to Waste
Problems and Their Impact on
Health Quality
All informants in this study realized that there were
many problems that have arisen because of this waste
problem. Furthermore, waste problems will have a
negative impact on environmental health, which can
directly reduce the health quality of individuals and
rural communities. Hoarding waste in gardens and
vacant land will not solve the problem, but will create
new problems. This is in accordance with the
statements of the informants below:
“What can be seen is that our environment is very
dirty and unhealthy. Waste is scattered everywhere,
especially household waste that is dumped in the
moor. These are sometimes scraped by chickens and
carried all over the place by dogs. When it rains this
waste is washed away and pollutes the rivers around
the moor. At a certain moment, residents burned their
waste, causing air pollution because of the smoke
from the combustion. This plastic waste sometimes
cannot decompose quickly so that it can pollute and
damage soil and water. In addition, the dirty
environment has become a breeding ground for
mosquitoes and flies as disease spreaders.” (R001,
“Before this waste was processed at the TPS, I can
describe this waste problem as a really complicated
problem that seemed difficult to solve. Every day, we
see food waste, plastic, paper and leaves scattered all
over the place. Especially if there are children
gathering and drinking canned drinks, the can is
usually dumped into a ditch near the stall so that it
clogs the gutter and often becomes a place for puddles
of water for larvae. Sometimes, some people throw
the carcasses of dead animals and used diapers that
still have feces into the sewers, causing a foul smell.
The most difficult thing is that if there is a traditional
ceremony, this waste will pile up and become a place
for flies to gather. I think this is very unhealthy for the
environment we live in. In the past, there have also
been complaints from stakeholders (Hindu saints)
Bali BICHS 2022 - The Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences
who complained about the waste and diapers being
carried away by the river and into Beji (a water source
where Hindu rituals and sacred objects are purified).
This is considered to have polluted the water quality
and the sanctity of this Beji.” (R002, R005, R004)
"The disease outbreak has not yet occurred. There
was once someone who had diarrhea but did not know
the cause either wrong diet or unclean environment.
The problem of dengue fever is seasonal; I do not
know if it has anything to do with the piles of waste
in the gardens and the people's moor. What I believe
is that this waste is one of the risk factors for these
diseases. What I am afraid of is that if this pile of
waste is washed away during the rainy season, it can
block the flow of the river and cause flooding.”
(R003, R007)
The statements of the main informants were in
accordance with the statements of the supporting
informants below:
“The waste that has accumulated in the home
environment is now piling up in the garden or moor.
This waste is not reduced but instead is scattered,
causing a bad smell, especially from household waste.
This rotten waste is often infested with flies. Wet
waste, leftover food, leaves and flowers left over from
the ceremony were mixed together with plastic waste.
Especially during the rainy season, the situation will
get worse, this waste will be washed away by
rainwater, clogging waterways and causing a foul
smell. Fortunately, our village has not been flooded
yet, maybe if the river is clogged, it might be flooded.
If we look at health standards, it is clear that this is
not healthy." (P003)
“Many people still have fields where they throw
their waste and burn some of the waste. But many do
not realize that many of these fields are bordered by
rivers so that the waste scattered on the riverbanks is
sometimes carried away through the river currents
and pollutes the downstream of the river. This is not
in accordance with the slogan we often hear, namely
clean my village without polluting other villages.
Moreover, downstream of this river is a place of holy
water (Beji) which is usually used during religious
ceremonies. Yes, this will obviously damage the
cleanliness and health of the environment as well as
the sanctity of the place.” (P002)
Research related to the impact of waste on human
health was carried out by Mulyati in 2021. This article
explained the importance of knowing about waste
management and its impact on the surrounding
environment. The method used in this study was a
qualitative method, which found that, in addition to
affecting the quality of environmental health, waste
can also cause disease. Diseases that are often
experienced due to improperly managed waste are
diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal worms, malaria,
elephantiasis, and dengue fever (Mulyati, 2021)
and(Wahyudin, Fitriah, and Azwaruddin, 2020).
3.4 The Community’s Role in
Improving Waste Management
All informants in this study realized that the waste
problem was a complicated problem and must be
solved by all parties. This informant also realized that
the community’s role as the main waste producer was
integral in terms of managing this waste from the
household level. The following is as stated by these
“As a community, we are very aware that this
waste problem is our common problem, and we must
solve it together. We are encouraged to collect and
sort this waste into several types of waste, so I did it
well. I prepared three types of trash bins in my house,
namely plastic trash cans, leaf waste and the rest of
ceremonial facilities and kitchen waste buckets. I also
involve all my family members to immediately sort
the waste when disposing of it. I also place trash cans
in strategic places in my house such as the family
room, kitchen and living room. I also always remind
the whole family to always maintain cleanliness and
throw waste in its place.” (R001, R005)
“I have been informed by the TPS staff and also
by the head of the hamlet, so I have already sorted out
my waste at home. Usually we will collect waste into
plastic waste, leaf waste and also wet waste such as
food scraps and kitchen waste. Sometimes we give
wet waste directly to livestock or take it to the garden.
This plastic waste and leaf waste will be taken to the
TPS. Sometimes the waste that we can still use we
reuse such as plastic shopping bags, plastic food
boxes and other items that we can still use.
Sometimes when I go to the market, I often bring my
own shopping bag. I do not get a lot of plastic bags.
In addition to diligently telling all the family to
immediately sort out their waste, I also always
prepare waste cans in several places such as in the
kitchen, living room and family room. We have also
distinguished this waste can between organic and
inorganic waste.” (R002, R004, R007)
The statements of these key informants are also
supported by the following supporting informants:
“We from TPS always try to socialize this waste
management program to the community. We do this
by regularly gathering village leaders. Selemadeg
village consists of four traditional villages and one
official village. At these meetings, we try to provide
education and understanding about the importance of
Community Perception on Waste Management with the 3R Method and Its Impact on Health Quality at TPS Bumi Asri Selemadeg Village:
A Qualitative Study
waste management. We also have tried to encourage
these village leaders to include the waste management
budget in the Village RAB planning, both in the
traditional villages and official villages.” (P002)
"This is already done, Miss. I always try to convey
this to the chairman of the banjar and the residents of
the banjar WA group, during banjar meetings and also
PKK activities so that people no longer throw waste
in the moor and try to sort out their waste. If it has
been sorted, it will be taken to the TPS and further
processed there.” (P001)
“In my opinion, because I am a health worker, I
often talk about the dangers of this waste to the
quality of our health. Usually, I participate in
providing counseling and socialization about the
importance of processing this waste at the integrated
healthcare center.”(P003)
The results of this study were in accordance with
research conducted by Rahmah, et al. (2021) on the
Study of the Impact of Household Waste on
Environment and Economy for District Communities
in Sukarame Bandar Lampung City, which concluded
that it is important to take special actions regarding
awareness for people not to throw household waste
carelessly in order to break the waste’s negative
impact (Rahmah, Sari, and Amrina 2021).
3.5 Community Perceptions and
Expectations of the Waste
Processing Program with the 3R
Method and the Existence of the
TPS Bumi Asri
During the in-depth interviews regarding the public's
perception of the TPS Bumi Asri, most informants
strongly supported the existence of this TPS. This is
as stated by the informants below:
"Fortunately, now there is a TPS; the community
have been directed to sort the waste from the house
into plastic waste, leaf waste, and kitchen waste.
Usually the TPS will pick up trash 1-2 times a month
depending on the amount of waste in the community.
Usually the head of the hamlet will convey this at a
meeting or through WA message about the time for
this waste collection so that community can prepare
their waste before it is taken.” (R001, R004)
“I really support the existence of this TPS.
Although many of us have gardens to dispose of
waste, this waste is not processed, accumulating over
time. The existence of this TPS is very helpful in
overcoming this waste problem, at least someone will
transport waste from the community and manage it at
the TPS. In addition, we have also been asked to
participate in sorting this waste. Waste that we can
still use will be reused. We have also started to reduce
the use of plastic and replaced it with various items.
And the most important thing at this TPS is that the
waste is reprocessed, especially the organic waste.”
(R002, R005)
“The existence of this TPS is very helpful, Ma'am,
especially for people who do not have gardens to
dispose of their waste. Sometimes we are confused
about where to take our trash. For those who own a
moor, this is also very useful because the waste that
is piled up in the moor without being processed will
multiply and will be difficult to decompose.” (R003,
“This TPS is very good for waste management in
our village, Ma'am. This is clearly seen, in the past
people still littered, but now it has started to be well-
organized. Although this TPS is still new, it can still
run quite well. Yes, there are still many obstacles but
it is running, ma'am. Now, the waste has been taken
to the TPS to be sorted and managed by TPS
The statements of the main informants were also
supported by the supporting informants who also
agreed with their opinion, as stated by supporting
informants below:
"In 2019, the village government proposed a
waste processing site, and fortunately it was
approved; this Bumi Asri TPS was then established.
Yes, even though it has not been operating optimally,
it can help reduce the pile of waste in Selemadeg
village. This is very important because until now
there are still many people that do not care about the
waste problem and its impact on health. At this TPS,
we try to manage waste in a way known as the 3R
(reuse, reduce and recycle). When we have
outreached to the community, we have conveyed to
be able to reuse items that are still fit for use, reduce
the use of plastic bags. If it is true that it cannot be
used anymore, it will be just thrown away, and we
will sort it back at the TPS.” (P001, P002)
But fortunately there is now this TPS, so this
waste problem seems to be starting to see a bright spot
in terms of management. Moreover, since the 3R TPS
system was developed, the community has been
asked to sort their waste at the household level; later
at the TPS, further sorting can be carried out
immediately.” (P003)
A person's perception of an object or event greatly
influences how a person behaves towards the object
or event. One of the theories that is often used to
analyze a person's perception and behavior is the
Theory of Planed Behavior presented by Icek Ajzen
in 2017. This theory is a development of the Theory
Bali BICHS 2022 - The Bali Biennial International Conference on Health Sciences
of Reasoned Action proposed by Icek Ajzen in 1980
(Ajzen, 2005) and (Ajzen, 2017).
All informants in this study understood that the waste
problem is a problem that must be taken seriously.
Poorly managed waste can cause environmental,
individual, and community health problems, which
can directly reduce health quality. All of these
informants strongly agreed with the existence of TPS
as a place for waste management, especially with the
3R method. The community has experienced positive
benefits from the existence of this TPS directly
related to environmental cleanliness, disease
prevention, changes in clean and healthy living
behavior, and the economic value obtained from
reprocessed waste. The government is advised to
continue to facilitate the TPS management to be more
Ajzen, I. 2005. “Attitudes, Personality, and Behavior (2nd.
Edition).” Milton-Keynes, England: Open University
Press / McGraw- Hill.
———. 2017. “Theory of Planned Behavior with
Background Factors.”
Creswell, john W, and Cheryl N Poth. 2018. SAGE
publication Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design.
Choosing among Five Approaches 4th Edition.
Ediana, Dina, Fitria Fatma, and Yuniliza Yuniliza. 2018.
“Analisis Pengolahan Sampah Reduce, Reuse, Dan
Recycle (3R) Pada Masyarakat Di Kota Payakumbuh.”
Jurnal Endurance 3(2): 195.
Gubernur Bali. 2011. “Perda No. 5 Tahun 2011
(Pengelolaan Sampah).”
———. 2016. “Peraturan Gubernur Bali No.16 Tahun 2016
(Baku Mutu Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kriteria Baku
Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup).”
———. 2017. “Perda No. 1 Tahun 2017 (Perlindungan Dan
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup).”
———. 2018. Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Krama Bali
Sejahtera. Denpasar.
Lembaga Negara RI. 2014. “Peraturan Pemerintah
Republik Indonesia Nomor 66 Tahun 2014 (Kesehatan
Mulyati. 2021. “Dampak Sampah Terhadap Kesehatan
Lingkungan Dan Manusia.”
Peraturan Bupati (PERBUP). 2020. “Peraturan Bupati
(PERBUP) No. 12 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perubahan
Kedua Atas Peraturan Bupati Nomor 68 Tahun 2017
Tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah
Nomor 6 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah
Rumah Tangga Dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah
Presiden RI. 2008. “Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia
No.18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengolahan Sampah.”
Phys. Rev. E (1).
———. 2009a. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia
Nomor 36 Tahun 2009.”
———. 2009b. “UU RI No.32 Tahun 2009 (Perlindungan
Dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup).”
Purwaningrum, Pramiati. 2016. Upaya Mengurangi
Timbulan Sampah Plastik Di Lingkungan.” Indonesian
Journal of Urban and Environmental Technology 8(2):
Rahmah, Naila Aulia, Novita Sari, and Dania Hellin
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