CLS rejects the notion that law is separate from
political, economic, social and cultural elements as
conceptualized by Hans Kelsen with his theory of
the pure theory of law, which craves the law to be
free from non-legal elements such as politics,
economics. , social and others. On the other hand,
CLS assumes that the law is always intervened by
interests outside the law so that the law is never
neutral and objective. This means that law cannot be
separated from politics because law is not formed in
a value-free vacuum. In addition, CLS does not
believe in the neutrality of the judge's decision.
Judges who are echoed by the flow of legal realism
have also not been able to provide justice because
their decisions may not be objective because they
are influenced by their background in life
(Rahmatullah, 2021).
CLS challenges theories, doctrines or principles
such as legal neutrality, legal autonomy, and the
separation of law from politics. For example, CLS
criticizes equality before the law (equality before the
law). This principle is a principle that contains
equality before the law from an ideal of a state of
law. CLS adherents suspect this idiom because every
law-making process is so elitist that it often only
benefits the elite and harms the lower strata.
Sinoidh Douglas Scott explained that the study
of law must use an interdisciplinary approach. He
has idealism in learning law to be meaningful by
fighting hegemony. The current legal approach,
according to Scott, is more to strengthen the ratio,
science and deduction. Laws with this approach
began to fade. The study of the law should bring
awareness of knowledge to the power that exploits
and oppresses (Douglas, 2013: 8).
Scott thinks that law in the modern era needs to
be identified and understood in certain attributes.
Those attributes are; trust and legal autonomy,
identification of law as state law and law
systematized into the legal system. In the
contemporary post-modern era, law is more difficult
to identify, because the law is spread out with a
more plural character. Meanwhile, the relationship
between the state and the law has become less
harmonious. The reason is that capitalism
perpetuates itself and changes all ideologies that
contradict it (Scott, 380).
This school considers that legal products in the
form of laws and their derivatives must be criticized.
This is a condition for the existence of the law itself.
In addition to being a requirement for every
formation of state legal products, CLS can also carry
out its role as a means of control for the community
over the state. Control of the checks and balances
mechanism is the target of the CLS flow. This role is
carried out by independent civil society institutions,
NGOs, state institutions, both national and
international to supervise, monitor, and evaluate
state legal policies that are considered to deviate
from the goals of the nation and state. The state must
accept a different opinion, or a different view of
what the state is doing. The goal is to help the
country see from the outside if there are still
deficiencies that need to be corrected.
The CLS stream also pays attention to
discrimination. Discrimination occurs because of
domination. The general dominance is male over
female. With this dominance, the law does not
provide protection for women's rights. The legal
equation that is considered utopian by the CLS
school can also occur, but quite the opposite.
Discrimination can occur in boys. Different
treatment occurs when there is a crime of sexual
intercourse and obscenity. Boys are certainly wrong
and their rights are not protected. The CLS stream
can see this as discrimination. Court decisions can
be criticized if there are acts of discrimination
against boys.
The culture of violence against women in the
form of rape is considered as an effort to maintain
the symbol of male gender domination over women.
Men dominate women. This becomes the ideology,
structure and law of a society. Louise Newman calls
this condition a rape culture. The female body
becomes the object of male violence (Newman,
2021: 12). The term rape culture, according to Jan
Jordan, has been around since the early 1970s. This
term became a theoretical construction of the second
wave of the 1970s feminist movement (Jordan,
2023: 17).
Does rape only happen to women, because of
thoughts and violence in the name of patriarchy?
The answer is no. There are a number of rapes
committed by women against men. Shia LaBeouf, an
artist and director in the United States, was raped by
a woman. Inna Levi's survey of 505 comments about
the incident showed that 55% thought it was the
victim's fault, 35% supported that rape could happen
to men and 10% were mixed (Levi, 2018). This
study shows that there are still many people who
think it is impossible to rape men. If that happens,
then the blame is on the man as revealed by Inna
The contradictions of the three laws in defining
children and the minimum age for sexual consent
and marriage are problematic. The Criminal Code
and the Marriage Law override the Child Protection
Act in interpreting a case of sexual crimes against