Since the beginning of the development of legal
theory and philosophy, especially since the teachings
of legal ideals (idee des recht) developed by Gustav
Radbruch as quoted by Sudikno Mertokusumo, it is
stated that there are 3 (three) elements of legal ideals
that must exist proportionally, namely legal certainty
(rechssicherkeit), justice (gerechtikeit), and
expediency (zweckmasigkeit). (Sudikno
Mertokusumo, 1999:88). The three elements of the
above legal objectives should receive proportional
and balanced attention. However, in practice it is not
always easy to get all three to appear in a balanced
way. (Sudikno Mertokusumo dan A. Pitlo, 1993: 2).
Rooftop PLTS is the process of generating
electricity using photovoltaic modules, which are
placed on roofs, walls, or other parts of buildings
owned by PLN customers. The benefits of installing
rooftop PLTS include saving on electricity bills for
PLN customers, new renewable energy applications
replacing fossil energy, helping to reduce the impact
of climate change because it is more
environmentally friendly. (Kementerian Energi dan
Sumber Daya Mineral, 2020).
In accordance with article 5 paragraph 1
(Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral
Resources of the Republic of Indonesia No. 49 of
2018 concerning the Use of Rooftop Solar Power
Generation Systems by Consumers of PT. PLN
(Persero), 2018), it is stated that "The capacity of the
rooftop PLTS system is limited to at least high 100%
(one hundred percent) of the connected power of PT.
PLN (Persero)”. The main benefit of installing
rooftop PLTS by PLN customers is electricity
savings, because electricity using a rooftop PLTS
system will reduce the number of kWh of electricity
that PLN subscribes to each month. Meanwhile, the
export scheme of excess kWh of electricity from PV
mini-grid customers to the PLN network is not
intended for commercial buying and selling of
electricity, but as a backup for electricity savings
that can only be accumulated for 3 months. The
electricity reserve in the calculation of PLN's
electricity bill is only 65% of the PLN's basic
electricity tariff (TDL). (Handoko Bayu & Jaka
Windarta, 2021: 131)
Regarding PLTS Roof, the Minister of Energy
and Mineral Resources Regulation No.26/2021
concerning Rooftop Solar Power Plants that are
connected to the Electric Power Network is
regulated by the holder of a Business Permit for the
Provision of Electricity for Public Interest,
hereinafter referred to as MEMR Regulation
No.26/2021. ESDM Ministerial Regulation No. 49
of 2018 which revised the scope of the rules
regarding PLTS Roofs. The main substance of the
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Regulation Number 26 of 2021 is:
1. The terms of export of electricity kWh are
increased from 65% to 100%.
2. Excess accumulated difference in claims is
eliminated, extended from 3 months to 6 months;
3. The application period for Rooftop PLTS is
shorter (5 days without an adjustment to the
Electricity Purchase Agreement (PJBL) and 12
days with an adjustment to the PJBL);
4. Application-based service mechanism for the
convenience of submitting applications,
reporting, and supervising the PLTS Rooftop
5. The opening of carbon trading opportunities
from Rooftop PV mini-grid;
6. Availability of the PLTS Rooftop Complaint
Center to receive complaints from PLTS Rooftop
customers or IUPTLU holders; and
7. Expansion of regulation not only for PLN
customers but also for customers in non-PLN
Business Areas (IUPTLU holders)
This change is certainly an improvement in the
direction of the national energy policy that should be
appreciated. However, so far, this regulation has not
been implemented properly. One of the reasons is
because the Government is still considering the
impact on the PLN electricity system.
In fact, with the intensification of the Rooftop
PLTS program, quite a lot of people are interested in
installing it. The community in this case is industry
players and non-industrial communities (household
electricity consumers). Considering that it can save
on electricity usage and financing, Rooftop PLTS
can be a cheap, clean, and sustainable energy
alternative. However, when in the field there is a
confusion of information and unclear authority
between PLN and the government, it is ultimately
the people who are harmed.
This needs to be looked at in depth regarding
Indonesia's involvement in the Paris Agreement. G-
20 countries including Indonesia in the energy sector
agreed and took action steps for energy efficiency.
Therefore, in order to support energy efficiency, the
Rooftop PLTS program is a means of creating a fair,
affordable and safe transitional energy. The Paris
Agreement as the latest international legal
instrument in the environmental field adopted by
Indonesia determines quantitative guidelines for
each member country in terms of reducing the
amount of emissions, by converting from fossil-