late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China were
mainly the Warlord Conflict in the 1920s and the
Great War in the Central Plains in 1930s, so the first
two sample periods were not affected by major wars.
As for the sample period of 1930s, the data are mainly
taken from 1933-1937, when the society has basically
restored stability, and the impact of war can be largely
ignored. Of course, the situation was very different
across the country in different periods, and the
stability of the provincial political situation was also
different, and these effects are controlled for in the
econometric model through time fixed effects. In the
three periods, pre1905 is the control period in which
the province was unaffected by the railroad, and each
subsequent period has additional areas open to traffic.
If these areas are divided into different experimental
groups by period - for example, the 1930s opening
group is the areas opened between 1910 and 1930 -
then there will be different experimental and control
groups for different periods, and the short- and long-
term effects of each group can be compared.
At the same time, a more detailed examination of
the specific situation in the experimental group is
necessary in the context of the actual operation of the
railroad. Among them, the presence or absence of
stations and the number of stations in the same
railroad passing area will affect the role of the
railroad. For example, Zhengzhou is located in the
node of the Ping-Han, Longhai Railway, the
transportation location advantage to highlight, the
railroad has become a booster of its development. Not
only that, the industrial structure of different places,
the degree of dependence on the railroad is also
different. (Beijing-Han railroad is located in the main
north-south traffic route, and there are Zhengtai,
Yangluo and Daoqing railroads as branch lines, the
source of goods is wider. The main cargoes
transported by this railroad were "coal and grain",
while coal was the bulk of the transportation in the
northern section, accounting for about half of the
passenger and cargo traffic, and coal produced by
Lincheng coal mine, Jinglong coal mine and coal
mines in Shanxi were directly or indirectly
transported by this railroad. (The main suppliers of
these coals were Beijing, Tianjin and the areas along
the Beijing-Han railroad.) For example, coal
transportation was particularly dependent on the
railroad. Chen Kang mentions that the opening of the
Daoqing Railway provided a cheap way to transport
coal and greatly reduced transportation costs, causing
the price of coal produced in Jiaozuo to drop sharply
in the market. Based on these considerations, the
model is further set as follows.
1980s 1980s
1910 1910
( ) + rail station + rail coal
it p pit p pi t
ps ps
Interest rate cont railp railp
year count y X
Where, p represents the group of through traffic;
railp: a dummy variable for the p-period through
traffic, and also introduces its first-order lag term to
examine the long-term impact of the railroad; station:
station density; coal: a dummy variable with coal
companies. The rest is the same as (1).
To examine the relationship between railroads and
financial markets based on the model in the previous
section, this paper compiles panel data on the socio-
economy of Henan region from the late 19th century
to the early 20th century. Among them, the sample
period is divided into three periods before 1905
(pre1905), before and after 1910 (1910s), and 1930s
(1930s) as mentioned before. The sample is observed
in counties, and there are 111 counties according to
the administrative division of Henan in the 1930s.
3.1 Railway Data
Railroads are the explanatory variables of most
interest in this paper. The development of railroads is
well documented in various transportation histories,
which facilitates the compilation of this data. The
approach of this paper is to set each county to 1 after
the opening of the railway, so as to obtain the dummy
variable for each opening group. Considering the
time required for the impact of railroad opening, we
put the counties opened to traffic in the first decade
of the 20th century into the 1910s opening group, so
pre1905 is a pure control group not affected by the
Due to the limitation of information, the
quantitative indicators such as the mileage of
railroads in each county and the degree of coverage
are not considered. However, what can better reflect
the degree of railroad development in a place is its
station setting status, because the railroad only stops
and carries passengers and goods at the station, and
the setting of railroad stations in the early days was
mainly restricted by exogenous factors such as
location. The Railway Yearbook records in detail the
status of stations of different railroads, including the
time when each station was set up and the time when
the station was converted into a post. Based on this,
this paper collates the number of stations owned by
each county by period and by railroad line. For
example, the number of stations in Zheng County in