awareness of the environment and promote the devel-
opment and utilization of opportunities and resources
by combining entrepreneurial orientation and market
orientation. On the other hand, the improvement of
opportunity-resource integration of start-ups helps to
improve entrepreneurial performance.
5.2 Research Significance
From the perspective of academic research, firstly,
this paper enriches the research on opportunity-re-
source integration. Most of the existing studies on op-
portunities and resources are based on a single per-
spective of opportunities or resources (Fan, 2021).
The existing research on opportunity-resource inte-
gration is mainly based on concept and dimension
discussion, and lacks in-depth research on oppor-
tunity-resource integration entrepreneurial behavior.
Secondly, it enriches the existing theoretical system
of entrepreneurship research. By sorting out the exist-
ing literature and analyzing the actual situation of
start-ups, this paper studies the impact of strategic ori-
entation interaction on start-up entrepreneurial per-
formance through opportunity-resource integration
by constructing the theoretical model of ' orientation-
process-performance ' of start-ups.
From a practical point of view, through the study
of the impact of the interaction between entrepreneur-
ial orientation and market orientation on the entrepre-
neurial performance of start-ups, start-ups are guided
to make strategic choices. Secondly, through the
study of the mediating effect of opportunity-resource
integration, this paper explores the mechanism of the
interaction between entrepreneurial orientation and
market orientation on the entrepreneurial perfor-
mance of start-ups, guides start-ups to pay attention
to the characteristics of dual channels of opportunities
and resources, and coordinates and integrates the two,
so as to win competitive advantages and achieve
high-quality development of enterprises.
5.3 Research Limitations
Although this study reveals the mechanism of the in-
teraction between entrepreneurial orientation and
market orientation, opportunity-resource integration
on the relationship between entrepreneurial perfor-
mance of start-ups, the proposition is novel and inno-
vative, but there are still some shortcomings.
First, the nature of data is limited. This paper is a
study of cross-sectional data, and the sample size is
relatively small, there are some defects in the support
of causality. If longitudinal large sample data can be
obtained, it can provide more powerful empirical sup-
port for the interaction between entrepreneurial orien-
tation and market orientation, the relationship be-
tween opportunity-resource integration and entrepre-
neurial performance of start-ups; second, the limita-
tions of research variables. This paper only focuses
on enterprise-level factors such as strategic orienta-
tion and opportunity-resource integration behavior,
and does not examine the impact of external environ-
mental dynamic factors such as market volatility,
competition intensity, and technological changes.
Therefore, the determinants of entrepreneurial perfor-
mance cannot be completely excluded.
This research was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant
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